[5e IC] Tabula Rasa, Chapter III

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« Reply #15 on: <02-16-15/1503:33> »
Katsina listens to Ace, wondering how much misinformation to correct. Perhaps it is not surprising that a corper would have limited exposure to the topic, except what he might have seen on the trid late at night.

"I can be out right now because of the mask and because all of my skin is covered. When we were out earlier I was wearing all of this under the disguise of a Mask spell." She pauses and thinks. "I can return to that appearance if it makes people more comfortable."

She turns her head slightly to Ace, and stops raising her voice. It's hard to hear over the wind.

"I think you knew. Before."


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« Reply #16 on: <02-16-15/1519:52> »
The decker/medic starts to think about what he knows about HMHVV, and it's quite a bit.  He starts asking questions before he's really taken the time to organize his thoughts.
"Do you remember which strain you are infected with?  And how can you be sure you are infertile?  Also, it seems you remember a lot more than most of us do, but are claiming to be effected the same way we are.  What else do you know about the oblisk/idol artifact?  This is begging a lot more questions than it answered."  Doc stops talking long enough to think a little more on what's said.
"Assuming you're memories are as swiss cheese as mine are, I'd like to run a few tests just to make sure none of us are in danger of becoming infected.  I'm also very curious as to what kind of insight you might have on the nanites, and how they would/could effect you."
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« Reply #17 on: <02-16-15/1550:23> »
Katsina listens to the barrage of questions from Doc. Internally, she wishes she didn't have to answer them, but she also knows that questions are a better sign than bullets. Questions lead to understanding, understanding leads to acceptance, and acceptance might just improve everyone's odds of survival.

"I don't have any of my short term memories. I don't know what the obelisk is, I don't what the nanites are doing, I don't know who any of you are, and I don't know how we ended up in a van upside down together. I have flashes of my long-term memory, but they're like the hazy recollection of a dream after you wake up.

"I am guessing that my healing power is keeping the nanites at bay. If I were infectious, it might be a potential cure for the nanites, but I would not wish the infection on anyone."
She bows her head slightly. "I wish I were not."

She thinks about the request for a test, then nods to agree.

"I have Strain I. A test would be reasonable."


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« Reply #18 on: <02-17-15/0216:55> »
Ohanzee listens quietly as the dialog continues. He was happy that it had remained a conversation and not a more violent encounter. The air was being cleared, and that was enough. He wasn't sure she was being entirely truthful, but neither was anyone else, it seemed, and he was content to let them - especially Doc, who seemed to have the most knowledge about Infected - keep her honest. It freed him to ponder other things that weighed heavy on him.

Again he counted the parties pursuing them, trying to categorize them. The PCC and the organized crime in Aspen were unknowns - likely they had no hard information on who Ohanzee and his team were, and might even be entirely unaware of the larger number of infractions they had committed. The mob probably still didn't know the hunters were dead, and so far likely just assumed they had failed to deliver or sold to another bidder or something. The PCC also likely had little clue about the hunters and might or might not suspect arson for the Moran residence - it had been choreographed to appear somewhat natural, so it depended on how much effort they put into the investigation. And with the larger string of crimes going on, it might only get a cursory investigation. The Natelys' abduction might never get reported if, as Ace surmised, they belonged to some secret handshake organization. The front company they worked for would probably keep it hush-hush as part of some damage control and if they ran into the PCC at the RV, it's likely that the PCC would focus on them rather than the actual abductors, all of which assumed that the team that had attacked them on the road didn't end up taking the fall.

He gave the odds of the mob pursuing them as nearly zero and the odds of the PCC giving chase as better than even.

Which brought him to the attackers - both teams. The first team were obviously attempting to recover the artifact. If Ohanzee's team could identify them, then they would likely know who they stole the artifact from. The second team seemed to be after Katsina and if her assessment of them was correct, they worked for the Black Lodge. Ohanzee knew of them only by reputation - whispers on the street. Some Awakened organization bent on nothing short of world domination, or some such. Hopefully Katsina would have more information or Doc could turn something up.

The spirits watching Sam's house were another unknown. Did they belong to one of the other already considered parties, or were they yet another group who wanted bad things for Ohanzee and the others? Considering they knew enough to know where Sam lived, he suspected it might even be the people that Sam - and by extension the rest of Blue Team - worked for. Which potentially limited their options for dumping the artifact safely.

