[5e OOC] Sunt Venatores Venationem

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« on: <01-01-15/1514:43> »
IC thread is forthcoming.

Our hunters are:
Poindexter: Sister Rebecca (demon-smiting Paladin of Pelor, err, Mystic Adept rocking an under-barrel chainsaw and wielding the Sword of Gabriel )
Tecumseh: Achak (AmerIndian shamanistically inclined Christian who carries a big stick)
8-bit: Stake (Cybered Street Sam, Team Leader, Szechley geeker)

Please post your character sheets and background below.  As always, please allow everyone to post before continuing with any OOC chatter.


Duncan Abbey: Fence: Connection: 6 (Team Contact)

A finely chiseled elf of African ancestry and British upbringing, Mr. Abbey is a dealer in art and fine antiques.  He keeps an office in Downtown Seattle, in what was once the Queen Anne District, in Manhattan, and another in Tokyo.  While he has a penchant for jewelry, Mr. Abbey has a way of keeping his understated and classical, favoring British styles, tie pins, and mechanical pocket watches.  Aside from his taste for the finer things in life, Mr. Abbey is a soft-spoken and shrewd businessman who is always thinking about the long game.  While he's not above using his status and education to softly bully new shadowrunners, when he sees potential for a fruitful business relationship he does his best to make sure that each party is satisfied, assuming that it won't cut too far into his bottom line, of course.

Rose Delayne (Raven): Fixer: Connection 3

A paranormal investigator turned Ghoul, Raven is a go-to source for information about the Infected, their habits, their weaknesses, and certain goings on in some of the more unsavory corners of Seattle.  She stands a meter-and-a-two-thirds tall, is lanky -- as ghouls tend to be -- and has a pair of obvious cyber eyes which help her do most of her work on the matrix.  She is a regular contributor to Grotto1, where she uses the handle "Nevermore."  For those who have never met Raven in the flesh, it is not common knowledge that she is a ghoul.  Raven is one of the self-loathing ghoul types, and she makes every effort to inform the non-infected and infected alike in her life that she only eats scraps that she buys from street docs.

Father Jim Mallory: Talismonger: Connection 3

A Benedictine Monk by education, Father Mallory is a talismonger by trade.  He is large, even by troll standards, of mostly Irish ethnicity, and a man who's quick to smile.  A Christian Theurgist, Father Mallory runs his shop out of Saint Monica's Church, a small congregation on the border between the Redmond Barrens and Bellevue.  He does his best to keep his finger on the pulse of his corner of Seattle, but given that everything he hears is filtered through his own worldview, sometimes some of the cold hard facts get lost in the translation.

Nori Koizumi: Blogger/Reporter: Connection 4

Information is the game.  The saying goes, "It's not what you know, it's who you know," and Ms. Koizumi would disagree vehemently.  "Without the 'who,' there is no 'what,' but it's the 'what' that pays the bills," she would say.  And pay the bills it does.  Ms. Koizumi writes for a number of scream sheets as well as a few of the more reputable sources, and she's got the list of clients to back those stories up.  She favors any stories with a hint of the macabre, and it was as long ago as early April when she first opined that something rotten was happening in the shadows of the Infected.  In her early 20s, Ms. Koizumi is plump, gracious, and only slightly over a meter-and-a-half tall, but when she gets a hold of a story, she is tenacious.  Ms. Koizumi is a human of Japanese ancestry.

Grotto1: Matrix Forum

Grotto1 is the go-to hub for vampire hunters across the UCAS.  Information and tips are bought and sold, with user feedback ratings keeping most of the drek out.  Grotto1 is a subscription-based private server, which allays some, but not all, security worries. 

Shadow Slang
(Add, or don't, the following to your Shadowrun speak as you feel appropriate.)

Chipper n. Weaponized sawdust, esp. in grenade or shotgun round.  Useful for bypassing Regeneration and for forcing a vampire to abandon its mist form.
Dust(ed) v. To kill an infected, esp. a vampire.
Lost boys n. Newly turned vampires who have not yet mastered their powers or limits.  Not as conniving a foe as an elder vampire, Lost boys are nevertheless fierce and feral combatants who will often feed much more often than is necessary to augment their strength, agility, or magic.  Lost Boys also have a tendency to wreak havoc on a specific locale until they are either dispatched or learn to hide themselves more adroitly.
Stake-N-Shake n. The murdering-the-infected version of a smash and grab, Stake-N-Shake operations occur when a vampire must be hit in a public or semi-public venue and the corpse extracted to cash in on the bounty.  These operations are dangerous because the vampire's thrall will almost always be present, along with the other dangers of collateral damage, etc. that are present with a firefight in a public spaces.  Stake-N-Shakes are often a last resort for powerful vampires trying to conceal their nature because they will often be ingesting food and so cannot take advantage of their mist form power.
Sterling Round also Sterlings n. Silver-plated ammunition often used for dusting Banshees and some vampires.  While sterling silver and plated silver are 2 different things in the jewelry world, this is an example of a misnomer that stuck.  The softness of the outer-coating gives these rounds increased devastation against soft targets, but are less useful against armored foes.  (Treat regular rounds mechanically as hollow-points for DV and AP characteristics.  APDS remains unchanged.)
Szechely n. Pronounced "Say-Kay," by most English speakers in the western hemisphere.  In Bram Stoker's Dracula, the title character descended from the Hungarian tribe Székelys.  In vampire hunting circles, it is common to refer to vampires by this name as an insult.
Whip n. The senior and ranking member of a vampire's thrall.  Often called a Whip for the nice, sporty cars they often drive, Whips usually straddle the line between head bodyguard, personal assistant, and food procurement service.  Often adepts or magically active, vampires refrain from draining the essence from their Whips, as doing so has a negative effect on their future job performance.
Zeke n. See Szechely.

