[Resource] [Gear] Vending machine drone and small items for it and Stuffer Shack

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« on: <01-07-15/1738:50> »
Vending Machines and small convenience items
Many common items like food or flats can be procured from vending machines in the 2070’s. There are even some budding alchemists that use them as secure storefronts for small mystical baubles. Here is a list of things that can be gotten from a vending machine or at your local Stuffer Shack. If anyone else has some cool little items I would love to see them. I am on a quest to add more color to the SR universe and things like this help.

Of course we need to have stats for a vending machine first:

Fizzy Pop Vending Machine (Generic Vending machine)

Vending machine drone (Generic): Size large  Device Rating:1 [EDITED from 3]
Cost: 1,200 ¥
Handling-0    Accel-0     Spd-0     Pilot-1     Body-4     Armor-3     Sensor-1

Camera sensor for recording anyone in front of machine and so agent can see people.
Atmospheric sensor to know to raise or lower prices based on the weather (not kidding they have these in Japan right now)
Anti-Theft System- 2 verbal warnings and then a 5S electric shock
Holo-projector- Shows ads of corporate spokesman. Agent can appear through this interface in non-AR.

Pilot: 1(this is the pilot program that handles interaction and protection as well as performing diagnostics and inventory management)
Personality software (Hi I'm Fizzy Fur, you look thirsty!) This program is built into the Agent and does not take up a program slot.
Blackout (Lets face it you don't want to kill people, but how many free sodas you want to give out)

And of course some newer items that might be of interest to Shadow Runners.

O2 One shot canister
Cost: 5 ¥
A one shot inhaler that helps promote clear thinking and give a natural energy boost. Also helps promote natural healing.
System: Removes 1 Box of Stun damage. Can be used once a day.

Hangover Killer
Cost: 20 ¥
A Slap patch that discreetly goes on your body to help you get rid of the effects of a night of overindulging.
System: Removes all symptoms of a hangover.

Red Rain Poncho
Cost: 25 ¥
For emergency use when Red Rain or other toxic weather blows into town. The poncho comes with a hood and helps prevent damage to you or your belongings.
System: The poncho is treated with a chemical that gives it a rating 1 Chemical Protection good for 24 hours. After that the neutralizers become inert, but it still repels rain.

Cost:50 ¥
A sheet of tattoo paper that measures 5inches by 5 inches. Once opened it can have one image downloaded onto it. When placed against the skin the paper then (painlessly) bonds the image to the skin as a permanent tattoo, unless sprayed with Instant Tattoo remover.

Insta-Tattoos Remover
A spray on catalyst that permanently removes Instant Tattoos.
System: Removes only Insta-Tattoos. Takes 5 minutes to work.

Anti-Mugger Spray

Cost: 15¥
A simple spray canister to help deter the criminal element.
System: A one shot spray of Pepper Punch, a civilian grade pepper spray. Range of 1 meter. Accuracy 2.
Pepper Punch
Availability: 4
Vector: Contact, Inhalation
Speed: 1 Combat Turn
Penetration: 0
Power: 6
Effect: Disorientation, Nausea, Stun Damage

Cost: 25¥
A morning after pill for when you’ve spent the night with Mr. Wrong. Needs to be taken within 24 hours of intercourse to be effective

Cost: 25¥
A topical spray for the treatment of most common STDs and parasitic insects.
System: Adds +2 to a single Disease Resistance Test.

KE-Screamer (or LS-Need-a-Cop)
Cost: 100¥
A one time use electronic device wrist band that acts like a panic button similar to a Doc Wagon wristband. It puts out a “Crime in Progress” distress call with your location to KE or LS with you SIN and location. The device comes with an internal biomonitor that will also go off if vital signs drop. The device also activates if the screamer is removed.
System: Rating 4 device. Operates for 5min before the battery goes dead. Can be activated as a free action. Activation requires a valid SIN (lvl 4 check) and carries a subscription fee of 100¥  per month. This contract can be considered included in paying for a Middle or higher Lifestyle or a Security of Middle or higher for Advanced Lifestyles. Use standard response times to determine how soon the police show up.