The artifact. Gloria had belonged to the Atlantean Foundation, which Ohanzee knew considerably more about, as heavily involved in magical artifacts as they were. They would certainly be interested in what the team was transporting, though it wasn't unlikely that they might also be who the team stole the artifact from to begin with.

Lastly, we have the Nately's security team. Again, depending on how things went at the RV, they might think that the abductors were dead and give up the chase. Or the PCC might keep them too busy to give chase. Or they might get together and compare notes and then combine their resources and come at us.

They needed answers, but more than that they needed distance. You can't necessarily outrun your problems, but when staying and fighting isn't an option, running is at least a good delaying tactic. If they could cross the border in to the UCAS side of Denver, it might at least make the PCC less of an issue. And if they could lay low long enough, maybe the other parties would lose interest. They'd been as careful as they could, cleaning up and burning as much evidence as they could, so hopefully with a little distance, the trail would run cold for at least some of their pursuers.

But crossing borders carried its own risk. First, they needed a car they didn't hijack. If he could find a fixer in Carbondale, or if one of his contacts could put him in touch with someone there, they might be able to borrow a ride to Denver. But at the border they'd have to show ID. Were any of their IDs burned? What about Doc and Chino, who didn't even have IDs? Ohanzee didn't know much about smuggling other than that it was likely expensive.

In either case, they'd have to start making calls soon if they were going to get any support in Carbondale. But the conversation at hand was necessary, cathartic even, and he resolved to let it go in for at least a little longer before moving on to other pressing issues. Until the sun went down, they weren't going to see behind the mask and even as tired as they all were, it was unlikely she'd be able to get away with blatant dishonesty in a van full of hardened runners. Mostly, it was having to read between the lines and look for willful omission.

But at least she had come clean about being a vampire. Or she had admitted to that in order to hide something worse, but that was too paranoid even for Ohanzee. But something still bothered Ohanzee. She had come clean about being a vampire, but there was still missing pieces to how she came to be a part of Red Team.

"I still don't know who you are. What you are, sure, but how did you come to be a part of this team? We've all retraced our steps over the days leading up to yesterday, with varying levels of success. Most of us have chosen to share that information with the others, again, to varying degrees. But not you. Do you truly have no information of interest on your commlink?"
Speech Thought Matrix/Text Astral


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« Reply #19 on: <02-17-15/1200:33> »
"I still don't know who you are. What you are, sure, but how did you come to be a part of this team? We've all retraced our steps over the days leading up to yesterday, with varying levels of success. Most of us have chosen to share that information with the others, again, to varying degrees. But not you. Do you truly have no information of interest on your commlink?"

"Careful now, Ohanzee," Ace warns.  "What you're talking about here in an information differential between these . . . groups of ours.  Now, I don't know what that means in your line of work, but where I come from it means one thing: somebody is about to take a dive, and someone else is about to take their turn in the sun.  Not eight hours ago, I trusted this team with information that could've led to bloodshed, and I don't even know how those spirits got a bead on us.  So, you want to ask Katsina about her commlink, that's fine.  I'd like to know myself, but I need you to know that I haven't had much in the way of assurances from you people, and that puts me on the brink of being scared.  So far, you've seen me nervous.

"What I'm saying is, you can ask your questions, but how about you throw a little information this way too, eh?"


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« Reply #20 on: <02-17-15/1407:53> »
Katsina turned to the dwarf. If there's a look of pique on her face, it's hidden behind her mask. If there's annoyance in her aura, the dwarf is too woozy to pick up on it. She continues to speak up over the wind and the flapping blankets as the Bulldog shoots up the highway toward Carbondale.

"I've shared the same as I've received, which is nothing. I don't know who you are, how you came to be a part of this team, or what's on your commlink. In that regard, we are even."

She feels a niggling sensation in the back of her brain. A follower of Hecate must give help whenever it is asked. She's pretty sure she could tell the dwarf to get stuffed in this situation, but it would be more helpful to be forthcoming.

"I don't know how Red Team formed. I don't know how or when Red Team crossed paths with Blue Team. I don't know if we're your backup or your competition. Whatever we were before, I think it's safe to say that we're Purple Team now.