House Rules

Edge Tests always have exploding 6s.

RG2, with the following exceptions: no target size modifiers for targets that fall into the "Small" and "Bulky" category.


martinchaen's (RIP) Rigger revamp rules as outlined here:
All preferred changes apply.

For Summoning, the limit is the spirit's force or the summoner's astral limit, whichever is higher (JackVII's house rule).

For Alchemy: Instead of Alchemy being opposed by Force of the preparation, it is opposed by Force - Alchemist's Skill. Therefore, an Alchemist with an Alchemy skill of 6 casting at Force 6 or lower would roll Magic + Alchemy [Force] unopposed, but if he were to overcast to Force 12, he would be opposed by 6 dice. This makes it easier to create preparations with decent Potency (Ryo's house rule).


   Species   UCAS   CAS
   Bandersnatchii      ¥7,500      ¥5,000   
   Banshees      ¥5,000      ¥5,000   
   Dzoo-noo-qua      ¥2,500      ¥3,000   
   Fomôraig      ¥1,500      ¥1,500   
   Ghouls      ¥1,500      ¥1,500   
   Goblins      ¥4,000      ¥4,000   
   Loup-garou      ¥2,500      ¥3,500   
   Nosferatu      ¥15,000      ¥15,000   
   Vampires      ¥7,500      ¥6,000   
   Wendigos      ¥15,000      ¥15,000   

Mercer's Sheet:;topicseen#msg371052
« Last Edit: <05-25-15/1346:19> by rednblack »


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  • If you lack empathy, you are worthless.
« Reply #1 on: <01-01-15/1543:10> »
== Info ==
Street Name: Sister Rebecca
Name: Annabelle Shuster
Movement: 16/32
Karma: 10
Street Cred: 1
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Human Female Age 27
Height 5ft11 Weight 214lbs
Composure: 11
Judge Intentions: 7
Lift/Carry: 8 (60 kg/40 kg)
Memory: 9
Nuyen: 610

== Priorities ==
Metatype: D - Human
Attributes: A - 24 Attributes
Special: C - Mystic Adept
Skills: B - 36 Skills/5 Skill Groups
Resources: E - 100,000¥

== Attributes ==
BOD: 4
AGI: 5 /8
REA: 4 (5)
STR: 4
CHA: 4
INT: 3
LOG: 2
WIL: 7
EDG: 2
MAG: 6

== Derived Attributes ==
Essence:                   6
Initiative:                8 + 2d6
Rigger Initiative:         8 + 2d6
Astral Initiative:         6 + 2d6
Matrix AR Initiative:      8 + 2d6
Matrix Cold Initiative:    3 + DP + 3d6
Matrix Hot Initiative:     3 + DP + 4d6
Physical Damage Track:     10
Stun Damage Track:         12

== Limits ==
Physical:                  6
Mental:                    5
Social:                    7
Astral:                    7

== Active Skills ==
Arcana                     : 1                      Pool: 3
Armorer                    : 1                      Pool: 3
Assensing                  : 5                      Pool: 8
Astral Combat              : 1                      Pool: 8
Banishing                  : 2                      Pool: 8
Binding                    : 2                      Pool: 8
Blades                     : 4 [Swords]             Pool: 12 (14)
Computer                   : 1                      Pool: 3
Counterspelling            : 6 [Combat]             Pool: 12 (14)
Disenchanting              : 2                      Pool: 8
Gymnastics                 : 2                      Pool: 10
Heavy Weapons              : 1 [Grenade Launchers] Pool: 9 (11)
Navigation                 : 3                      Pool: 6
Perception                 : 3 [Hearing]            Pool: 6 /8
Running                    : 2                      Pool: 6
Sneaking                   : 2                      Pool: 10
Spellcasting               : 2 [Health]             Pool: 8 (10)
Summoning                  : 2                      Pool: 8
Survival                   : 3                      Pool: 10
Swimming                   : 2                      Pool: 6
Tracking                   : 3                      Pool: 6

== Knowledge Skills ==
Fashion                    : 1                      Pool: 4
Latin                      : 1 [Read/Write]         Pool: 4 (6)
Literature                 : 1                      Pool: 4
Magical Threats            : 2                      Pool: 4
Religion                   : 1 [Christianity]       Pool: 3 (5)
Small Unit Tactics         : 3                      Pool: 6

== Contacts ==

Marcus, Cult "Johnson" (5, 1)
 Her main point of contact with the church is a cruel and impatient white man, bitter with the cards he's been dealt in life. HE was supposed to be the slayer, not some glorified street fixer, which is what he feels like in the position he actually HAS with the church. He's known Rebecca since they were children and he's only 3 years older than she is, but he's always acted like he's much older and wiser than she is. Perhaps this is why he's so strict and vicious in the penance he doles out to her after each confession.

Nori Koizumi, Blogger/reporter (4, 3)
 Information is the game.  The saying goes, "It's not what you know, it's who you know," and Ms. Koizumi would disagree vehemently.  "Without the 'who,' there is no 'what,' but it's the 'what' that pays the bills," she would say.  And pay the bills it does.  Ms. Koizumi writes for a number of scream sheets as well as a few of the more reputable sources, and she's got the list of clients to back those stories up.  She favors any stories with a hint of the macabre, and it was as long ago as early April when she first opined that something rotten was happening in the shadows of the Infected.  In her early 20s, Ms. Koizumi is plump, gracious, and only slightly over a meter-and-a-half tall, but when she gets a hold of a story, she is tenacious.  Ms. Koizumi is a human of Japanese ancestry.

