[5e OOC] Sunt Venatores Venationem

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« Reply #1035 on: <03-15-16/1354:33> »
Which hallway is the sentry down?

I'm looking at this post for the map:

Is the sentry in the bottom-left or top-right corner?

Does Sister Rebecca notice what Achak notices (i.e. can she act on that information) or was that Achak-only due to his perception skills?

Going back to this post for the map of the offices:

It sounds like the front glass (near "A") was blown out by the grenade. What's the approximate distance between the office entrance and the conference room? I think you had previously guesstimated the prior position of the ork (on the far side of the conference room) at 24 meters.


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« Reply #1036 on: <03-15-16/1418:31> »
Soak lightning [Coat 12 + Non-con 3 + Mask 2 + Bod 3 - AP 6]: 14d6t5 3
Below average. Lame. So, Mercer takes 6 stun and loses 5 initiative and takes a -1 to all subsequent actions until (or through?) CT4IP1. He also now has a wound mod of -2.
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« Reply #1037 on: <03-15-16/1521:45> »
Sentry is in the bottom-left portion of the map.  Sister Rebecca can see the sentry as well since he's out in the open.  She can also see the man moving toward the Conference Room table.  Once he reaches the conference room table he'll be at just over 20 meters from Achak. 


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« Reply #1038 on: <03-16-16/0219:04> »
Sister Rebecca CT3 IP1

Simple: Holster Sword
Simple: Ready Weapon, MGL
Free: Provide update on Raziel
Move: Walk to the corner next to the elevator, looking for cover from the sentry

Has Raziel's situation changed?


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« Reply #1039 on: <03-16-16/1206:59> »
Sister Rebecca would be able to see Raziel's form over the sentry, harrying him pretty successfully. 

Achak 27
Gavin 23
Blood Spirit 18 (Disrupted)
Q2 18
Q1 16
(New Addition!) 16
Nori 15
Q3 15
Sister Rebecca 14
Q4 11

Achak 17
Q2 8
Q1 6
Sentry 6
Nori 5
Q3 5
Mercer 4
Sister Rebecca 4
Q4 1

Action to Achak.
« Last Edit: <03-16-16/1257:01> by rednblack »


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« Reply #1040 on: <03-16-16/1227:49> »
You managed t drop Mercer from the initiative order. He should be at 4.

Also, since indirect combat spells require a clear line of fire, the lightning ball shouldn't be able to come from behind an intact window. So far as I know, all external windows are still intact but it is certainly within the realm of possibility that Mercer's shot shattered the window it went through, giving the mage the option of peeking out, firing off the spell, and then ducking back behind an intact pane of glass. Since I am assuming that the glass is one way, this would make Mercer unable to visually spot the mage afterward, giving her/him the same bonus as if she/he had performed the spell from behind an intact pane of glass. So, for Mercer it works out the same as if the spell had come from behind an intact pane of glass, though it may require relocating the assailant, both before and after the attack.
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« Reply #1041 on: <03-16-16/1302:50> »
Updated with Mercer in the Initiative order.

Line of Fire is an interesting one.  It isn't defined anywhere in the CRB, and is only mentioned with Indirect Combat Spells.  I'd think that windows wouldn't interfere with Line of Fire, but I don't want to retcon with damaging the barrier either -- especially since AoE attacks only go bang when they hit their destination so I have no idea how to resolve something like that.  We'll say she casted through the broken window.  She had to overshoot Mercer anyway, and center the blast at the rear-end of the van, so he doesn't have a shot at her with how far back from the window she is.


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« Reply #1042 on: <03-16-16/1953:13> »
As long as we're playing it straight, Mercer is at Initiative 2 due to his wound modifier. Doesn't look like it will change anything.

Indirect combat spells do need a clear line of fire, as the attack physically originates at the caster and travels to the target. It's part of the fluff of why Indirect combat spells are dodgeable, unlike Direct combat spells.

I'm going to do some thinking out loud here, mostly to help keep Achak and Sister Rebecca separate in my head and acting realistically.