A simple bar that provides 1/3rd the calories and daily recommended nutrients in a single, easy to carry and eat bar. Great for meals on the go.
System: Provides all the nutrition of a normal meal.
« Last Edit: <01-12-15/1554:42> by BRodda »


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« Reply #1 on: <01-08-15/0458:55> »
I like the items, but I think the device itself looks a little high powered. For 1500 nuyen you are getting 3000 nuyen of agent and 1080 nuyen of programs (assuming clearsight 1). You have a better brain and sensors than most bar the high end self driving vehicles. Agents can only run on decks, and drones/vehicles only get pilot/2, rounded up, autosofts.

Personally I'd suggest just calling it a rating 1 (General appliances, public terminals, entertainment systems) device rather than a drone, dropping all the program stuff, keeping camera/atmospheric sensors, anti-theft systems, projector, personality and adding a transmission to a home base for the anti-theft system. They don't need a particularly good set of sensors, don't even need a roll unless the customers are hiding!


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« Reply #2 on: <01-08-15/0506:02> »
cool Idea !

we need more of that



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« Reply #3 on: <01-08-15/1032:09> »
I like the items, but I think the device itself looks a little high powered. For 1500 nuyen you are getting 3000 nuyen of agent and 1080 nuyen of programs (assuming clearsight 1). You have a better brain and sensors than most bar the high end self driving vehicles. Agents can only run on decks, and drones/vehicles only get pilot/2, rounded up, autosofts.

Personally I'd suggest just calling it a rating 1 (General appliances, public terminals, entertainment systems) device rather than a drone, dropping all the program stuff, keeping camera/atmospheric sensors, anti-theft systems, projector, personality and adding a transmission to a home base for the anti-theft system. They don't need a particularly good set of sensors, don't even need a roll unless the customers are hiding!

Your right I should have called it a Pilot and not an Agent. I'll fix that.

The first thing about the cost of software is that development for it is a sunk cost for companies. The retail cost of the software may be 4080 nuyen, but the real cost is the cost of the license (or development costs) spread across all the units.  given the mark-up on software is something like 90% the cost of the software is probably only a hair over 400 nuyen.

And honestly I tried it as a level 1 device originally. Gameplay and rough estimations showed that a LV1 device would lose about 5000 nuyen in product a year due to hackers (if not more). Some kid from the Barrens could just show up with a bottom of the line deck and empty the machine out in about 2 min.

I added the Clearsight program at the last minute. Think I'll probably strip that off.


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« Reply #4 on: <01-08-15/1053:32> »
And honestly I tried it as a level 1 device originally. Gameplay and rough estimations showed that a LV1 device would lose about 5000 nuyen in product a year due to hackers (if not more). Some kid from the Barrens could just show up with a bottom of the line deck and empty the machine out in about 2 min.
Whilst I basically agree, this is a gameworld, not a realistic one. Hacking is still starting overwatch, drawing attention from GOD, requires restricted equipment (which kid in the barrens has 50k nuyen for a deck!), and you probably won't be having the vending machine in a back alley of the Barrens unobserved.

I'm basing my thoughts on the table on page 421. The vending machine has (without software) better security than standard personal electronics, basic cyberware, vehicles, drones, weapons and residential security devices. It is on par with security vehicles and corporate security devices! It's as easy to get into via the Matrix as an Ares Roadmaster !


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« Reply #5 on: <01-08-15/1103:06> »
Might be overkill left over from 4th then as just about everyone and their cousin was hacking stuff left and right in 4th. I'll take a look at the vending machine again.

Emperors Grace

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« Reply #6 on: <01-09-15/1731:25> »
Why not just make them effectively unhackable by having them only switch wireless on as needed for burst transmission of status/location back to home at variable but prespecified (by home) times?

Aside from a couple of contigencies (turning wireless on if being physically damaged to upload a camera feed, etc...) I can't imagine the drone needing to be connected to the grid 24/7.  Especially since they'll need to return at regular intervals to have product replaced.


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« Reply #7 on: <01-09-15/1821:51> »
Why not just make them effectively unhackable by having them only switch wireless on as needed for burst transmission of status/location back to home at variable but prespecified (by home) times?