Raven, Info broker (3, 2)
 A paranormal investigator turned Ghoul, Raven is a go-to source for information about the Infected, their habits, their weaknesses, and certain goings on in some of the more unsavory corners of Seattle.  She stands a meter-and-a-two-thirds tall, is lanky -- as ghouls tend to be -- and has a pair of obvious cyber eyes which help her do most of her work on the matrix.  She is a regular contributor to Grotto1, where she uses the handle "Nevermore."  For those who have never met Raven in the flesh, it is not common knowledge that she is a ghoul.  Raven is one of the self-loathing ghoul types, and she makes every effort to inform the non-infected and infected alike in her life that she only eats scraps that she buys from street docs.

Saahir, Smuggler (4, 2)
 A former member of the Black Panthers, Saahir is a strong minded and profit oriented kind of guy. He's completely self-educated and highly intelligent, never one to let a good opportunity pass him by. He's also one HELLUVA salesman, having saved Beccas life a few times by convincing her to purchase expensive weapon and armor mods, almost against her will sometimes. She doesn't trust his morals or beliefs and tries to convert him constantly, but she trusts his knowledge of weapons implicitly at this point. If he tells her to buy something, she buys it.

== Qualities ==
Astral Beacon
Code of Honor (Fundamentalist Christian)
Exceptional Attribute (WIL)
Mystic Adept
Prejudiced (Common, Biased) (Non-Christian)

== Spells ==
(Tradition: Christian Theurgy, Resist Drain with WIL + CHA (11))
Armor                      DV: F-2
Heal                       DV: F-4
Mana Barrier               DV: F-2
Physical Barrier           DV: F-1
Stabilize                  DV: F-4

== Powers ==
Astral Perception
Empathic Healing
Improved Physical Attribute (AGI) Rating: 3
Improved Reflexes 1

== Lifestyles ==
Abandoned church in the CAS  4 months (Squatter)
Burned out gas station in the PCC  3 months (Squatter)
Crappy apartment near the lake in the UCAS  2 months (Low)

== Armor ==
Armor Jacket                        12
   +Chemical Protection 4
   +Fire Resistance 6
   +Nonconductivity 4
   +Radiation Shielding 2
   +YNT Softweave Armor
Forearm Guards                      1
   +Flashlight, Infrared
Helmet                              2
   +Respirator Rating 6
   +Vision Enhancement Rating 3

== Weapons ==
ArmTech MGL-12
   +Underbarrel Monofilament Chainsaw
   +Extreme Environment Modification, Level 1
   +Gas-Vent 3 System
   +Gecko Grip
   +Shock Pad
   +Smartgun System, Internal
   +Spare Clip
   +Weapon Personality
   Pool: 11  Accuracy: 6   DV: 16P (-2/m)   AP: -2  RC: 6
Sword ("Blade of Gabriel")
   Pool: 17   Accuracy: 6   DV: 7P   AP: -2   RC: 2

== Commlink ==
Fairlight Caliban (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 7, FWL: 7)
   +Datasoft (Daily Bible Verse)
   +Datasoft (Parafauna Update)
   +Sim Module
   +Bug Scanner Rating 6
   +Tag Eraser

== Gear ==
Contacts Rating 3
   +Flare Compensation
   +Thermographic Vision
   +Vision Magnification
Fake SIN (Emily Sothering, CAS Charity Worker) Rating 4
Fake SIN (Keina Shingle, PCC Healer) Rating 4
   +Fake License (Mage License) Rating 4
Fake SIN (Patti MacArthur, UCAS Fishing Boat Worker) Rating 4
Fake SIN (Samantha Billingsly, UCAS Bounty Hunter) Rating 4
   +Fake License (Mage License) Rating 4
   +Fake License (Bounty Hunter's License) Rating 4
   +Fake License (Heavy Weapons License) Rating 4
   +Fake License (Weapon Focus License) Rating 4
Minigrenade: High Explosive x50
Reagents, per dram x30
Weapon Focus (Bonded Foci) (Sword) Rating 3

== Background ==
Annabelle was a frail child; born human, sickly, and 2 months premature to a pair of elves who gave her up for adoption as soon as they saw what she was. Her earliest memories are of the church. Every sunday, she and all the other kids from the adoption center would go there together and even though most of the other kids seemed bored, Anna was positively ENTHRALLED. The ceremony... The lighting... The clothes... The language... The music... The WORDS!!! In her short little life so far, she'd only ever known pity at best and ridicule at worst, but here inside these walls and surrounded by these stained glass windows, she was taught about hope. She learned all the words to all the songs, even though her singing voice was average on her best days. She learned all the words to the prayers and the chants, even though they were in latin and she didn't understand what a word of it meant. She was maybe 9 by the time she'd become such a fixture at the church, cleaning up, cooking, helping out, and making friends, that she was formally adopted by the church and went to live there for good.

It was maybe three years after then that she awakened. At first, Anna saw it as a child would; A blessing of wisdom and strength from God himself. But once she learned that it came with responsibilities and changes she wasn't ready for yet, she was hesitant. Once they saw her talents, they wanted her to go away to an old Gregorian monestary to be trained and taught. She was afraid to go. What kind of holy warrior was she supposed to be? She just wanted to stay in the church and sing the songs, tend to the books, dust the statues, marry a nice man and grow old. But God had chosen her for something else. What could she do? She said goodbye to her friends in the church and left [CITY], never to see them again. Well, most of them, anyway...

