[Resource][Vehicle] Lone Star Highway Patrol SUV AKA The Coyote Hunter

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« on: <01-12-15/1458:33> »
Lone Star Highway Patrol SUV AKA Coyote Hunter

To help expand their business and to better hold on to existing contract in rural areas Lone Star has develop an off-road capable SUV called the Coyote Hunter. This vehicle is used to patrol long expanses of territory by itself or in small patrols. It carries its own backup in the form of 2 roto-drones that sit in the launch pads in the read bed of the SUV. The MMG turret helps to back enough firepower to handle most smugglers and has the speed to evade or pursue quickly. The Coyote Hunter usually has 2 officers in it and has a small backseat area that can fit up to two trolls (or you can squeeze in 4 normal humans).
The Coyote Hunter has a long list of features including the new highly secure Lone Star Field Commander Comlink system, tinted sight blocking glass, spotlight, Neuro-stun dispenser for rowdy prisoners and even a manual kill switch to prevent unauthorized personnel from absconding with the vehicle and its prisoners.

Lone Star Highway Patrol SUV AKA Coyote Hunter [Groundcraft]
Speed: 5/4
Accel: 2
Pilot: 3
Body: 12
Sensors: 3
Seats: 2 front and 2 Trolls/4 humans in rear holding area.
Avail: 16F (16R without MMG)
Cost: 60,000¥ (That is retail from Lone Star if you have the right licenses and with no drones)

Lone Star Field Commander Comlink: Device Rating 4
Data Processing: 3
Firewall: 6

[Groundcraft] Pilot: 3
Electronic Warfare:3
[Groundcraft]Maneuver: 2

Rigger Interface
One way glass (People inside the car cannot be seen for LoS spells)
2 drone landing racks (Able to hold 1 medium drone each. Allows for drones to take off and land while vehicle is moving.)
Termination System: This can be manually triggered from the inside of the car to just shut it down if hacked. This automatically brings the car to a stop, disables the turret and triggers the holding pen knockout gas. It also sends an officer down message blasting through to Doc Wagon, KE and LS frequencies.
- Knockout gas dispenser: The prisoner section can be flooded with Neuro-stun manually from the front or via AR.  This system can hold 5 loads of Neuro-stim.
Heavy Weapon turret: Stoner-Ares M202 MMG  with a total of 1000 rounds due to ammo bin

2 MCT-Nissan Roto-Drone (standard)
-Standard weapon mount: Colt M23 with Smartgun link

« Last Edit: <01-14-15/1952:40> by BRodda »


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« Reply #1 on: <01-14-15/0116:48> »
I like it. Though, you may want to edit the Neuro-stim to read Neuro-stun.
Spooky, what do you do this pass? Shoot him with my thunderstruck gauss rifle. (Rolls)  8 hits. Does that blow his head off?


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« Reply #2 on: <01-14-15/0125:08> »
I like it. Though, you may want to edit the Neuro-stim to read Neuro-stun.

Fixed thanks. I hope the rigger book comes out soon as I had to gut a few things in this version.


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« Reply #3 on: <01-14-15/1935:55> »
The m-23 are cheep, but FN-HAR is a nicer gun. Also, your drones either need to be loaded with auto-softs (minimum of clear sight, weapon, and movement) or have a RCC that has the three loaded on in. This will raise the price, but will let the drones run on autopilot and be direct either individually via a comlink or together via an RCC. Also, you switch once from MMG to LMG, bit that is minor. Since it is off-road shouldn't it handling and speed be higher off road than on road? Otherwise, really like it.
Quote- Mirikon on 7/30/2019 at 08:26:51
Agreed. This looks like a 'training wheels' edition, that you can use to introduce someone to the setting, and then shift over to something like 5E or 4E. Like how D&D 5E is best used as training wheels for D&D 3.X.

Turned in Toxshaman for ¥1 million/4 once.


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« Reply #4 on: <01-14-15/1949:34> »
The m-23 are cheep, but FN-HAR is a nicer gun. Also, your drones either need to be loaded with auto-softs (minimum of clear sight, weapon, and movement) or have a RCC that has the three loaded on in. This will raise the price, but will let the drones run on autopilot and be direct either individually via a comlink or together via an RCC. Also, you switch once from MMG to LMG, bit that is minor. Since it is off-road shouldn't it handling and speed be higher off road than on road? Otherwise, really like it.

It is a highway patrol car that can go off-road rather than an off-road car. I also figured Lone Star would rather buy American (they are like that). I figured the RCC would be with the driver and not the car and that all the software would be loaded on that.

I'll fix the MMG to LMG. It used to be an LMG.


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« Reply #5 on: <01-14-15/2026:25> »
Oh, well then handling/speed is fine. And that explains the LMG/MMG issues. Otherwise, enjoying your work of late. I would still suggest auto-softs (min 3) for the drones, unless those don't come with the vehicle at higher availability/cost. I am partial to the FN-HAR, but the M-23 (or M-22, eh) is a decent gun and super cheap.
Quote- Mirikon on 7/30/2019 at 08:26:51
Agreed. This looks like a 'training wheels' edition, that you can use to introduce someone to the setting, and then shift over to something like 5E or 4E. Like how D&D 5E is best used as training wheels for D&D 3.X.

Turned in Toxshaman for ¥1 million/4 once.


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« Reply #6 on: <01-15-15/0359:12> »
I would still suggest auto-softs (min 3) for the drones, unless those don't come with the vehicle at higher availability/cost.
You can only fit 2 autosofts on a Pilot 3 vehicle (though they can use more when connected to an RCC).


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« Reply #7 on: <01-15-15/0908:26> »
Thanks, I couldn't remember the maximum.
Quote- Mirikon on 7/30/2019 at 08:26:51
Agreed. This looks like a 'training wheels' edition, that you can use to introduce someone to the setting, and then shift over to something like 5E or 4E. Like how D&D 5E is best used as training wheels for D&D 3.X.

Turned in Toxshaman for ¥1 million/4 once.


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« Reply #8 on: <01-15-15/1105:13> »
Thanks, I couldn't remember the maximum.
Pilot/2 rounded up