[5e IC] Tabula Rasa, Chapter III

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« on: <02-11-15/1159:37> »
Katsina listens to the conversation from inside the Bulldog. She looks up at the man's final words. She sees Ace lower the shotgun to shoot the man in the torso. An act of mercy? To grant the man a pretty corpse for his funeral? Or was Ace aiming for the man's armor to knock him out instead of killing him?

Ace pulls the trigger. The Enfield shouts, sending buckshot straight through the man's armor jacket. The ballistics material can't resist the point-blank shot; it tears away. A puff of red mist erupts from the troll as he slumps over. Katsina continues to watch for a second as Ace takes the man's glasses, then looks down again to resume her work.

Ace runs back to the van just as Torch Bearer begins his shuttle run around the battlefield. Ace drops the shotgun outside the Bulldog and flips the troll's glasses to Ohanzee as he gets in. The dwarf examines the glasses; their wireless functionality is on. Frowning, he looks for a list of recent activity. He finds a message sent just a moment before the man was shot.

>>> To: Ehawee
>>> From: Chankoowashtay
>>> I love you. Never forg-

Ohanzee recognizes the names as Lakotan. Ehawee means "laughing maiden" while Chankoowashtay means "good road". He turns off the wireless functionality and reboots the glasses.

>>> Welcome to your AzAnteojos!
>>> ManosMenosTM Image Link active
>>> StarBrightTM Flare Compensation active
>>> KrystalKlearTM Vision Enhancement II active

The glasses are too large to fit anybody but Sam or Chino.

Ace slams the door behind him and Chino hits the gas. While the obelisk is going to seriously shorten the lifespan of the tires, the silver lining is that the additional weight is providing marvelous traction in the icy conditions. The Bulldog catches the road easily and roars off, putting distance between the team and Slaughterhouse Gulch as quickly as possible. Ohanzee turns around in his seat just in time to see Torch Runner duck inside the RV. A moment passes, then a jet of flame erupts from the RV's windshield. Ohanzee feels Torch Runner's satisfaction via the spirit-summoner link. Then the commlink stomping resumes.

Katsina sews as quickly as possible. She pauses for a moment distribute blankets around the van for people to wrap themselves in while she works. The faster Chino drives to get away from the scene, the faster the wind rips through the open windows. You had such a good stretch of being warm and comfortable, and now you're back to wear you started: in a damaged Bulldog, on the run, freezing your tails off. At least you're not upside down this time. Not yet anyway.

The road stretches out in front of you. "Where to?" indeed.
« Last Edit: <02-12-15/0231:45> by Tecumseh »


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« Reply #1 on: <02-12-15/1332:59> »
Once the van is in motion, Ohanzee takes a moment to relax and gather his thoughts. The message in the glasses was disturbing to be sure, but this kind of work had its risks. The child was probably better off not knowing its father, and depending on just how pregnant the mother was, she might be smart to abort it. Ultimately, Ohanzee knew that the troll would have done the same to him had the roles been reversed, and in a darker corner of his mind, he fully expected it to come to that some day. The way things are going, that day will likely come sooner than later.

He tossed the glasses to Doc, still dazed as he was from his unceremonious ejection from the Matrix, and said "See if you can find anything of use on these - like if he was transmitting any video or images of us".

Doc said he would need a few minutes to get over the dumpshock, and then he would start healing Chino and any others that needed it. So Ohanzee had some time to relax. But Chino's observation about the tires nagged him. "If anyone has a moment, see if you can find any spare tires. A vehicle this size, they should have at least one." Following his advice, he wistfully delayed his rest and made a quick pass around the inside of the van looking for the outline or other indication of a compartment that might hold a spare tire. While he searched, he proposed a destination. With their options limited, heading straight to Denver was out of the question. "Let's try to make Carbondale. It's big enough to get lost in and should provide plenty of options for getting a new vehicle. Then we can try to make Denver from there. The van, as seems to be our MO, will need to be burned."

