[5e OOC] Sunt Venatores Venationem

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« Reply #1005 on: <03-07-16/1954:31> »
I updated my last IC to reflect the success of his last shot and provide my next actions (since they won't really impact the other things going on). Basically, the longer comm is a simple action and putting Vera down is another simple. I'm not sure if I should drive the van or leave that to the autopilot, but that's probably what his next Pass action will be. If Mercer drives, he can take some shortcuts that might get him there faster, but he's not the best driver (3 dice), so there is some risk in doing so. What sort of target would you set to hop some curbs in order to make it as straight a shot as possible, and about how much time do you think that would shave off of having the autopilot maneuver us there?
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« Reply #1006 on: <03-07-16/2004:06> »
@Mal, honestly, having the pop a few curbs is no biggie.  I'd ask for a roll, but it would mainly be to test for Glitches, given the stressful situaion.  Mercer could probably get there in 2 CTs.  On auto-pilot it's more like 6 CTs.


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« Reply #1007 on: <03-08-16/0100:58> »
I put up an IC to help inch forward.

Achak comm'd more than usual, but I figured he had spent a Simple action on it. If necessary, I can say that some of the communication happens in the next IP.

Red, do you already have players in mind for post-combat recruiting?


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« Reply #1008 on: <03-08-16/1302:41> »
Thanks for the updated and new ICs.  Looking good.

I've reached out to Zwei, and he's agreed to join the game as either magical support or as a drone rigger.  If anyone has any opinions on this, let me know.  I think we should seek out an additional player.  If you have any recommendations, please forward them along via PM to the group.  I'll do the same should any cross my mind.

Achak 26
Nori 11
Gavin 11
Uh-Oh 9 (Held)
Mercer 7
Q4 7
Q3 7
Q1 5
Q2 4
Sister Rebecca 3

Sister Rebecca will grab the case as a Simple Action.  Should she do anything else?

Achak 16
Nori 1
Gavin 1

Also, does Confusion affect Initiative?  I know it wouldn't be a dice pool mod, but would Net Hits lower an Initiative score?

Can I get a Composure roll for Achak and Sister Rebecca?  This isn't because of any mechanical effect; I'm just more interested in how Achak and Sister Rebecca are handling this new and grotesque appearance on the combat field.  RP as you see fit.


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« Reply #1009 on: <03-08-16/1350:10> »
Achak composure: Willpower 3 + Charisma 4 + Guts 2: 9d6t5 3 hits, average roll, seems like he's keeping it together

Sister Rebecca composure: Willpower 7 + Charisma 4: 11d6t5 4 hits, another day at the office for the good sister. Not sure if she should be down a die for this due to damage but both the first and the last die are non-hits.

Does the spirit appear before or after Sister Rebecca's turn? Thinking out loud, I'm wondering if the appearance of the "demon" would cause her to ignore Achak's orders. I know she's the type to do what she's told, but she's also a demon-smiting Paladin of Pelor.

I imagine Sister Rebecca has exchanged a Simple Action for some extra Free Actions, if that's allowed. Here's how I imagine her IP2:

Free: counterspell
Free: provide update on Raziel
Free: Run
Simple: Pick up briefcase

I don't think I would apply Confusion to Initiative. The spirit power doesn't say so explicitly, but the spell description says that it modifier applies to "tests". As Initiative is not a test, I wouldn't apply it.

Achak CT2 IP3
Simple: Burst
Free: Drop Crusader (on sling)
Simple: Ready Weapon (Gunstock War Club)
Move: Walk/circle toward the fire escape, if it's not blocked by the spirit

Taking a -1 from Sharpshooter since I don't have a Free Action available to call a shot. I'm not certain that the Crusader has the stopping power to do any significant damage to the spirit, so this is mostly an attempt to soften it up a bit and/or start to whittle away its Defense pool (via Previously Defended modifiers) for future IPs.

Shooting: Agility 5 + Automatics 6 + Smartlink 1 - Sharpshooter 1: 11d6t5 3 hits

Base damage is 7P -4AP + net hits. -2 to dodge from burst.


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« Reply #1010 on: <03-08-16/1401:51> »
the spirit does indeed Materialize before Sister Rebecca's IP.  If you'd like to adjust her actions, that's fine by me.  If you want to keep her action economy as listed above, that's fine too.  She can counterspell and transmit simple phrase both as Free Actions.  Another rules question, though.  Critter Powers are not spells, so does that mean that Counterspelling would not affect Fear, Confusion, etc?  They sure do act a lot like spells, but RAW seems to say no.  Let me know if I'm missing something here.

Since Initiative is not a test, we won't apply Confusion to it.  Just needed to know for the second floor guard's turn, which will come in on CT3. . . And maybe for the spirit's next turn  :D



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« Reply #1011 on: <03-08-16/1430:28> »
I believe the consensus opinion is that Counterspelling does not apply to critter powers, which is one of the reasons often listed why spirits are overpowered. I don't necessarily disagree.

@Mal, what's your opinion on Sister Rebecca's likely thought process? Part of me is thinking that she might tactically disregard a regular spirit and leave it to Achak, but an abomination might be more than she can willfully ignore.