"On my commlink I have one contact whom I believe to be friendly. She told me to look for Ace in Aspen. I have not had an opportunity to follow up with her yet. I planned to do so from the cabin before we were forced to evacuate. I will be happy to do so once we get settled someplace.

"Also, I have photos of mountains. Lots of photos. I don't recognize them. They might be recon for the job, or they might be sightseeing from my last trip to Romania." You can't quite tell if she's being sarcastic about the Romania part.

She gives Ace a look and a hissing sigh that may or may not be audible over the wind. She turns and looks out the window again, pulling the blanket tightly around her.


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« Reply #21 on: <02-17-15/1739:16> »
Without a word, Sam begins composing two messages on his comm. Once they're both complete, he gives the mental orders to send the first one to Ace and Katsina, and store the second one for later.

<<@Ace, Katsina [Uncle Sam] I've already sent a copy of all these files to the others. Now you have them. You know everything I know, which is nothing.>>
  << Send File/s: TheWholeShebang>>

Once he's verified that both files have been sent, he announces loudly over the wailing wind, "I'm taking a nap! Unless we're in peril, leave me be!" before pulling the collar of his jacket up as high around his face as he can get it, slumping down in his seat and leaning his head down, nodding along with the bumps in the icy road.
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #22 on: <02-17-15/1755:09> »
"I've shared everything I know about myself. I have a couple of contacts that don't seem relevant - I have no contact with them, just a name and a commcode. One's a fixer and one's a talismonger. I've shared them with Doc only so that he could find out more information on them. I'm keeping more detail than that to myself only because they may be my last link to my past and until I have a better grip on what's happening - and who I can trust - I don't want them ending up dead like Gloria did. If I had any conversations with them I would share the content of those conversations, but I don't."

"So you were sent to Aspen to find Ace. Ace was company man that changed sides. Any indication as to what you were to do when you found him? Eliminate him? Help him find the person he was sent to find? Any idea how APB fit into all of this?"

He waits for Katsina to answer, then moves on.

"I agree with Ace, we have too many secrets in this group, and it is putting us all at risk. I can't compel anyone to share info," he glances darkly at Katsina as he mentions coercion, "but I strongly recommend it. The sooner you share, the better it is likely to be received. If you wait until it gets someone killed, you're much less likely to walk away from the ensuing 'conversation'".

"You claim I've shared nothing with you, but you seem to forget that I told everyone about Gloria, including my interpretation of events leading up to the events of last night. Other than two nondescript contacts, that's everything I know about my past. As to my present, I am what I appear. I don't know anything significant about myself that all of you do not."

"I'd like to request that you forward your pictures and contact information to Doc once he is up and running again so that he can see where those pictures are from and if your contact has any info on line we might find useful - affiliations, etc, as well as if she has had anything newsworthy happen to her recently."

"Also, you say that the obelisk may be 'the new fire', whatever that means. What does that mean? Is there anything you know - or think you know - about the artifact that you haven't shared with the group?"
Speech Thought Matrix/Text Astral


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« Reply #23 on: <02-17-15/1947:16> »
"So you decided that your contacts aren't relevant and don't wish to share them, but you want us to share all our contacts with you? So that you can decide if they're relevant or not? Do I have that about right?"

Is she shouting to make herself heard or is she getting that annoyed? She looks out the window and shakes her head to herself.

"I don't know why I was looking for Ace. After I found Ace, we were looking for APB. I don't know why either, but given that we somehow met up with you it seems clear that we were going after the obelisk too, either cooperatively or independently.

"Here are the photos I have," she says peevishly, uncovering her arm from the warmth of her blanket to throw an ARO at Ohanzee and Doc. There are pictures of forests, of natural formations, of various plants and mountain areas. There are an awful lot of pictures of the mountains. The time codes suggest these were taken a few weeks ago, although GPS tagging appears to have been disabled at the time. "I'm keeping my contacts as long as you're keeping yours.

"And the 'new fire' is a metaphor," she says with the most condescension she can muster. She mumbles something under her breath that sounds like mkkng mrkhn in the wind. "It's a figure of speech that identifies something as being the same as some unrelated thing, for rhetorical effect, thus highlighting the similarities between the two."