Sister Rebecca, per her zeal and her identity as a demon hunter, would want to eliminate anyone in league with demonic forces, especially a summoner - a direct font of evil into this world.

Achak is alarmed at the blood spirit. His instinct is to grab the case and go, but at the same time he doesn't like the idea of leaving a blood magician behind and potentially pursuing him. But he also knows that there has been an explosion and that they are on the clock.

Achak is not presently concerned by the sentry at the far end of the hallway. He knows that an SMG is not terribly accurate at this distance, and nor will the man be shooting effectively if Raziel is riding him. That said, he doesn't exactly want to charge the sentry either, especially if there is a man coming up behind him with some sort of weapon. It's a long hallway and he might get caught in the crossfire halfway down it.

So, to that end, Achak is going to advance into the Sunrise offices. He'll be looking to take cover, either behind the conference room wall or by hurdling the reception desk.

Achak CT3 IP2
Simple: Pick Up case
Free: run/move into office
Simple: Take Cover


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« Reply #1043 on: <03-16-16/2348:56> »
Good observation. I keep forgetting to apply wound mods to initiative.
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« Reply #1044 on: <03-17-16/1557:07> »
Apologies for the terseness of the last IC, but I'm still playing catch up down here.

@Tec, I need a Dodge roll from the ork.  He has Reach 2 on his Telescoping Staff.  Achak may or may not recognize the jazz-addled look in his eyes.  Thanks also for hashing out the thought process; it's always helpful for me as a GM.

@Mal, the desk didn't travel far before it fell straight down, so there's no real terrain concern there.  No targets visible as of yet, though why don't you give me an INT+LOG test in case any are -- or should turn -- invisible.  I'll take an Object Resistance test from your drone as well, in this case 15 dice for a drone, right?

Achak 17
Q2 8
Q1 6
Sentry 6
Nori 5
Q3 5

Mercer 4
Sister Rebecca 4
Q4 1

Action to Mercer and Sister Rebecca.


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« Reply #1045 on: <03-17-16/1757:35> »
Achak dodge/block
Achak will use the Block interrupt action. In theory he should be really good at this. Achak's club has Reach 1 so I'll subtract one die from the defense roll to represent the attacker's Reach 2.

Intuition 6 + Reaction 7 + Jazz 1 + Block 6 (8) + Weapon Focus 3 - 1 Reach: 24d6t5 8 hits

I don't know if Limits apply, but both his Physical limit and his Accuracy with the club are 7.

That drops his CT3 IP2 Initiative from 17 to 12.

Sister Rebecca CT3 IP2
It was mentioned earlier that Sister Rebecca could see the man running toward the conference table. She'll launch a Holy Grenade of True Love and Purifying LightTM in his direction.

Free: Counterspelling in Achak's direction (hoping that even if she can't see Achak that she can intercept spells headed in his direction)
Simple: Fire Grenade
Simple: Wirelessly detonate grenade (usually a Free, but Free already spent)

BLOOP: Agility 8 + Heavy Weapons 1 + Spec 2 + Smartlink 1 - Wounds 1: 11d6t5 5 hits, a good roll


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« Reply #1046 on: <03-17-16/1852:06> »
It feels like Mercer is being herded. Let's see what he thinks:
General situational analysis and maybe an invisible foe [INT 5 + LOG 4 - Wounds 2 - Shock 1]: 6d6t5 3
Not too shabby, all considered. He is certainly expecting the enemy from pretty much any angle.

The drone:
Fly-spy resist spell [OR 15]: 15d6t5 5
Dead average, but still tough to beat on a spell cast. One could also argue that resisting an invisibility spell would be done by the sensors with an OR of 9, so take your pick. Dropping 6 dice loses me 3 hits. Optionally, you could take the sensor's rating into account, adding a dice for each rating (or rating above 1) which in either case would provide a total of 4 hits (sensors are rating 3).
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« Reply #1047 on: <03-18-16/1144:53> »
The drone:
Fly-spy resist spell [OR 15]: 15d6t5 5
Dead average, but still tough to beat on a spell cast. One could also argue that resisting an invisibility spell would be done by the sensors with an OR of 9, so take your pick. Dropping 6 dice loses me 3 hits. Optionally, you could take the sensor's rating into account, adding a dice for each rating (or rating above 1) which in either case would provide a total of 4 hits (sensors are rating 3).

