[Resource][Vehicle] GMC Semi-autonomous Repair and Recovery Vehicle

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« on: <01-14-15/1039:06> »
Just a “standard” automated Repair/Recovery vehicle. This is an automated vehicle that still has room for a driver and passengers, but is capable of operating on its own due to its autopilot and agents. It is intended as a combination roadside assistance and tow truck.

GMC Semi-autonomous Repair and Recovery Vehicle [Groundcraft]
Cost: 42,000¥  (45,000¥  with upgraded tow arm)

Truck Stats:
Capacity: Driver + 2 passengers.
Hand: 4/3
Accel: 1
Speed: 3/2
Pilot: 3
Body: 16
Armor: 10
Sensors: 3
Device Rating: 3
Avail: 10

Tow Arm (standard): Tow arm can lift and tow a vehicle with a Body of 15 or less (Strength 15 for all tests).
Tow Arm (Upgrade): There is an upgraded version aimed at heavy vehicles that can lift and tow a vehicle with a Body of 25 or less (Strength 25 for all tests).
Mechanical Arm (Full): Full set of waldo’s for a jumped in Rigger or the repair agent to make repairs. Using the waldo’s gives a limit of 3 on all tests.
Rigger Adaptation
Anti-Theft: Does 10S to anyone touching the vehicle or trying to manually pick the locks.
Winch: The front mounted winch is 50m long and can pull a vehicle with a body of 10 or less. (Strength 10 for all tests)
Software: Automotive Mechanic Professional skill: 3

The GMC Semi-autonomous Repair and Recovery Vehicle is one of a new line of semi-autonomous worker drones that have started to make their way into the market. The drastic drop in the cost of both rigging hardware and software has opened up a wide variety of industrial and commercial applications for drones. When used without a driver the vehicle can be run like a drone in areas that have a high incident of breakdowns. When a Gridgird “Disabled Vehicle” alert is generated or the driver contacts a repair shop the company can route the nearest repair vehicle to that location. The smart agent can then run a diagnostic of the disabled vehicle and attempt to repair it. (The workshop and arm allows for many common repairs to be done on the spot. If a part is needed the company can dispatch the part via drone from a central warehouse if it is available.) If the smart system can’t find the problem a Rigger Mechanic can jump into the vehicle to perform a more though examination or perform a tricky repair. If there is a crash or the vehicle cannot be repaired the tow arm will allow the vehicle to be towed quickly and safely to a repair depot while the passenger rides comfortably in the cab.

For smaller operations or those that operate out of Grid a standard tow truck driver can operate the vehicle in a standard method, but still allow the ease of on-site repair without the expense of having trained mechanic in every vehicle.

When the vehicle is not responding to disabled vehicles it can be used to preform regular maintenance on vehicles or do onsite repairs for minor issues or body work. Clients can set-up an appointment to have these operations done at work.