A few minutes later, the TorchBearer signaled to Ohanzee that his task was complete, and then the link vanished as the spirit returned to the place from which it had been summoned. Ohanzee took a brief moment to make sure that evidence of the spirit was cleansed from the areain which it had operated, then settled in to begin summoning a Raven spirit, acknowledging Katsina's request for concealment. Almost mumbling to himself, his chanting nonetheless filled the confines of the blood spattered van as he relaxed his focus to let the mana flow through him. Reaching out across the Astral sea to the metaplane of Air, Ohanzee called with his will. Long moments passed, the strain taxing his small form, but no answer was returned. Near the brink of exhaustion, he tried again, straining for a spirit to heed his call, but it seemed they had abandoned him, and the strain finally pushed him past his threshold. Ohanzee slumped over in his chair, unconscious and unresponsive, his body finally giving in to the accumulated strain of the past hours and demanding rest.
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« Reply #2 on: <02-12-15/1408:14> »
The glasses thump into his chest as Doc clumsily grabs at them.  Still dazed from the dumpshock and current events, he numbly begins to fumble with the glasses.  He goes over the last hour of use to see if there is any usefull information.  As he finishes he looks up and sees Ohanzee slumped in his chair, at first he thinks the charismatic dwarf was simply in the astral again until he noticed that his biomonitor was beeping a warning.  Running a quick look he sees there's nothing he can do for the dwarf.  Ohanzee simply needs to rest at this point to recover from the taxing efforts of the day.  All Doc can do is make sure he's secure in the seat and as comfortable as possible.  The medic makes sure the harness is secure and a blanket is tucked around the dwarf as warmly as possible.
After ministering to the dwarf, he looks to the burnt ork.  "Damn Chino, you literally got lit up.  Take a couple of these and I'll start working on you as soon as I can think clearly.  You don't want me hooking the medkit up to you backwards or anything."  Then he looks at Sam and sees the wounds he is completely ignoring.  "You, sir, need to rest.  Hold this here, and this here.  I'll get to you after I'm done with Chino and Ace."  Finally he looks at the machine that is Ace after he's done taking his frustrations out on the poor side panel of the van.  He hands Ace a compress to hold to his wounds to slow the bleeding while he's still shaking off the last of the effects.  Doc can tell Katsina is in pain, but he can't see any of her wounds from where he is.  Its obvious to him that he's a well trained physician at this point and wonders what happened that he isn't simply practicing medicine somewhere instead of shooting people and running for his life.  He'll talk to her about her wounds after she's done with the window.  Keeping everyone warm will make his job a lot easier.
"As for where we go, I honestly don't care at this point.  Someplace warm.  If anyone has a contact they can try and ring up for a safehouse or something in their comlink that would be wiz.  We all need a rest even more than we did yesterday."
Doc takes a few minutes to sit in his seat and close his electronic eyes, shutting out the world for a few moments of peace.  He knows it won't last long, but he relishes the illusion of calm as everyone is lost in their own thoughts.
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« Reply #3 on: <02-12-15/1943:57> »
More killing. The enormous blood flecked troll stares out at the road ahead. Is this what we were meant for? He thinks of the dent Ace put in the wall, and of his own blinding speed and pinpoint accuracy a few minutes ago. It certainly seems to be what we have been built for. The snowy white nothingness sprawls out before him from his vantage point in the front seat. Those trolls i just murdered could easily have been a younger version of me for all I know. Is there a wife of mine such as his out there somewhere?

"If anyone has a moment, see if you can find any spare tires. A vehicle this size, they should have at least one."

