Trying to find Info/History on 4e Utah, PCC, and Mormons

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« on: <02-11-15/1924:31> »
Hey. I'm going to be running a 4e game for my friends set in the Pueblo Corporate Council.
It's mainly going to be around Salt Lake and Utah; However Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Santa Fe, and the Mojave Desert are all going to have some minor influence simply by being part of the PCC.

Anyone got some Info that I could use about this particular region? Any source I should read up on that has this kind of information?
I know Ute was annexed during the time between 3e and 4e, so It's hard as drek trying to find any info.
Any mention of the Mormons? I can't help but think they'd be doing something in the time that the US is being Balkanized and taken over by Corps.


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« Reply #1 on: <02-13-15/0807:03> »
For more on Mormons, check out pg 129 - 130 in the Native American Nations Vol 1.

As they had always backed the Indian claims against the government in the years preceding the Awakening, they were on pretty good terms and so were granted special privileges.
Basically the Mormons run Salt Lake City in a similar manner as Vatican City.
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Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #2 on: <02-13-15/0821:56> »
Las Vegas is covered in The Twilight Horizon, a 4th Edition book.

Los Angeles is covered in detail in the 4th Edition Corporate Enclaves book.

The PCC and surrounding areas are covered in some detail in the Native American Nations books, and even though these are 1st Edition books they're still valuable in terms of the information they contain. The 2nd Edition Denver book contains some information on the five areas surrounding the city, and this information is updated for 4th Edition in the Spy Games book.

Specific information about Salt Lake and Utah in 2072+ might be tricky to find.


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« Reply #3 on: <02-13-15/1015:23> »
If you can get hold of Shadows of North America (3rd Ed Sourcebook), then pages 185 - 186 discuss Salt Lake City and Las Vegas.

Essentially Salt Lake City is the largest Anglo Reservation in the NAN, and effectively a sovereign Mormon-run enclave.

As Herr Brackhaus posted above, Twilight Horizon is great for Las Vegas.

There is a throwaway line in the Sixth World Almanac that Ute was absorbed by the PCC after Crash 2.0, so essentially it just disappeared when 4e came out.
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« Reply #4 on: <02-13-15/1317:25> »
Hey. I'm going to be running a 4e game for my friends set in the Pueblo Corporate Council.

Dated material, but here is a link to the shadowrun wiki. Could at least use the fluff and extrapolate.  :)

The Wyrm Ouroboros

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« Reply #5 on: <02-15-15/0217:43> »
I have to admit, as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints myself, I don't agree with the direction the original developers decided the Church took; I have thoughts on the matter, but I haven't been able to exactly nail them down into a good bunch of words on paper.  (Well, file, anyhow.)
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