Marcus had always been a bully. Not your typical hair pulling, wedgie giving, lunchmoney taking sort of bully, but a bully none the less. Since Annabelle had first arrived at the church, Marcus had been mean to her. He was three years older than her and far more well read, far further educated in the path of the Lord than she. He lorded this fact over her and all the other children who came to the church. Whereas some bullies use their strength to make themselves feel better about themselves, Marcus used his intellect, and God help the poor child on whom he would fix his intellectual ridicule on any given day. Annabelle had seen kids driven to tears or wetting themselves by the ferocious mocking this little monster would hand out, and she was always smart enough to not make herself a target of his wrath. She stayed silent when she could tell he was in one of his moods. Not only was there the natural human instinct to not be singled out, but she also knew enough about the teachings to know that to argue with a christian male about his beliefs is incorrect and an abomination against God. In the few instances that she WAS singled out, she remained very quiet and still, looking at the ground and refusing to make eye contact with him until he would finish and storm off, triumphantly. She'd spent years living under the same roof as this small minded, petty little worm and she dreaded rounding every corner in the church for fear of having to see his weasely face. The only postive thing she could find about leaving the church and going to live in some monastery in the middle of nowhere to be trained in battle magic, the ONLY silver lining was that she'd never have to see that little cockroach again. How wrong she was.

After 10 long arduous years of training, she was a demon hunter, not frail and sickly anymore. Instead, she now stood as a small mountain of muscle, nearly unrecognizable from her childhood image. Taught the skills to track down evil spirits wherever they may hide and slay them in their places of power, the monastery put her into the field, armed only with her holy sword, "The blade of Gabriel" and one contact. This would be the person she would go through for all of her mission related info from the church, as well as all her material supplies and transportation until she developed her own contacts for those. She felt a slight twinge in her stomach when she read the name of the contact; Marcus. It couldn't be, she figured. But indeed it was. For six years now, she's been wandering the north american continent, building her contacts as well as a web of fake identities, drops, and safehouses in a desperate attempt to have as little to do with Marcus as possible. It's been going quite well. For a while there, she just couldn't find anyone who could get gear cheaper than he could or more reliably, so she had to keep with him for re-supply. But two years ago, she caught him in a lie, quite by accident and found out who HIS supplier was; a former black panther named Saahir. She found him and introduced herself with the intention of going over Marcus's head for gear. Since then, she's done everything she can to look out for Saahir and nurture their working relationship. It's paid off in the last few months as she can tell he's starting to trust her a bit more lately than he initially did.

Now, "Sister Rebecca" is 27 years old with over three dozen kills, making her one of the most effective demon hunters working today. When she isn't actively working a mission, she wanders unarmed among the homeless and destitute, healing their ills and helping their communities as best she can. But as soon as she gets the right message from Marcus, she can be nearly anywhere in North America within hours, armored to the gills and armed to the teeth, ready to lay down the righteous vengeance of the Lord himself on whatever blight he may find offensive in his holy sight.

==Code of Ethics==

1-   Must confess and take communion every sunday.
2-   No taking the lords name in vain and no swearing.
3-   No pork, shellfish, alcohol, drugs, or impurities of any kind. (I think technically, Krill are shellfish, are they not?)
4-   No sex.
5-   No stepping inside a church for 7 days after menstruating.
6-   No wearing of any garment made from more than one type of fiber (Artificial fibers are fine).
7-   No interrupting a christian male when he is speaking, nor attempting to correct him in his assumptions or beliefs. Remain submissive and obedient to christian males.
8-   Must cover head in church.
9-   Must attempt to convert non-christians.
10- Must tithe 10% to the church.
11- Must avoid killing metahumans at all costs. (Exceptions made for those obviously in league with "demonic" forces.)
12- No lying (Avoiding the truth is ok)
13- No stealing
« Last Edit: <01-11-16/2104:49> by Poindexter »
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #2 on: <01-01-15/1725:16> »
Name: Achak
Alias: Teros Boanerges
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Nationality: Salish-Shidhe
Ancestry: Native American
Lifestyle: Low in Seattle, Squatter safehouses in Puyallup and Salish-Shidhe
Money: ¥1,754
Current Karma: 6
Karma Spent: 0
Physical Description:TBD

355 (7)5
2 of 3663d6 + 13
Physical l.Mental l.Social l.Astral l.
Physical boxStun boxOverflow

Positive Qualities
Catlike+2 Sneaking
Guts+2 resist fear and intimidation
Mentor Spirit (Dog)+2 tracking, improved senses, loyalty
Sharpshooter+2 called shots, -1 all other shots

Negative Qualities
Addiction (Mild) (Stimulants)Woooo!
Allergy (Common) (Mild)Chocolate (real and fake)
Dependent (Nuisance) (Mild)Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Loss of Confidence (Leadership) -2 to Leadership tests
Prejudice (Specific, Biased) (Trolls)-2 to social interactions
SINner (National)Salish-Shidhe

Adept Powers
NameCost     Notes
Cloak0.00Qi Focus, +1 to oppose Detection spells
Combat Sense0.50+1 defense, can always roll for surprise
Critical Strike (Clubs)0.50+1 DV clubs
Danger Sense0.25+1 surprise checks
Enhanced Accuracy (Clubs)0.25+1 Accuracy
Improved Reflexes 22.50+2 Reaction, +2d6 Initiative
Improved Sense (Bloodhound Scent)0.00from mentor spirit
Improved Sense (High-Frequency Hearing)0.00from mentor spirit
Linguistics0.00Qi Focus, Intuition+Logic vs. Threshold (6 hours)
Magic Sense0.50Detect Magic, range = 60 meters
Motion Sense0.50Perception + Magic [Mental] vs. threshold, range = 6 meters
Sustenance0.00Qi Focus, one meal per day
Traceless Walk1.00-4 Perception checks to detect with hearing