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« Reply #1012 on: <03-08-16/1548:39> »
Given the good sister's past as a demon hunter she would recognize this abomination as being the result of blood magic.


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« Reply #1013 on: <03-08-16/1558:13> »
Vroom vroom [Reaction 4 - Defaulting 1]: 3d6t5 1
Yay, no glitch.

As far as additional players, I don't really have any suggestions - the TR crew are the only ones I've played with long enough to get to know well. As far as roles, we need a decker. Zwei has plenty of experience with those, but I can totally understand that he probably wants to try his hand at another archetype. Either of his choices are good options (we could use a proper spell caster and drones are handy and Mercer just doesn't adequately fill that role), but I would strongly hope that any additional player we grab build a decker or TM. They could even do a magic based AR decker if they prefer.

As for Rebecca's thoughts, I'd say she would defer to Achak unconditionally, though I could see her reminding him that spirits are her forte and that she has the weapon focus that will be considerably more effective against it. If Achak is planning a tactical retreat, and it appears obvious to her that that is what is happening, then she would probably keep her thoughts to herself and stick with the plan - unhappy about retreating from an enemy of God, but willing to trust that a Christian soldier would be just as adverse and only make the decision with good reason.
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« Reply #1014 on: <03-08-16/1630:27> »
I would say one decker plus one mage, unless rednblack prefers keeping the decking work behind the curtain for simplicity's sake.

Zweiblumen is certainly an option but perhaps he is feeling an availability crunch now that he is GMing himself.

bangbangtequila has been shopping around a combat/manipulation mage. He/she ("he" for simplicity) doesn't have any RP on these boards so I can't judge that, but he is saying reasonably intelligent things in other threads and claims extensive PbP experience on other boards. I'm guessing that PbP experience isn't Shadowrun, but he's been a member here since 2012 (although that includes a 4-year break, probably to RP on other boards). He didn't leave any games hanging during his absence; prior to his departure, his GM disappeared from the PbP game he was participating in here.


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« Reply #1015 on: <03-08-16/1638:32> »
OOOC some matrix support will be helpful, but I don't think the team needs a dedicated decker. I recommended to Zwei that he put some points in those skills if he goes with the rigger, but I figure a few points in Electronic Warfare with a good spec and maybe something else should serve the team fine. Honestly I doubt he'd even need hacking.

Of course, if y'all want to go the higher tech route I can adjust some things no problem.


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« Reply #1016 on: <03-08-16/1645:43> »
I somehow completely missed the line where you said you had already reached out to Zweiblumen. Alright, we'll see what he cooks up.


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« Reply #1017 on: <03-08-16/1742:31> »
Yeah, a high logic with some points in EW, computer, and hacking would be adequate. Doesn't need to be maxed - a rigger or logic mage could easily drop about ten skill points across them and do well with light duty Matrix stuff. The trick is the deck. If we can somehow obtain one then it'd make it easier to have someone fill that role as a secondary when needed and not have to have a team member dedicated to it.

But I'm fine with keeping the matrix stuff to a minimum and going more low-tech as rnb suggests too. As a heavy cyber user (though I might look into a slight redesign after this fight to take into account some of the new books and stuff as well as the new group composition), I just want to make sure we aren't exposed there. Between the jammer and the high DR commlink, I'm doing okay and a stealth module and smoke&mirrors will button that up pretty good, so it largely just comes down to covering our tracks and recon.
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« Reply #1018 on: <03-09-16/1315:05> »
Upon reflection, I just can't imagine any scenario where Sister Rebecca ignores or doesn't engage a blood spirit. So, I would submit the following for retcon:

Sister Rebecca CT2 IP2
Free: Run/Charge
Simple: "holster" the MGL... I don't know how she actually does this, stick it to her back with the gecko grip? If it's not possible, then just drop it.
Simple: Ready Weapon (Sword of Gabriel)
Other: RP shouts of Biblical verse

That means no counterspelling, no briefcase, and no update on Raziel. If approved, I'll update my last IC post to remove her comm.

Achak's actions would remain the same:

Achak CT2 IP3
Simple: Burst
Free: Drop Crusader (on sling)
Simple: Ready Weapon (Gunstock War Club)
Move: Walk/circle toward the fire escape, if it's not blocked by the spirit


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« Reply #1019 on: <03-09-16/1429:55> »
@Mal, looking good on the driving.  Mercer pulls into the road, other cars be damned, and begins making his way to the Sunrise parking lot.  Assuming a straight shot over the curbs, he'll be there by the end of CT4.

@Tec, I'm fine with the retcon.  As I understand it, yes the gecko grip on the MGL will just stick to her armor, so she can effectively Drop it across her back, or on her stomach, etc.  Across the back is probably better for future attacks, and since it needs to be staged up to a Simple Action anyway, that's fine. 

Circling toward the fire escape is not an issue.  The fire escape is to Achak's back, the spirit to his front, and Sister Rebecca is standing on the other side of the spirit.  That make sense?

The Spirit dodges. 

Nori is able to Trace Icon on Gavin, and tags him on Mercer's AR overlay.  As expected, he's still in the office, and lucky for you, there's a straight shot at him.  The closer you get to the parking lot, the less likely that clear shot will stay clear.

Achak 16
Nori 1
Gavin 1

Achak 6

Action to Achak.

