I haven't gotten an opportunity to play yet, so take my thoughts with a bit larger pinch of salt than usual.
It looks like the new upgrades will add a bit more flavor and make it possible to avoid bad card flips (replacing an obstacle or a black market card with the right upgrade). A lot more obstacles that get black market cards replaced as well. My group was considering a house rule to deal with the black market being full of duplicate cards, so I'm glad to see an official solution.
The new obstacles were lower-nuyen value than I expected for their power when I compared them to similar cards. One I remember takes 3 or 4 players' turns to defeat (can only take out 2 levels per turn), which is pretty brutal. The wrecks will also serve to increase the crossfire level without adding much nuyen.
It looks like they are trying to increase the average difficulty of the game, but allow the players to cap the maximum difficulty? We usually win (mostly board/card game players, not shadowrun players), so that isn't a complaint.
Most of the runs are low-karma runs, despite the description of the expansion being about experienced characters and high power. One (maybe 2) good starting run is all that you should need. At least these scale, unlike Harley's portal run (not exactly starting, but close), Ambulators, and the Vegas promo run.