Active Skills
Skill Groups
NameRating     Notes
Influence skill group5
...Leadership5-2 Loss of Confidence
Athletics skill group1
Outdoors skill group     1
...Tracking1+2 Mentor Spirit

Individual Skills
Name     Rating     Notes
Automatics (Assault Rifles)     6 (8 )     smartlink, Sharpshooter
Clubs (Gunstock War club)6 (8 )+3 weapon focus
Locksmith (Maglock)6 (8 )
Perception (Hearing)6 (8 )improved adept senses (scent, high-frequency hearing)
Sneaking (Urban)6 (8 )+2 Catlike
Armorer (Melee Weapons)2 (4)
Escape Artist1
Heavy Weapons1smartlink
Pilot Ground Craft1

Knowledge Skills
NameRating     Category
Security Design (Homes)4 (6)Professional
Area Knowledge: NAN (Salish-Shidhe)     2 (4)Street
Area Knowledge: Seattle (Puyallup)2 (4)Street
Music (Classical/Baroque)2 (4)Interest
Christianity (Protestantism)1 (3)Academic
Street Drugs (Stimulants)1 (3)Interest

Language Skills
Or'zet (Speak)3 (5)
Spanish (Speak)     1 (3)

Name     Location     Profession     C/L     Description
Duncan Abbey     Queen Anne, SeattleFence6/1A finely chiseled elf of African ancestry and British upbringing, Mr. Abbey is a dealer in art and fine antiques.
Lola LustytushLoveland, SeattleStripper2/3Lola is a human-looking ork who dances at Kadie's, a gentleman's club near Ft. Lewis.
MegedagikCascade Ork, Salish-Shidhe     Entreprenuer     3/2Megedagik is an ork shaman. He's a smuggler, a coyote, and a seller of suspicious goods.
Pastor PaulLos Angeles, PCCPastor4/3Pastor Paul converted Achak. He asks Achak to look after the church he left behind when he moved to L.A.
RustyPuyallup, SeattleGang Leader4/3Rusty is the troll leader of the BlackJacks, a Puyallup gang that Achak ran with for a while.

Background (full background here)
Achak was born on Cascade Ork lands in the Salish-Shidhe Council. Growing up with orks was more of a physical experience than a mental one, so he honed his body to be able to better compete with the quickly-maturing orks that were the same age. He fell in with a bad element (the whole tribe is a bad element) and got tied up with some smugglers (Megedagik). Achak is an excellent watchman, with adept powers that improve his senses.

After many smuggling runs into and out of Seattle, Achak decided to give city life a try. He fell in with the BlackJacks, a gang in the Puyallup Barrens. He eventually left over a conflict with the leader (Rusty) about a woman (Lola Lustytush). He was then recruited by Stake to become a vampire hunter, as his powers of perception combined with his natural sneakiness and fearlessness lent themselves well to the work. A tragedy leading to the death of one of his teammates made Achak question his leadership potential and eventually led him to convert to Christianity.

== Lifestyles ==
Gangland Hideout  (Seattle, Squatter, Extra Secure) 1 month
Simple Monastic Lifestyle (Seattle, Low) 1 month
Trailer in the Woods (Salish-Shidhe, Squatter)  1 month

== Armor ==
Full Body Armor 15
   +Chemical Seal
   +Fire Resistance 2
   +Insulation 1
   +Nonconductivity 2
   +Shock Frills
   +Thermal Damping 2
Full Body Armor: Helmet 3
   +Flare Compensation
   +Vision Enhancement Rating 3

Lined Coat 9
   +Electrochromic Clothing
   +Concealable Holster (for Ares Crusader II)
   +Concealable Sheathe (for Gunstock War Club)
Forearm Guards 1

Vashon Island: Synergist Business Line 9 ("Sunday Best")
   +Custom Fit
   +Concealable Holster

== Weapons ==
Gunstock War Club w/ Personalized Grip
DV: 9P, AP: -2, Acc: 5 (7), Reach: 1

Ares Alpha
   +Flashlight, Low Light (side mount)
   +Imaging Scope (top mount)
   +Personalized Grip
   +Shock Pad
   +Smartgun System, Internal
   +Sound Suppressor (barrel mount)
   +Ares Alpha Grenade Launcher (underbarrel mount)
          +Airburst Link
Alpha DV: 11P, AP: -2, Acc 5 (8 ), SA/BF/FA, 42(c), Recoil: 5 w/ Str (+1 first shot = 6 shots), Short: 25, Medium: 150, Long: 350, Extreme: 550
Grenade DV/AP: per grenade, Acc 4 (7), SS, 6 (c), Short: 50, Medium: 100, Long: 150, Extreme: 500

Ares Crusader II
   +Flashlight, Low Light (side mount)
   +Gas-Vent 2 System (integral)
   +Imaging Scope (top mount)
   +Personalized Grip
   +Shock Pad
   +Smartgun System, Internal
   +Sound Suppressor (barrel)
DV: 7P, AP: 0, Acc 5 (8 ), SA/BF, 40(c), Recoil: 5 w/ Str (+1 first shot = 6 shots), Short: 5, Medium: 15, Long: 30, Extreme: 50