Katsina grits her teeth behind her mask. Hecate admonishes her. You must make allowances for the lesser-witted, dear. He is hurt, tired, and confused from his reckless oversummoning. Try to be patient with the little pulă. Katsina nods to Hecate - but to herself by everyone else's account - and resolves to be more patient.

"I've said what I know about the obelisk. It's old. Five thousand, maybe ten thousand years old. I don't know what it's for or why anyone would want it, other than the obvious rarity of Fourth World artifacts. What I do know is if the Black Lodge wants it, then it's not something they should have. But nor is it anything that any of us want. Let's find a buyer and be rid of it. If people want it this badly then we don't need to smuggle it into Denver: they will come to us. Maybe the right buyer can get us our memories back. Let's figure out who to contact, how, what to ask for, and where to safely meet. Let's do it before we get geeked or geek each other."

She scans the list of vehicles that Doc gathered.

"In the meantime, let's not freeze to death. I vote for the bus - plenty of room to spread out." It's clear she'd like some space.


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« Reply #24 on: <02-17-15/2019:36> »
Ohanzee speaks as calmly as he can considering the noise from the wind. "No, I decided that since I had no communication with my contacts that there was no useful information to share. Again, if there had been communication, I would have shared that, if not contact details. That is all I am asking of you. I have suggested that you share your contacts with Doc, again, as I have done, so that he can perform matrix searches for relevant information. If APB were still with us, I would have been fine with you sharing them with her instead, but we do not have that luxury. I am not asking you to do anything - ANYTHING - I have not already done myself."

Ohanzee ignores her jab about metaphors. Metaphor or no, something as transformative as fire is rare, even amongst 4th world artifacts. Assigning such importance to it was undue without more information than she had shared. But it was obvious that she would share no more. Reluctantly, he let the topic drop.

As for smuggling it into Denver, perhaps she had a point.

"As for vehicles, I think it may be time to change up our MO. Instead of stealing vehicles - or carjacking them - as we have done previously, I think we should reach out to the shadow community here and see if we can borrow a vehicle from a willing party. If our pursuers are looking for burned husks, they will miss the much softer trail of an underworld deal. I think it is time that we reach out to any contacts we can trust - or try to learn which ones we can trust if there aren't yet any - and see if they can put us in touch with a local fixer or chop shop that can give us a clean car for the trip to Denver."

"However, some of us do not have ID. Getting across the border, hot car or not, will be a challenge. I'm open to ideas. And Katsina has a point about the artifact. We may want to consider risking staying here - or just this side of the border - for another day or two to offload it before crossing into Denver."
« Last Edit: <02-18-15/0048:36> by Malevolence »
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« Reply #25 on: <02-17-15/2333:38> »
The cold is getting bitter and teeth chattering inside of the well ventilated vehicle.  As he gets the finishing touches on the makeshift repairs to his deck, he listens to Katsina's response to his barrage of questions.  And then sees Ohanzee tear into her even more.  Ace reacts in, what appears to be, an amazingly restrained manner.
"Thank you for that.  Once we get settled tonight, we'll look over your condition.  And thank you for your contact list.  I'll start doing a search on that while we find someplace to stay, and some way to get there.  Posisbly finding a no-tell motel that isn't as picky about their guests?"
The cyber-eyes take that unfocused look on as he starts pulling up AR window after AR window, scanning through information as is multitasking and looking through various data stores.
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« Reply #26 on: <02-18-15/0158:41> »
Chino looks down at his skin, turning his normal looking hand. Good as new. The wonders of medicine and magic combined. And to think it was only a few minutes ago that I was a burnt Ork.

As the others talk, Chino remains silent. He starts mentally listing the high points of the little talk. Paranoia, Check. People shouting, Check. Katsina is a Vampire ... Okay, that was a new one. That would explain the blood bags. At least she was coming clear with it; a lot of things started to make sense. He thought about vampires, and what came to mind made him shudder. Could he still trust her? He probably had been the most trusting of Blue Team, although even he had secrets he didn't want to reveal.

It isn't long before Katsina and Ohanzee start getting into an open argument.

"I've shared the same as I've received, which is nothing. I don't know who you are, how you came to be a part of this team, or what's on your commlink. In that regard, we are even."