Ohanzee's words barely make an impression on his thoughts at the moment. The awakened dwarf had been dubbed the unofficial leader of the crew, and he certainly seems trustworthy, as well as being a skilled summoner, but is he really up to the task? Finally thinking to take his goggles off, he scratches his head while staring out of the front windshield into the arctic wonderland outside. What happened to me back there? Am I such a warmaster that my reflexes and training just took over and brought me out of that rage? He pictures the obelisk in his mind again. Or was that foul thing defending itself from us again? The frown hasn't left his face since he first noticed the bulldog they're currently riding in, sitting by the side of the road waiting for them, and with his current mood going the way it is, it would be foolish to assume it would be leaving anytime soon.

"Let's try to make Carbondale. It's big enough to get lost in and should provide plenty of options for getting a new vehicle. Then we can try to make Denver from there. The van, as seems to be our MO, will need to be burned."

Sam blinks at the mention of Carbondale. I should know something about that city. Big time, well connected gun runner like myself should have some connections in most cities around here. How did a gun runner get involved in a massive shadowrun like this anyway? Shouldn't a man like me have been simply doing business? With the money I must have been making, I shouldn't have been doing things like that, yet here I am. Why? It couldn't have been the money... His fingers wander their way around to the holes in his armor jacket. None of them go all the way through, but he can feel the cold seeping in a little bit more than it should. For a moment, he wishes he hadn't declined the blankets offered to him by the masked woman, but only a moment. Better to freeze to death than to accept help from someone who wont show you their face. For the first time, he looks away from the road ahead and stares at her through the rearview for a moment. What is her motivation here? Both she and Ace seem to be working from a different manual than the rest of us. "Destroy the obelisk and destroy the world?" What the hell does she know? And why wont she share it with us? He sets his eyes back on the road ahead.

"You, sir, need to rest.  Hold this here, and this here.  I'll get to you after I'm done with Chino and Ace." 

Without looking at the little human who'd been calling himself Doc lately, he responds. "I'm not bleeding. Save your supplies for the wounded." His thoughts continue to ramble. I'd have blown that magic rock into pieces last night if not for him. He's certainly very capable in the matrix, and no slouch out of it either, but is he really who I think he is? For all I know, he could be a decker who murdered our decker and set his whatever-the-hells to make things look how he wanted them to. That's what good deckers do, isn't it?

"As for where we go, I honestly don't care at this point.  Someplace warm.  If anyone has a contact they can try and ring up for a safehouse or something in their comlink that would be wiz.  We all need a rest even more than we did yesterday."

Contacts. Safehouses. My world is inside this truck. I have clients, or perhaps bosses, I'm not sure who. But people with whom I do business in code. A code I have botched and more than likely drawn more heat to us just like the apartment did. Things look bleak for the mighty troll who had taken to calling himself "Uncle Sam" yesterday, almost as a joke. Now, jokes are the furthest thing from his mind. He is certain of nothing other than one thing. Destroy the world or not, if they push me, i WILL destroy that rock. And if the world should go with it, than so be it.
« Last Edit: <02-12-15/2305:38> by Poindexter »
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #4 on: <02-13-15/1320:04> »
Doc scans through the messages on the image link of the glasses. They only display what was sent and received within the last 15 minutes or so. Presumably the rest are on the man's commlink, which was recently smashed to pieces (with great enthusiasm) by Torch Runner.

>>> From: Johnson 1
>>> Detection match. Target acquired. Bison RV with trailer.

>>> From: Sierra (Me)
>>> Clearance distance suggests extreme load, 1200kg+. No capability to rabbit.

>>> From: Johnson 2
>>> Prepare to engage.

>>> From: Delta
>>> Matrix contact.

>>> From: Johnson 1
>>> Spirits out.

>>> From: Hotel
>>> On the way.

>>> From: Johnson 2
>>> Target is Awakened and dangerous. Alive, if possible.

>>> From: Johnson 1
>>> Dead, just as good.

>>> From: Johnson 2
>>> Collateral damage is not a concern. Secure the idol and exfiltrate.

The rest is combat chatter from the battle itself, with status updates and a growing sense of alarm at the level of opposition. The "Johnsons" are insistent about continuing the operation. Doc's analysis of the chatter suggests that "Johnson 1" was the combat mage troll and "Johnson 2" was the tattooed elf that shot himself in the leg.