Aside from a couple of contigencies (turning wireless on if being physically damaged to upload a camera feed, etc...) I can't imagine the drone needing to be connected to the grid 24/7.  Especially since they'll need to return at regular intervals to have product replaced.

They need to be able to process wireless money transfers from the customer to the corporate bank account. You might be able to bust out the payments, but they need to be constant open to receiving communications from customers, and that is the bigger issue (getting hacked to give away free product).


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« Reply #8 on: <01-10-15/0104:29> »
And probably because ..

...effectively unhackable...

= effectively no fun.


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« Reply #9 on: <01-10-15/0139:39> »
And probably because ..

...effectively unhackable...

= effectively no fun.

I kid you not, on Dumpshock when I created the vending machine drone we ended up with things like high velocity soda attacks, rival vending machines pushing each off of bridges or in front of automated delivery trucks.

Somewhere I think I have an entire 3 month game about being runners during a SR version of the cola wars.

Emperors Grace

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« Reply #10 on: <01-12-15/1504:53> »
Why not just make them effectively unhackable by having them only switch wireless on as needed for burst transmission of status/location back to home at variable but prespecified (by home) times?

Aside from a couple of contigencies (turning wireless on if being physically damaged to upload a camera feed, etc...) I can't imagine the drone needing to be connected to the grid 24/7.  Especially since they'll need to return at regular intervals to have product replaced.

They need to be able to process wireless money transfers from the customer to the corporate bank account. You might be able to bust out the payments, but they need to be constant open to receiving communications from customers, and that is the bigger issue (getting hacked to give away free product).

Not needed for certified funds/corp scrip.

Low value transactions could still be batched, much as credit cards used to be taken as imprints and then batched later.  The small losses that would occur (especially in better areas) could be written off in the same way as "shrink" in modern retail (and possibly offset through capture/indenture of the crook based on the face ID).  It would far beat the cost of lost opportunity or a lost drone.


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« Reply #11 on: <01-12-15/1529:58> »
Why not just make them effectively unhackable by having them only switch wireless on as needed for burst transmission of status/location back to home at variable but prespecified (by home) times?

Aside from a couple of contigencies (turning wireless on if being physically damaged to upload a camera feed, etc...) I can't imagine the drone needing to be connected to the grid 24/7.  Especially since they'll need to return at regular intervals to have product replaced.

They need to be able to process wireless money transfers from the customer to the corporate bank account. You might be able to bust out the payments, but they need to be constant open to receiving communications from customers, and that is the bigger issue (getting hacked to give away free product).

Not needed for certified funds/corp scrip.

Low value transactions could still be batched, much as credit cards used to be taken as imprints and then batched later.  The small losses that would occur (especially in better areas) could be written off in the same way as "shrink" in modern retail (and possibly offset through capture/indenture of the crook based on the face ID).  It would far beat the cost of lost opportunity or a lost drone.

The issue is that there still needs to be a wireless connection between the comlink and the vending machine so the vending machine knows what account to take the money from. That input is where the hackers come in.


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« Reply #12 on: <01-12-15/1557:50> »
Just so people know I made some changes on the main post due to feedback:

Droped Device Rating to 1. This matches the core rulebook.
Dropped Pilot to 1.
Droped Armor and Encryption off the software.
Dropped price to 1,200¥


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« Reply #13 on: <01-12-15/1644:40> »
I think this would be a device, rather than a drone.  A drone implies a pilot program, which seems unnecessary for a vending machine.  As a device, it can perform all the tasks required of it.  One could argue that it could run a sophisticated agent that can use sensors on the device to guess what the customer wants to buy and customize advertising toward them.
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« Reply #14 on: <01-12-15/1746:10> »
I think this would be a device, rather than a drone.  A drone implies a pilot program, which seems unnecessary for a vending machine.  As a device, it can perform all the tasks required of it.  One could argue that it could run a sophisticated agent that can use sensors on the device to guess what the customer wants to buy and customize advertising toward them.

This big reason I called it a drone is the body and armor. Once you add that to a device then it really starts to interact with the world much more like a drone from a game mechanics standpoint.