Yeah, I'm not as comfortable with the OR rules as I should be.  15 does seem high with drones, with their kinda crappy Perception skills out of the box.  Of course, you could argue that resisting the spell isn't really tied to your vision directly  -- LOG+INT.  I'm gonna say that the "Drone" classification comes in when one is directly jacked in.  That's a nice little bonus, and will probably come in handy for when Zwei joins.  We'll go with the Sensor OR of 9.  I'm going to think about whether the ratings would add bonus dice, as per the reasons above.

I realize that I have fudged the spirit and office interior.  Mercer still has a drone pointed at the latter, so it can see 2 standing metahuman women.  They're back near the office wall, so Mercer doesn't have line of sight, though he could theoretically shoot through the window and floor beneath them to get a shot.  Let me know if you're interested in that, and I'll work out the penalties.  If you want to give me a Perception roll on the drone, I can give you more info on the interior of the office and the women.

On the spirit, I keep forgetting that powers like Concealment and Confusion need to have a Materialized spirit.  I'm going to say that since Raziel was also Concealing himself, that the sentry hasn't spotted the source of his confusion yet.  That would make Raziel visible to Achak should he reenter the hallway. 

Achak blocks! -- or is it Parries?  I think the consensus is that when using Block, Dodge, or Parry you're adding a Limit of the linked Skill.  So 7 Hits, which is still higher than the Improved Accuracy and Personalized Grip can muster up for the Telescoping Staff to hit.  This guy's good, but Achak knows his shit. 

Sister Rebecca drops her grenade just on the far side of the conference table, and it goes boom.  Without a straight visible line to the carnage it's a little less dramatic, though no less loud, than the last hit.  The windows in the conference room that had not blown out are blown out now.

Achak 17
Q2 8
Q1 6
Sentry 6
Nori 5
Q3 5
Mercer 4
Sister Rebecca 4
Q4 1

Achak 2
Q2 1

Action to Achak, and Initiative for everybody when they get the chance.
« Last Edit: <03-18-16/1151:44> by rednblack »


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« Reply #1048 on: <03-18-16/1801:46> »
Achak CT3 IP3
Free: drop case
Complex: melee attack with club

Agility 5 + Clubs 6 + Spec 2 + Weapon Focus 3: 16d6t5 7 hits for Accuracy 7

Club has Reach 1. Base DV is 9P, AP -2.

Achak: Initiative: 5d6+14 33
Sister Rebecca: Initiative: 2d6+7 13

Edit: ha, I just realized that on one of my rolls last week I fatfingered the syntax and rolled 5-sided dice:
Agility 5 + Clubs 6 + Spec 2 + Weapon Focus 3: 16d5t5 3 hits, I think I hit anyway (the first hit on the blood spirit)
« Last Edit: <03-18-16/1811:16> by Tecumseh »


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« Reply #1049 on: <03-18-16/1908:37> »

I was thinking about entering the building and getting underneath them to shoot through the floor, but (assuming that the first floor mirrors the layout of the second floor) that would require breaking into another suite. In any case, Mercer will attempt to enter the building first so that he is shooting through (presumably) softer interior walls rather than the exterior bullet-proof glass. It also reduces his visibility to passers by, though with the boom-boom upstairs, that is likely moot, but still, he doesn't want to potentially take some lead from someone playing hero. I also don't want to over-cheese the shooting through "walls" thing, so let me know if you'd rather I just leave Vera behind and go in with Yoki and maybe Stake.

Drone Perception [Pilot 3 + Clearsight 6]: 9d6t5 6
Holy crap. Though I think the limit is 3 from the sensor rating.

Initiative CT4 (-2 from WM): 3d6+7 17
I don't know if the -1 to all actions from the electrical damage affects the initiative roll (I tend to think not since it is not an action), so subtract one if needed.
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