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« Reply #5 on: <02-13-15/1502:25> »
Ace looks over the exchange, quickly scrolling past the last text the young troll sent to his -- now widowed -- wife.  Frag, I wish I hadn't seen that.  The thought that the troll would've done the same to him is little respite.  In all honesty, that might've been the better outcome.  Ace gives a glance to Katsina, and banishes the thought from his mind.  No time for any of that.  What's done is done.  It's time to focus now, "Ace."  Get it together, soldier.

Ace hands the glasses back to Doc, and says, "I think we're dealing with small, independent cells here.  The fact that these guys needed, and were able to, find local support tells me that they're well-trained, autonomous, and connected.  It also tells me that they're stretched.  I would rather have my own team than outsource the labor.  The fact that they were surprised by the level of resistance they encountered tells me that they may not be sharing information between cells.  Otherwise, our contact last night with the helicopter would have resulted in them being, well, 'better prepared.'  We don't want to see them better prepared.  So, there's either an information lag between the cells and HQ, or they're effectively acting on their own.  If it's the latter, we're in much better shape, and might even have some time on our side.  If it's the former, there's no telling when that lag will shore up, and we won't be able to count on taking a breather. 

"About the target, they were on the lookout for one particular awakened between us.  Somebody here is the ringleader in their eyes, and given the ancestry, Ohanzee is the most likely to fit the bill."

Ace copies the picture of the gunslinger to his comm, which he also passes to Doc.  "I grabbed a shot of "Johnson 2" on my way in the Bulldog.  Maybe you can find something on him?"

"As for where we go, I honestly don't care at this point.  Someplace warm.  If anyone has a contact they can try and ring up for a safehouse or something in their comlink that would be wiz.  We all need a rest even more than we did yesterday."

"I have one contact I can try.  Was hoping to get in touch when we left Moran's, but that didn't shake out.  I'll give it a shot if you guys think it's a smart move, but given what little I know about myself, I've been hesitant to reachout . . . But yeah, someplace warm would be good."


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« Reply #6 on: <02-13-15/1543:59> »
As the haze of dumpshock finally wears off Doc rouses from his reverie.  He switches places with Katsina so he can sit behind Chino while he drives and hooks up the medkit to him.  He must have done this sort of thing before as he doesn't find it awkward at all to work around the harness and the seat while seeing to Chino's burns.  The medkit chirps in just about every alarm possible once he's connected and begins running through most of its routines.  Injecting several different concoctions of pain killers, immuno-boosters and cell regeneration accelerants, the pain quickly receeds from Chino's face.  Looking over his patient Doc says, "A bit of respite, one of the finger wagglers can help you some more, otherwise, it's just bedrest from here on out.  I can help with pain killers as we go if needed."  And then he removes the various tubes and sensors from Chino.

Turning around to look at Ace next he mutters, "Good thing I know machines as well as bodies, he's 50/50."  As Ace is less distracted, it's easier for Doc to get him hooked up to the machine.  Ace is no where near as badly hurt as Chino was, but the bouncing of the vehicle seems to be effecting Doc more than before.  After running through the protocols on the medkit he looks up at Ace, "Sorry chummer, that's the best I got for you.  I'm sure Katsina can get you another something before too long." As he looks the mysterious woman's way.  "You wouldn't happen to know how a bunch of blood samples ended up in our lunch bucket, would either of you?"  He says casually as he's removing the machine from Ace.

As he approaches the Troll, he gets rebuffed again.  "I know you're a big tough Russian, but you still took a couple of rounds.  It's not much, but we need to be at our best.  I'm sorry I peeked in on your private conversation, but that's literally my job, just like patching you up is.  It's why you guys want me around.  And hell, the healthier you are, the better chance you've got for blowing up the idol if anyone else is trying to stop you."