== Commlink ==
Fairlight Caliban
Meta Link x3 (burners)

== Gear ==
Ammo: APDS (Machine Pistols) x40
Ammo: APDS (Assault Rifles) x36 (used 6 of original 42)
Ammo: EX-Explosive Rounds (Machine Pistols) x40
Ammo: EX-Explosive Rounds (Assault Rifles) x39 (used 3 of original 42)
Ammo: Silver APDS (Assault Rifles) x42
Ammo: Silver APDS (Machine Pistols) x40
Ammo: Wooden Flechette (Assault Rifles) x42
Ammo: Wooden Flechette (Machine Pistols) x34 (used 6 of original 40)
Minigrenade: Flash-Bang x3
Minigrenade: High Explosive x3
Minigrenade: Sawdust x3
Minigrenade: Thermal Smoke x3
Spare Clip (Ares Alpha) x4
Spare Clip (Ares Crusader II) x4

Autopicker Rating 6
Cellular Glove Molder Rating 4
Gecko Tape Gloves
Keycard Copier Rating 6
Lockpick Set
Maglock Passkey Rating 4
Monofilament Chainsaw
Sequencer Rating 5
Miniwelder Fuel Canister

Glasses Rating 4
   +Vision Enhancement Rating 3
   +Flare Compensation
Contacts Rating 3
   +Low Light
   +Image Link
Earbuds Rating 3
   +Audio Enhancement Rating 3

Fake SIN (UCAS) Rating 4 - "Teros Boanerges"
+ Fake License (Bounty Hunter) Rating 4
+ Fake License (Firearms) Rating 4
+ Fake License (Registered Awakened) Rating 4

Fake SIN (Salish Shidhe) Rating 1 - "Caesar Imperator Augustus" Male Elf, Age 1914
+ Fake License (Adept License) Rating 1
+ Fake License (Automatic Weapons License) Rating 1
+ Fake License (Bounty Hunter's License) Rating 1

Jazz x9
Long Haul x5
Novacoke x5

Weapon Focus (Bonded Foci) (Gunstock War Club) Rating 3
Qi Focus (Bonded Foci) (Cloak) Rating 1
Qi Focus (Bonded Foci) (Linguistics) Rating 1
Qi Focus (Bonded Foci) (Sustenance) Rating 1

Medkit Rating 2
Respirator Rating 6
Slap Patch, Stim Patch Rating 6 x2
Slap Patch, Trauma Patch
Survival Kit

Tool Kit (Armorer)

Nuyen log
Spent ¥100 on cab ride to Puyallup
« Last Edit: <01-06-16/1325:46> by Tecumseh »


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« Reply #3 on: <01-01-15/2146:32> »
-- Karma Expenditures --
35 Starting Karma
+10 Free Post Chargen Karma
+34 Negative Qualities
-16 Positive Qualities
-25 50,000 nuyen
-10 Reaction 2
-10 Edge 2
-5 Athletics 1
-2 Etiquette 1
-2 Leadership 1
-2 Pilot Ground Craft 1
-2 Contacts

0 Remaining Karma

-- General Information --
Name: Alejandro Circo
Street Name: Stake
SINs on Person: National SIN - UCAS (Alejandro Circo); Fake SIN 4 (Joshua Dran) [Bounty Hunting License]; Fake SIN 5 (Gregory Maxwell); Fake SIN 1 (Rebecca Montreau)

Age: 87
Sex: Male
Metatype: Elf
Ethnicity: Cuban

Height: 182.88 centimeters
Weight: 110 kilograms
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Black

-- Attributes --
Body: 4
Agility: 4 (6)
Reaction: 2 (4)
Strength: 1 (3)
Willpower: 5
Logic: 3
Intuition: 5
Charisma: 8

Edge: 2 (0)
Essence: 0.05

-- Derived Attributes --
Initiative - 7 (9) + 1d6 (3d6)
Physical Condition Monitor - 10 | Currently 0 are filled
Stun Condition Monitor - 11 | Currently 6 are filled - Wound Penalty = -1
Overflow Boxes - 4 | Currently 0 are filled
Physical Limit - 5
Mental Limit - 6
Social Limit - 11

-- Qualities, Martial Arts, and Racial Abilities --
Bilingual - English and Spanish (-5 Karma)
First Impression (-11 Karma)
Addiction - Alcohol, Moderate (+9 Karma)
Aged 1 (+7 Karma)
Consummate Professional (+3 Karma)
Insomnia - Basic (+10 Karma)
National SIN - UCAS (+5 Karma)

-- Skills --
Automatics 6 (+2 Assault Rifles) - dice pool of 12 (14)
Con 1 - dice pool of 9
Disguise 1 - dice pool of 6
Etiquette 1 - dice pool of 9
Gymnastics 1 - dice pool of 7
Impersonation 1 - dice pool of 9
Intimidation 6 (+2 Interrogation) - dice pool of 14 (16)
Leadership 1 - dice pool of 9
Negotiation 6 (+2 Bargaining) - dice pool of 14 (16)
Palming 1 - dice pool of 7
Perception 6 (+2 Visual) - dice pool of 11 (13)
Performance 1 - dice pool of 9
Running 1 - dice pool of 4
Sneaking 1 - dice pool of 7
Swimming 1 - dice pool of 4