"I've shared everything I know about myself. I have a couple of contacts that don't seem relevant - I have no contact with them, just a name and a commcode. One's a fixer and one's a talismonger. I've shared them with Doc only so that he could find out more information on them. I'm keeping more detail than that to myself only because they may be my last link to my past and until I have a better grip on what's happening - and who I can trust - I don't want them ending up dead like Gloria did. If I had any conversations with them I would share the content of those conversations, but I don't."

"So you decided that your contacts aren't relevant and don't wish to share them, but you want us to share all our contacts with you? So that you can decide if they're relevant or not? Do I have that about right?"

Chino palmed his commlink. Blinking, he quickly removed the simchip from the commlink and put it in what was left of his pocket. Placing the commlink within Katsina's reach, he said, "You can take a look at my 'link if you want. There's nothing on it but some messages from our previous run that none of us remember clearly. It doesn't even have a Fake SIN, and if anything, that's the most obvious indicator that it's a burner." Pausing a moment, he continues, "There aren't any contacts that I'm aware of; although slowly I'm remembering some stuff. I am not sure how I'm part of our team, although I know I knew Doc for a while before our escapade."

Shifting lanes, he remarks "Now you have my side of the story. You probably shouldn't wake Sam unless you have a death wish." The car rolls to a stop as the light ahead of him turns red. Turning in his seat, he continues in a slightly louder voice, glaring at Katsina and Ohanzee, "Now that that's over with, can we stop this pointless bickering? Personally, I don't really care if we were on different paths before our accident. Even you," he glances at Katsina, "being a vampire doesn't change my mind. Over the last two days, we've saved each other's lives multiple times. Whatever comes, we're going to have to face it together. And I would rather not have us backstabbing each other out of paranoia, thank you very much."

The light turns green, and Chino turns back to driving. The cold wind ships sharply against Chino's new skin, but the feeling doesn't even grasp his attention. He can't see the expression on anybody's faces, but he assumes there is probably a mix of anger, guilt, and confusion. They start talking again, and Chino puts his mind to thinking about places they can go; the memories start coming back. Slowly, but they start coming back, and Chino soon realizes that he knows quite a bit about the ins and outs of Denver, or at least, parts of it. Some of the memory is still tantalizingly missing.

As the others are discussing the next step to their plan, Chino chimes in, "My memory is still very foggy, but I'm starting to remember some things about this city. I think I might have been a smuggler, even if it was only part time. If we can get a car that isn't so obviously beat up, I might know a place or two to crash at. No guarantees, but I'll try to remember more."


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« Reply #27 on: <02-18-15/0220:20> »
Now that they are in a town and driving more slowly, Doc lowers his voice to a normal level for the vehicle.  "I've been keeping one secret from everyone, because I'm not comfortable with it.  But, it can't be any more uncomfortable than admiting you've HMHVV.  I'm pretty sure I'm a complete psychopath.  I've a short video from the end of the run when I stole this deck and killed the previous owner..... Quite gleefully I might add.  My old persona sculpt was.... disturbing, and I know more about porn and dog fighting than anyone should know.  Chino, I'd love to know more about your thoughts on previously working with me.  I thought that since I couldn't find any information on the 'trix about me, and no one remembered me I could make a new person and start over.  But that doesn't seem likely.  I'm going to have to pay for my past sins sooner or later, and knowing about it will make that easier.  Here's the video if you guys want to view it."

<<<@Team [Doc]>>>
You look down at your arm, checking out the cyberdeck screen on your forearm and hitting a few buttons on it.

"Yeah, you see that? You see, you fucking dick biscuit? I took your shit and made it my shit. Your deck is my deck now. Fucking asshole shooting my motherfuckin' gear." You hear yourself say, before lowering your arm to look down at the table in front of you, where the broken Renraku Tsurugi sits in pieces. Hardware and Cybertechnology tools are also littered about, making it obvious that you just switched out the decks.

"Look at what you did! LOOK AT IT! Didn't even have the decency to spare the drives, trog knocker. Do you have any idea how many files I lost? My whole trid library! All my music! All my porn! If I hadn't already killed you I'd kill you again!" You turn around at this point, seeing a body on another table, a sizeable hole in the skull where an implant was torn out. You point your arm at the body palm first and you hear the massive retort of a shotgun, and the head is pulped by the blast of flechette.