He glances once at Katsina, and sees she'll brook none of his interference, so he hooks himself up.  Running through a quick diagnostic, he sees he's doing much better than he was this time yesterday.  Which isn't saying much.  The kit goes through its routines and he gets his cocktail of meds and almost instantly feels better.  This is literally the healthiest he can remember being.... which agian, isn't saying much.

Finally he moves to the unconsious dwarf.  He's been out for a while, and Doc is pretty sure he's not just flitting around in the Astral.  Hooking up the kit, he sees the majority of the damage is either old or outside of his ability to deal with.  The cost for achieving the amazing feats the finger waglers do.  Firing up the system one last time, he's able to come up with a cocktail that will put at least a small dent in the damage done to the diminutive man.  As the medicine is delivered, Ohanzee's eyes pop open and he sits up with a start.  Doc puts a hand on his chest to brace him, and calmly says, "Passed out on us there, omae.  You're still in bad shape, but I've done what I can to help."

With that done, he stashes the medkit with the resuply kit so they are both available when he'll need them next.  He figures it'll be sooner than he'd like it to be.  Then he relays the information from the glasses to everyone and then powers them off, making sure they are completely inactive.
« Last Edit: <02-13-15/2028:46> by Zweiblumen »
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« Reply #7 on: <02-13-15/1904:45> »
Katsina sews as quickly as possible. The cold wind rushes in through the missing windows. Once its done, she staples it up so that it can block the worst of the wind and maybe retain a bit of the van's heat. Chino and Sam are in the front seats. They have the heat cranked up as high as it will go, which creates a bubble of warmth around them that largely disappears by the time it gets back to everyone else in the rear. One nice thing about the wind though: it helps cut down on some of the stench. The decker vomited when Doc dumpshocked her ass, and the sour scent does not benefit from the heater being on high. Katsina cleaned up the worst of it, but still. You miss the RV already.

Doc finishes his rounds of first aid about the same time that Katsina is done sewing. She sniffs, smelling the liberal application of NuSkin to Chino's crispy exterior. She has two healing preparations already prepared. She moves forward to the space between Chino and Sam.

"Chino, hold this." she instructs, passing a throwing knife to him.

Chino, at least passingly familiar with the ways of magic, obliges. He nicks his finger on the point of a cold throwing knife as Katsina says, "Dae" in Sperethiel. He's about to protest the pain when suddenly it disappears. A glow envelops him - as if Ohanzee's Torch Bearer has jumped into the van - then fades. When it's gone, Chino's pain goes with it. He looks at his arms, checks the fist that he punched the fire spirit with. They look good. Better than that, they look great! It's almost as if  the spirit had given him a manicure instead of a third-degree burn. He flexes his hand, which moves freely and easily. The relief in his face is palpable.

Katsina does the same for herself next. Her face hurts from where the spirit kicked her astrally while she was down. You would hope that an enchanted mask, present on the astral, would provide some protection against that sort of thing, she thinks to herself. But no such luck. Is my nose broken? Are my teeth loose? she wonders, but she doesn't want to take off the mask to find out. Instead, she grabs her other preparation, triggering the same hot glow around her - like an open oven - before it fades. When it's gone, her face feels whole again. She relaxes a bit, then pulls out a lynchpin and begins to inscribe it for Ace.

She draws on the throwing knife, listening to the others talk while she works. She draws a peasant woman in traditional garb, perhaps a young mother, on one side. On the other, she draws a farmer, an ancient depiction with a pitchfork instead an army of drones to do the work. They are passing something between them, from one side to the knife to the other, but what is lost to the edge of the knife. She looks on it proudly when she's done, then leans forward to hand it to Ace.