-- Skill Groups --
Acting 1
Athletics 1
Stealth 1

-- Knowledge and Language Skills --
English N
Spanish N
Japanese 6 - Language - dice pool of 11
Area Knowledge: Seattle 4 - Street - dice pool of 9
Infected Behavior 4 - Street - dice pool of 9
Infected Theory 3 - Professional - dice pool of 6
Infected Physiology 4 - Professional - dice pool of 7
Alcohol 4 - Interest - dice pool of 9
Music 2 - Interest - dice pool of 7
History 2 - Street - dice pool of 7
Street Drugs 2 - Street - dice pool of 7

-- Cyberware and Bioware --
Aluminum Bone Lacing - Used - 13,500 nuyen | 1.25 Essence
Implanted Commlink (Fairlight Caliban) - Alphaware - 2,400 nuyen | 0.16 Essence
Rating 4 Cybereyes - Used - 27,000 nuyen | 0.625 Essence
w/ Flare Compensation, Low-light Vision, Smartlink, Image Link, Thermographic Vision, Vision Magnification, Vision Enhancement 3
Datajack - Alphaware - 1,250 nuyen | 0.08 Essence
Muscle Replacement 2 - Betaware - 75,000 nuyen | 1.4 Essence
Adrenal Regulator - Used - 6,750 nuyen | 0.125 Essence
Damage Compensators 3 - Betaware - 9,000 nuyen | 0.21 Essence
MPC Bridge - Standard - 14,000 nuyen | 0.1 Essence
Platelet Factories - Used - 12,750 nuyen | 0.25 Essence
Synaptic Boosters 2 - Standard - 190,000 nuyen | 1.0 Essence
Tailored Pheromones 3 - Used - 69,750 nuyen | 0.75 Essence

-- Gear --
Form Fitting Body Armor w/ Custom Fit, Concealability, Shock Weave, Electrochromic Clothing - 2,800 nuyen
Argentum Coat w/ Custom Fit (Stack - Form Fitting Body Armor), Concealability, Nonconductivity 6, Electrochromic Clothing, Chemical Protection 4, Fire Resistance 4 - 7,600 nuyen
Custom Ballistic Mask w/ Electrochromic Clothing, Micro-transceiver, Biomonitor, Gas Mask, Audio Enhancement 2, Autoinjector - 3,900 nuyen
Securetech PPP: Arms Kit - 250 nuyen
Securetech PPP: Legs Kit - 300 nuyen
Synergist Business Line w/ Custom Fit, Concealable Holster, Electrochromic Clothing, Shock Weave, Insulation 2 - 3,500 nuyen
Synergist Business Line Longcoat w/ Custom Fit (Stack - Synergist Business Line), Holster, Electrochromic Clothing, Nonconductivity 6 - 4,300 nuyen
Armor Jacket w/ Electrochromic Clothing, Nonconductivity 6, Shock Weave, Chemical Protection 3 - 4,750 nuyen
Steyr TMP w/ Advanced Safety System (Basic), Concealed Quick-Draw Holster, Gas-Vent 3 System, Personalized Grip, Safe Target System (Base, Image Recognition, Extra RFIDs, Extra Image Profiles), Internal Smartgun System, 2 Spare Clips - 3,385 nuyen
AK-97 w/ Advanced Safety System (Basic), Gas-Vent 3 System, Personalized Grip, Safe Target System (Base, Image Recognition, Extra RFIDs, Extra Image Profiles), External Smartgun System, 2 Spare Clips - 3,560 nuyen
Ares Alpha w/ Underbarrel Launcher, Internal Smartgun System, Advanced Safety System (Basic), Gas-Vent 3 System, Personalized Grip, Safe Target System (Base, Image Recognition, Extra RFIDs, Extra Image Profiles), Shock Pad, Sling, 2 Spare Clips - 5,125 nuyen
Assault Rifle Ammunition: 100 APDS Rounds; 100 Silver Coated APDS Rounds; 100 EX-Explosive Rounds; 200 Gel Rounds; 200 Regular Rounds; 100 Flechette Rounds; 100 Wood Flechette Rounds; 200 Stealth Tag Tracker Rounds - 9,300 nuyen
Machine Pistol Ammuntion: 100 Regular Rounds; 100 Stick-n-Shock Rounds; 50 Flechette Rounds; 50 Wood Flechette Rounds; 50 Silver Coated APDS; 100 Stealth Tag Tracker Rounds - 4,000 nuyen
Grenades: 10 Flashbangs; 10 Fragmentation; 10 High Explosive; 10 Sawdust - 4,000 nuyen
2 Rating 6 Medkits - 3,000 nuyen
3 Medkit Supplies - 300 nuyen
2 Rating 6 Stim Patches - 300 nuyen
2 Trauma Patches - 1,000 nuyen
Fairlight Caliban Commlink (Implanted) w/ Sim Module - 8,100 nuyen
3 Renraku Sensei Commlinks - 3,000 nuyen
Rating 6 Bug Scanner - 600 nuyen
Micro-transceiver - 100 nuyen
Tag Eraser - 450 nuyen
Rating 6 White Noise Generator - 300 nuyen
Rating 5 Area Jammer - 1,000 nuyen
Rating 6 Directional Jammer - 1,200 nuyen
5 doses of Kamikaze - 500 nuyen
10 doses of Long Haul - 500 nuyen
100 Sensor Tags - 400 nuyen
100 Stealth Tags - 100 nuyen
Gas Mask - 200 nuyen
Survival Kit - 200 nuyen
Disguise Kit - 500 nuyen
Grotto1 Subscription - 1 Year - 1,500 nuyen
Credsticks: 2 Gold, 4 Silver, 4 Standard - 300 nuyen
Rating 5 Fake SIN - Gregory Maxwell - 16,500 nuyen
w/ Rating 5 Fake License (Restricted Cyberware), Rating 5 Fake License (Restricted Bioware), Rating 5 Fake License (Concealed Carry), Rating 5 Fake License (Bounty Hunter)
Rating 1 Fake SIN - Rebecca Montreau - 2,500 nuyen
Suzuki Mirage w/ Morphing License Plate, Spoof Chips - 10,000 nuyen
Condominium - Middle Lifestyle w/ Extra Secure - Primary Lifestyle - 1 Month Paid - Under Legal SIN - 6,000 nuyen
Storage Facility - Low Lifestyle w/ Dangerous Area; Extra Secure - As long as they get the money, they don't ask questions - 3 Months Paid - Under Rating 5 Fake SIN - 5,400 nuyen
Bolt Hole - Low Lifestyle w/ Dangerous Area; Extra Secure - If everything goes to hell, a place to hide out for a little bit - 3 Months Paid - Under Rating 1 Fake SIN - 5,400 nuyen