"Oh well, I guess I'll have to start over. I'll just have to make this video the first entry in a new collection of my dead enemies. Peace out, sweat monkey. I'm gonna feed your corpse to the barghests in the yard. Hope you rot in hell."

"I don't think I want to be that person anymore.... whoever it was.  But I think there's value in learning who he was before I kill him completely."  His use of the world 'kill' seemed rather intentional there.
« Last Edit: <02-18-15/0308:03> by Zweiblumen »
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« Reply #28 on: <02-18-15/0326:02> »
Chino thinks about Denver and start to remember details about what it takes to get in and out of one of the premier smuggling hubs in North America.

Denver is also known as the Front Range Free Zone. Much like the Seattle Metroplex - wherein many cities were consolidated into one "Seattle" - "Denver" is everything between Boulder and Colorado Springs. It's roughly kidney-shaped, about 175 klicks long (north-south), and less than 90 klicks across at its widest point. The border is known as the Outer Boundary, although riggers and smugglers call it "the Line". The question is how to get inside the Line.

Denver itself was divided into different sectors. Because of the annexation of the Ute Nation by the Pueblo Corporate Council, the PCC now controls the entire western half of Denver. This is good news for you. There is decidedly less security trying to get into the PCC sector when you're already coming from the PCC. That's not to say no security, but less. Many border checkpoints will only have a skeleton crew (maybe four chummers with machine pistols and weekend plans) instead of a team of bored skullcrushers with a Citymaster and a hard-on for geeking shadowrunners.

The border itself is a double-fence about 10 meters high, topped with monowire, patrolled by drones. The fence has motion sensors but is (usually) not electrified. Occasionally there are patrols with guards with dogs and/or paranormal animals. Spirits and watchers also circulate at irregular intervals, just to keep you guessing.

That's the bad news. The good news is that the PCC has almost 300 klicks of border to patrol, and most of it is coming in from their own nation. Do they immediately replace every fragged-up sensor? Null. Does the fence line follow every cliff and ravine? Null. Chino knows several places where you can slip into the Free Zone without so much as seeing a fence or a guard or a sensor. The catch is that it's rugged terrain, and much easier to fly than go on foot. On foot is an option, but it's slow and leaves you vulnerable to interception for that much longer. That said, the FRFZ is also lousy with small airports. There are small, short-hop carriers aplenty, some of which may be willing to ferry you across for the right price.

Doc flips through his AR feed rapidly, comparing the photos that Katsina took (took? or just had?) against imagery freely available online. It only takes him a few minutes before he starts getting some matches. There's Elk Tooth, and Hiamovi Mountain, and Marten Peak. There's also an Ogallala Peak. (It's that Ohanzee's last name? Does that mean something or is it a coincidence?).

Doc notices the obvious pattern that the photos are clustered around a relatively tight geographic area. The mountains are on the PCC side of the border (not in the Denver FRFZ), but are very near to the border with Sioux Nation. It's pretty remote, but if you wanted a set up shop nearby, the closest piece of civilization would be Boulder... where Sam had a house.


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« Reply #29 on: <02-18-15/1155:16> »
<<@Ace, Katsina [Uncle Sam] I've already sent a copy of all these files to the others. Now you have them. You know everything I know, which is nothing.>>
  << Send File/s: TheWholeShebang>>

The troll keeps on surprising.  Ace looks at the information shared with him and can feel his heart rate dropping.  Right now, there's more pressing business, but he files the information away for later retrieval. 

"Agreed about Denver, and our MO.  It's probably a long shot, but any chance Chino might know of a spot we could stash the obelisk?  We'd be able to move a lot more freely if we weren't tied this hunk of metal for all of our movements."

Ace watches Doc's video and feels his stomach turning.  It's certainly no worse than anything Ace has done, and from the looks of the corpse, at least Doc -- more accurately the hoop that had previously inhabited Doc's body -- didn't torture the guy before geeking him.  Still, the joy in the killing, that's what hits Ace the hardest.  Back when he was mostly flesh, he can remember the thrill of combat, and there was an element that was almost intoxicating about a firefight, but since he woke up in that van, every fight has taken place at a distance, as though he were watching someone else.  People squick me out.

And then there was the fact that knowing this about Doc makes Ace trust him more.  He fires off some attachments.

<<Send Message
<<Recipient: Doc
<<Message: .
<<Attachments: Rhodes