Ace reaches out to take it. He touches the small hilt and a flash goes off. The flare compensators in his eyes react quickly, dilating his pupils to maintain continuous vision. When his eyes refocus he sees that the inscription on the knife is gone, the magic reducing the scene to dust. The wind circulating around the Bulldog whisks it away. Katsina grabs Ace by the shoulder suddenly and grips it tightly. Ace is shocked by the strength of it for a moment, the force far exceeding Katsina's size. It feels like she's pressing something into him, an outside force. Then she withdraws her hand, leans back, and looks out the window.

It's noisy in the van. The blankets don't protect from road and wind noise, which are substantial at 100kph. You practically have to yell for everyone to hear you.

"When Ace and I were in town, we stopped by an apartment tied to a fake SIN of mine!" Katsina begins, almost bellowing. "It was a safehouse, not burned yet! We found evidence that we were looking for APB! Why, we don't know!

"The blood was in the fridge! It's not 'mine' - I know my bloodtype! I don't know if it 'belongs' to Ace or APB though! I doubt it! I brought it because our previous selves thought we needed it!"

She looks over the message from Doc, the forwarded transcript of the troll's glasses. Behind the mask, she sighs.

"The elf was Black Lodge! I'm guessing the other Johnson was too!" She holds up her hands to absolve herself of the association. "I'm not Black Lodge! ... I don't think! Whenever I think about them, I get a sinking feeling! Seems like they're after me, probably figuring that I'm with the obelisk!"

She leans back, wrapping a blanket tightly around her. She doesn't seem keen to linger on the topic.

"We should go to Carbondale! The bigger, the better!"
« Last Edit: <05-19-15/1858:13> by Tecumseh »


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« Reply #8 on: <02-13-15/1936:42> »
Looking around blearily, Ohanzee confirms that he's only been out for a few minutes - maybe 15 tops. They are approaching Basalt, and apparently in his "absence" the team had agreed with his suggestion and continue on to Carbondale. Without Raven to help hide them, the extra distance would be critical, and Ohanzee wasn't about to attempt to try calling another spirit now. He'd need whatever strength he could muster in order to move the crate to whatever vehicle they found in Basalt.

Maybe it was time to reach out to some contacts. Indeed, that seemed like a better idea now than it had earlier. They had established a very distinct method of operation, best described as "slash and burn", that provided an easy to follow trail. Changing tactics now would go a long way toward throwing off their pursuers - all of them, he hoped. How many were there now? He reviewed his thoughts briefly.

The attackers in the helicopter were almost certainly working for whoever they stole the artifact from. They were well trained, well funded, and professional - all jack boots and company colors. And zealous to a fault.

The attackers at the RV today were more like runners - independent, poorly funded, and less cohesive. Mercenaries as opposed to regulars. And if Katsina's outburst was informed, they probably had their own zealous leaning - religious as opposed to corporate. Ace's musings about the Natelys and their secret society conspiracy nonsense made it seem like a lot of mysterious organizations were conspicuously present in a very small geographic locale at one time, too many to be coincidence.

It was obvious that they belonged to two different groups, and they were both after the artifact. The second group had honed in on Katsina, triggering her enemy detection spell. But they hadn't expected the rest of the team, or, Ohanzee surmised, they hadn't expected Blue Team. Again, he had to backburner a bunch of questions that needed asking concerning Katsina and her role in all of this. No. No more. He could see the prudence in not mentioning her more direct actions against Blue Team - specifically her use of her influence spell - in the presence of Uncle Sam. Ohanzee trusted the troll with his life, but he was short of temper and Ohanzee wanted answers, not infighting.

He was about to confront her on these issues when she speaks, explaining the blood and the possible origin of their most recent pursuers. It neatly explains everything, but not to Ohanzee's satisfaction.

