[5e] Vampire Hunters Planning Thread

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« Reply #120 on: <01-01-15/1734:57> »
I can check Running Wild later tonight. It had bounties for ghouls. (¥1,500/head in the UCAS, if I remember correctly.) I don't recall if they had bounties for vampires but I'll check.


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« Reply #121 on: <01-01-15/1817:13> »
From Running Wild, p. 64:

   Species   UCAS   CAS
   Bandersnatchii      ¥7,500      ¥5,000   
   Banshees      ¥5,000      ¥5,000   
   Dzoo-noo-qua      ¥2,500      ¥3,000   
   Fomôraig      ¥1,500      ¥1,500   
   Ghouls      ¥1,500      ¥1,500   
   Goblins      ¥4,000      ¥4,000   
   Loup-garou      ¥2,500      ¥3,500   
   Nosferatu      ¥15,000      ¥15,000   
   Vampires      ¥7,500      ¥6,000   
   Wendigos      ¥15,000      ¥15,000   

If you don't have Running Wild I can share some relevant passages that might be helpful for game background/setting.


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« Reply #122 on: <01-01-15/1819:52> »
@Tecumseh, thank you.  That's great.  I'm going to move that on over to the OOC thread.  This campaign will go with those numbers.

Obvious ETA: if said vampire, nosferatu, etc. has additional bounties on her head, those numbers will also be included in a paid bounty, should the runners be aware of it, of course.


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« Reply #123 on: <01-01-15/2147:14> »
I also have a placeholder up there, as it's not completely done yet. Well, the crunch stuff is done, but the backstory and such isn't; I'll have it ready to go in a few days.


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« Reply #124 on: <01-02-15/2040:14> »
Added quite a bit to the placeholder post. I hope to clean it up more as we go on. Add dice pools (not just ratings), weapon stats, and so on.

I switched up my Qi Foci. I got rid of Commanding Voice and replaced it with Cloak. I also dropped Attribute Boost (AGI) and took Linguistics instead. I was feeling guilty about Attribute Boost, given that my skills are already pretty min/maxed, and Linguistics seemed like a great fit both for a globe-trotting campaign (should we globe-trot) as well as a natural fit for a newly converted Christian (Acts 2:4).

In other news, I went for an allergy instead of the Emotional Attachment quality from Run Faster since rednblack said he didn't have that book yet. Also, Chummer now tells me that I have more money than I thought I did. Originally I had it within ¥4 but now it's saying I have ¥1,434. I don't recall deleting anything but perhaps I did. I entered the Gunstock War Club in as a custom item so I'm reasonably sure that it was accounted for correctly.

Sister Rebecca's Code of Ethics seems pretty brutal. It's like Dependent and Allergy and Pacifist all rolled into one, plus a bunch of others that aren't easily categorized. And, yes, krill are shellfish. To play devil's advocate, how does Sister Rebecca reconcile "no lying" with the Fake SINs?


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« Reply #125 on: <01-02-15/2133:35> »
Sister Rebecca's Code of Ethics seems pretty brutal. It's like Dependent and Allergy and Pacifist all rolled into one, plus a bunch of others that aren't easily categorized. And, yes, krill are shellfish. To play devil's advocate, how does Sister Rebecca reconcile "no lying" with the Fake SINs?

I had been thinking about these things as well lately. I mean, it makes sense fluff wise, but actual mechanic wise, it seems hairy. ESPECIALLY the fake SIN bit. Maybe no lying to christians? Maybe simply broadcasting a fake SIN doesn't trip her "lying" wire, but giving the false name does?

but yeah, i HAD been thinking about the dependant/allergy/pacifist thing. I'd like to make it a bit less brutal, but i kinda feel like it SHOULD be a little brutal. Just not THAT brutal, y'know?

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« Reply #126 on: <01-03-15/1441:10> »
I presume the "no lying" is based on "Thou shalt not bear false witness." There ancient, and more literal, interpretation of this is "no false testimony". In other words, no lying about others, but there's nothing explicitly forbidding you from misrepresenting yourself.

"Thou shalt not kill" is pretty watertight, but then the rest of the Old Testament is filled with lots of killing and recommendations on who not ought to live. There are other passages that clarify it more as the killing of innocents, which is great but probably worth a Code of Honor in its own right (let alone the other 12 restrictions). The same is largely true for "thou shalt not steal" too.

Krill would definitely be off the dinner menu, given that they do not have "fins and scales". That's a pretty significant restriction in itself. Looks like mycoprotein for Sister Rebecca. Granted that she's being very Old Testament-y, but the New Testament did remove the dietary restrictions (Mark 7:19, Acts 10:15, Acts 11:9).


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« Reply #127 on: <01-03-15/1445:33> »
I presume the "no lying" is based on "Thou shalt not bear false witness." There ancient, and more literal, interpretation of this is "no false testimony". In other words, no lying about others, but there's nothing explicitly forbidding you from misrepresenting yourself.

im going with that interpretation. thanks.
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« Reply #128 on: <01-04-15/1456:02> »
y'know, i been thinkin bout it and i came up with "Fuggit."

If it should be worth a few more karma than it is, who cares, right?

it fits with the whole "modern day paladin" thing.
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« Reply #129 on: <01-05-15/0301:15> »
okay it's midnight game on


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« Reply #130 on: <01-05-15/1215:46> »


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« Reply #131 on: <01-07-15/2114:19> »
Okay, I would like to start by apologizing. What I did was incredibly rude, and I am sorry.

Basically, my life got extremely crazy these past few days, and Shadowrun has been low on my list of priorities. That's the reason I haven't been posting recently. While I'm sure you guys understand, I should have at least notified you all. For that, I'm sorry.

Posting up my character sheet and contacts; and getting situated back into Tabula Rasa as well. I will get my backstory to you either later tonight or tomorrow.

Again, I would like to give my sincerest apologies for going MIA.


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« Reply #132 on: <01-07-15/2227:09> »
No worries, but I'm glad you're ok.  Seriously, a couple days here and there isn't going to worry or upset me.  Hope all is well.

While we're on the topic, though, next week is going to be a bit crazy for me.  I should still be able to post in all game threads about once a day, but I won't be around as much, and I may miss a day or two.


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« Reply #133 on: <01-07-15/2333:51> »
With as spotty as my posting sometimes is, i aint never gonna give anyone shit for dropping off for a couple days.
"speaking out loud"
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