Honestly, over years of running shadowrun I have found a couple of tactics work best for me.
1) In any given game session, I normally have enough of a gameplan that I can anticipate the major matrix runs. I try to get those done with the groups hacker/decker/technomancer during downtime/online. This tends to work 75% of the time. The hacker gets full sort of descriptives this way, but the information being sought, actions being taken are in the realm of "paydata" that remains undetermined until the session. For intrusions I do the same thing, but pause the scene when the hacker is either in control of the critical node, or about to be fragged.
2) For quick bits I will take the 5 minutes or so, but only if it is not going to screw up the flow of the game for the other players. I have had deckers in groups in the past that have tried to do the private hack 3-4 times an hour, and have flatly said no. I will give them a quick and dirty opposed dicepool roll, and count net successes and provide some info/options, but I will not allow one player to monopolize the game on a routine basis.
That being said, I have run sessions that have been dominated by matrix ops, astral ops, info gathering, and surveillance. It really comes down to what the party is interested in.