"What makes you think they are Black Lodge? And equally importantly, who are you? You never take off your mask, you run faster than should be 'humanly' possible" Ohanzee didn't like the phrase "metahumanly possible", "and you literally glow when you cast spells. When I think on it, you haven't eaten since we woke up in the crashed van even though there was good food and the rest of us were famished. There is no equipment to transfuse the blood, so either you were selling it on the black market or you need it personally for something other than transfusion. I've been around enough spirits to be familiar with dual-natured beings and I'm strongly suspecting that that is the case with you. Dual-natured plus blood equals vampire, or worse, in my admittedly limited knowledge of such things. Now, I'm open minded in such matters - being infected with an unknown virus does wonders for your tolerance of magic diseases and those infected - but I have to be able to trust those I'm working with. Prove me wrong or prove me right, but come clean or get out."

Still so many more questions to ponder, but with so many unknowns, he had to trust the people he kept close. So these were the first questions to address.
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« Reply #9 on: <02-13-15/2133:34> »
"I know you're a big tough Russian, but you still took a couple of rounds.  It's not much, but we need to be at our best.  I'm sorry I peeked in on your private conversation, but that's literally my job, just like patching you up is.  It's why you guys want me around.  And hell, the healthier you are, the better chance you've got for blowing up the idol if anyone else is trying to stop you."

Sam turns his horned head, still spattered with a little bit of blood from the close range gunfire earlier to face the human. With a cold, even, almost detached tone "It has nothing to do with whether I trust you or not. It's merely a question of supplies." The wind whistles through the broken window in the small silence between them before Doc grins grimly and says, "We got plenty, big guy. Don't worry about us." A few seconds pass between them before Sam turns back to the road, nods his head, and says "Do your worst, Doc."

A few moments later, the masked woman begins shouting over the roar of the wind and the longer she speaks, the more questions he has.

"When Ace and I were in town, we stopped by an apartment tied to a fake SIN of mine!" Katsina begins, almost bellowing. "It was a safehouse, not burned yet! We found evidence that we were looking for APB! Why, we don't know!

Why hadn't their safehouse been burned?

"The blood was in the fridge! It's not 'mine' - I know my bloodtype! I don't know if it 'belongs' to Ace or APB though! I doubt it! I brought it because our previous selves thought we needed it!"

Blood in the fridge? They found blood at their safehouse and brought it along?

"The elf was Black Lodge! I'm guessing the other Johnson was too!" She holds up her hands to absolve herself of the association. "I'm not Black Lodge! ... I don't think! Whenever I think about them, I get a sinking feeling! Seems like they're after me, probably figuring that I'm with the obelisk!"

Who are the Black Lodge? How does she know enough about them to fear them? Come to think of it, she was the one who mentioned those other four groups this morning. How does she know all these things?

Sam is a slight bit stunned when Ohanzee begins shouting. At first he assumes the dwarf is only shouting over the noise, but there's a tone to it that almost seems angry and suspicious.

"What makes you think they are Black Lodge? And equally importantly, who are you? You never take off your mask, you run faster than should be 'humanly' possible and you literally glow when you cast spells. When I think on it, you haven't eaten since we woke up in the crashed van even though there was good food and the rest of us were famished. There is no equipment to transfuse the blood, so either you were selling it on the black market or you need it personally for something other than transfusion. I've been around enough spirits to be familiar with dual-natured beings and I'm strongly suspecting that that is the case with you. Dual-natured plus blood equals vampire, or worse, in my admittedly limited knowledge of such things. Now, I'm open minded in such matters - being infected with an unknown virus does wonders for your tolerance of magic diseases and those infected - but I have to be able to trust those I'm working with. Prove me wrong or prove me right, but come clean or get out."

Sam turns around in his seat with his right hand on his seatbelt buckle, just in case it should come to blows back there. How does HE know about this Black Lodge as well? Infected? Infected with what? Does everyone here know things they're not sharing? Sam briefly considers speaking, but thinks twice about it. It's quite possible that his most deadly foes are inside this bulldog with him, and any info given to them could be used against him down the road.
« Last Edit: <02-13-15/2147:27> by Poindexter »
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #10 on: <02-14-15/0055:59> »
Having patched everyone up as well as he can, Doc pulls the cyberdeck out of his arm.  Opening up his hardware kit, he starts to pull it apart.  Knowing there isn't much time he takes a few shortcuts and does a minimal amount of repair to just get the bloody thing working again.  After about 15 minutes and adding the smell of burnt ozone to the cacophany of smells already permeating the van, his deck reboots and he's able to sense the matrix once more.  As it comes online all of his AR windows come back up.  The location one shows they are on the outskirts of Basalt.

