[Resource] Custom Life Modules

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« on: <01-06-15/1230:11> »
Like many people who have read Run Faster, I love the book, and I want more.  I noticed there was a distinct lack of corporate-born life modules, and a shortage of nations to choose from as well.  I'm hoping to rectify this somewhat.  Now, I can't tell what formula was used to determine the number of skills, attributes, etc. for the current Life Modules, but I tried my best to keep it balanced.  The logic being that we have to assume every stat is being increased by a factor of 1, and the base karma increase is what is used to determine the value of a particular increase.

For instance, any increase to an attribute is worth 10 points.  Active Skills are 2 points, Skill Groups are 5, and Knowledge Skills are 1.  This is derived from the Karma Advancement Tables on page 107 of the core book.  I tried to spend 25 points worth of Karma (from the negative quality that each of these come with) and then I spent 15 karma on the universal skills to make up the 15 karma cost for the module.

Anyway, I hope that someone out there can make use of these, and hopefully they aren't too much.  I welcome constructive feedback and criticism.  I will add some nationalities to the list if I have time.  I know the CFS is being worked on already by others, so I'll probably roll theirs into mine with permission.

Corporate Born Life Modules
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« Reply #1 on: <01-06-15/1303:06> »
Nice stuff--I imagine fan-created Life Modules will be pretty popular content (or at least, I hope so).

Minor correction: Wuxing's language should be Cantonese. 

I'd be tempted to replace the corp-specific Knowledge skills with something more flavorful.  For example, Knowledge (Wuxing) becomes Knowledge (Ley Lines) and Knowledge (Horizon) becomes Knowledge (Social Conditioning).
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« Reply #2 on: <01-06-15/1312:24> »
Minor correction: Wuxing's language should be Cantonese. 

I wasn't 100% on that, and didn't bother checking the Corporate Guide.  I'll update.  Good catch.  :)

I'd be tempted to replace the corp-specific Knowledge skills with something more flavorful.  For example, Knowledge (Wuxing) becomes Knowledge (Ley Lines) and Knowledge (Horizon) becomes Knowledge (Social Conditioning).

I was seriously tempted to do this too.  I'd be comfortable letting people swap knowledge skills freely at my table, so long as it's a 1:1 ratio.
Feel free to keep any karma you earned illicitly, it's on us.

Quote from: Stephen Covey
Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #3 on: <01-06-15/1346:21> »
In these days of cybercrime, I don't click tinyurl links. For all I know, Namikaze could be phishing us all :D

Seriously though, nice initiative!


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« Reply #4 on: <03-01-15/1540:39> »
Totally agree: I'm posting the same message on the RunFaster product in Catalyst's Shadowrun Products folder

I have a few ideas:

Nationality: British;
Primary Language: English
Secondary: Anything European: Polish, French, German, Italian, Spanish,
Computer +1, Knowledge History + 1
Region: London;
Logic +1, Reaction +1, Etiquette +1, Knowledge: London 1; SINner (5)

In addition: What about a new path: Rebel?
Formative years Rebel has skills like Orphan but with Leadership +1, Con +1, Running +1 instead of Professional Knowledge +3. This is a direct 1:1 point transfer from a knowledge to active skills ~ so I'm willing to drop it to a 3:2 and drop Leadership.
Teen Years Rebel has attributes like Street Kid but Blades +1, Computers +1, Software +1 instead of the Acting Group (again a 1:1 but they're all active skills) and Sneaking +1, Negotiation +1, Street Knowledge (City) +1 instead of the Stealth group (yet again 1:1)

Rebel is basically the kid who didn't try hard but was born with moxy and street smarts. I think this works well with orks especially if they're aware of their own mortality.

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« Reply #5 on: <03-01-15/2229:46> »
Sounds good.  I like the idea of the rebellious youth.  Maybe the teen version could be called "Punk?"
Feel free to keep any karma you earned illicitly, it's on us.

Quote from: Stephen Covey
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« Reply #6 on: <03-02-15/1021:23> »
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« Reply #7 on: <03-11-15/1530:39> »
Every nationality gives either 1 or no attribute increase...yours has 2, so it is already not balanced with the rest.

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