I know GMs I play with have made called that I wouldn't have. And yes, some of those calls down right angered me. But, as you said, the table is not the time to throw a hissy fit. That comes after
No, seriously, Part of the GMs job is to make those calls. It comes with the job description (along with a host of other responsibilities as well), As players, you can make a point that you disagree with a GM call, but ultimately, you got to "roll with the punches" and accept the call, for now. After the game is done, revisit the issue in a calm manner. Explain why you feel the call was wrong and listen openly to what the GM has to say back.
As a GM, part of your job is to make sure that you are applying the rules
fairly to all. A bad call is a bad call, but can be mitigated somewhat if you applying the same call to NPCs as well. (if this is possible, sometimes, PCs do whacky things that are beyond the common sense of NPCs
). After the game is over, openly listen to what your PCs are saying. They very well could have a point! And, at the very least it gives you an incite into your player's head. Don't be afraid to admit you made a bad call either. The rules are complex, and it is easy to get confused in the heat of the moment.
Next game, sit down tell the group you made a bad call, and state for everyone how that call
should have been made, that way you are all on the same page the next time something similar happens. And sometimes, that Bad call has lead to something really nasty happening.... well, if everyone is in agreement, replay the game from the point of that bad call.... yea the out come will vary dramatically, but that's not the point. the point is you are all having fun.