Listening to Katsina and Ohanzee, he knows tensions are going to start rising.  And while he wants answers, the van isn't a place to have a fight.  Sitting down and resolving this with everyones cards on the table is what he'd prefer to see done.
<<<@Team [Doc] Back online folks!  Not in any position to get in trouble, but better than nothing.  Another hour or so and I can have it as good as new.  Time to heist another car?  How about one of these? <Vehicles_List.AR>  Listed by type and location.>>>
Speech, Thoughts, Comm/Text, Subvocal


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« Reply #11 on: <02-14-15/0110:10> »
In the pause that lingers after Ohanzee's demand, the determined tinkering of Doc occasionally rises above the bowl of the wind, and reminds Ohanzee that he still has his commlink off. Absently he flicks his trodes and commlink back on without taking his eyes off of Katsina. He shifts his perception to the Astral to see her staring back at him. He tries to read her emotions as she work up a response.
Speech Thought Matrix/Text Astral


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« Reply #12 on: <02-14-15/0342:32> »
Doc does a quick search of nearby icons. This area is known for tourism: mountain biking in the summer and skiing in the winter. As such, many of the local tourism companies have vehicles for transporting clients and their equipment.

>>> Device detected!
>>> GMC Hermes (Delivery Van)
>>> Standard Upgrades: Shelving, storage space

>>> Device detected!
>>> GMC Hauler (Tractor Trailer)
>>> Standard Upgrades: Sleeper Cabin

>>> Device detected!
>>> Conestoga Vista (Bus)
>>> Standard Upgrades: Bathroom


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« Reply #13 on: <02-14-15/0430:10> »
Katsina listens to Ohanzee patiently, waiting for him to finish. Behind the mask, her expression is inscrutable. On the astral, her aura is smooth as glass, almost unnaturally so. Ohanzee, head still spinning, has trouble focusing. If he hadn't known that her mask was an active focus, he might have missed it. He can sense no hostility from her, no alarm, but nor can he pick out anything else other than the fact that she's alive. Or is she?

She sits under her blankets, listening. Then she lets the roar of the wind fill the cabin for fifteen seconds while she thinks. Finally, she nods.

"I know they were Black Lodge the same way that you know that vampires are dual-natured and run inhumanly fast: I just remembered it."

She's not shouting now, just projecting her voice as best she's able to be heard clearly over the wind.

"I glow when I cast because I follow Hecate, the Light-Bringer. She is worshiped at night by torchlight. Other traditions might call her Prometheus, or Fire-Bringer. She calls us to be servants to those around us, and to never refuse help to those who sincerely ask for it.

"The mask is for the sun. I am Infected, but infertile. I am a carrier but cannot transmit it.

"For all that, I am in the same position as you. I don't remember who I was or how I came to be here with you. But, in the larger scheme, I believe Hecate led me here to help. This obelisk may be the new fire: either transformational or terribly destructive, depending who controls it."

She stays motionless under her blanket, eyeing the reactions of those in the van.


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« Reply #14 on: <02-16-15/1338:13> »
Ace looks to the cooler, thinking about what he had assumed were some sort of preemptive medical supplies within.  Instead it's food, both the pizza and the blood, and this makes Ace a little uncomfortable.  Had Katsina not admitted to her infection, Ace wouldn't have believed it.

"Wait, like vampire vampire?  Like, fangs, and crosses, and garlic vampire?!  But Katsina was out with me in the daylight?  She is right now too?  Shouldn't you be smoking or something?  I just, I just, I don't know."