Remaining nuyen: 2,480 + (4d6 x 100)

-- Contacts --

Duncan Abbey | Fence
Connection 6 | Loyalty 2

Short Description:
A finely chiseled elf of African ancestry and British upbringing, Mr. Abbey is a dealer in art and fine antiques.  He keeps an office in Downtown Seattle, in what was once the Queen Anne District, in Manhattan, and another in Tokyo.  While he has a penchant for jewelry, Mr. Abbey has a way of keeping his understated and classical, favoring British styles, tie pins, and mechanical pocket watches.  Aside from his taste for the finer things in life, Mr. Abbey is a soft-spoken and shrewd businessman who is always thinking about the long game.  While he's not above using his status and education to softly bully new shadowrunners, when he sees potential for a fruitful business relationship he does his best to make sure that each party is satisfied, assuming that it won't cut too far into his bottom line, of course.

Stake lives in Downtown Seattle, and has occasionally done business with Mr. Abbey. Stake is a regular customer, as he picks up all sorts of interesting things in his career of choice, but their relationship is strictly business.

Nori Koizumi | Blogger/Reporter
Connection 4 | Loyalty 3

Short Description:
Information is the game.  The saying goes, "It's not what you know, it's who you know," and Ms. Koizumi would disagree vehemently.  "Without the 'who,' there is no 'what,' but it's the 'what' that pays the bills," she would say.  And pay the bills it does.  Ms. Koizumi writes for a number of scream sheets as well as a few of the more reputable sources, and she's got the list of clients to back those stories up.  She favors any stories with a hint of the macabre, and it was as long ago as early April when she first opined that something rotten was happening in the shadows of the Infected.  In her early 20s, Ms. Koizumi is plump, gracious, and only slightly over a meter-and-a-half tall, but when she gets a hold of a story, she is tenacious.  Ms. Koizumi is a human of Japanese ancestry.

Stake first found out about Ms. Koizumi when she came knocking on his door. It was a little alarming at first, but it turned out she had found Stake through the bounty hunter community. At first, Stake treated her as he would with any reporter, but she remained persistent. Eventually, he gave in and told her one story, just one, but he asked her to return the favor with any information she might find. Over time, they have traded numerous stories and rumours from the street, and while they aren't exactly friends, they are willing to do a favor for each other every now and then.

William Farn | Arms Dealer
Connection 4 | Loyalty 2

Short Description:
Disgruntled 60 year old Human who mostly hates people, but loves guns and all kinds of things that go boom. He keeps trying to recommend "the next big thing", which is usually some new weapon he's jumbled together or created and he wants to test out.

40 years ago, Alejandro came to him for help. He needed something to kill an Infected, his first Infected. Fortunately, that was "the next big thing" at the moment, and William was happy to comply. Stake paid him, and they didn't see each other for 20 years. Stake came back under his street name, and William didn't recognize him. Stake never revealed that he was the same person, but he was in the Infected Bounty Hunting business, and he knew William had what he needed. They have maintained a steady and healthy business relationship since.

Katherine Michelle | Fixer
Connection 5 | Loyalty 2

Short Description:
Retired Elf bounty hunter who was tired of seeing a bunch of others die due to lack of information and/or gear. Although a genuinely good person is a rare thing on the streets, Katherine certainly is close to qualifying. Seems rather vindictive against Ares, although she has never told Stake why.

It took Stake a while to get himself working in the Bounty Hunting game, but when he did, several people pointed him in the direction of Katherine. She had just retired when he started, but that didn't stop them from building a business relationship. She helped show him some of the ropes, and made sure he got what he needed, at least to start out. None of it came free, of course, but what she did was invaluable. Stake has never pursued a deeper relationship with her, and she kept things neutral and related to business. Over the years, Stake has been a regular customer of hers, and she is as good to her word today as she was when they first met.

"Sliver" | ID Manufacturer
Connection 5 | Loyalty 1

Short Description:
Retired Human Runner who earned his name due to the enormous amounts of 'ware he has implanted in him and his cold-blooded logical perspective. It's almost as if he has a "sliver" of humanity left. One of his runs went south in the past, and he was barely kept alive with heavy applications of cyberlimbs. He still uses his talents to hack the SIN registries, but his paranoia requires meetings only online, with a proper password, biometric check, and all transfers are made with certified cred.

Stake found out about Sliver after he seriously got into being a bounty hunter. You need convincing licenses and SINs to work in certain areas, and some things you don't want to have on your real SIN. Sliver is incredibly paranoid about everything, which makes it difficult to work with him, but Stake is willing to put up with it, as he does really good work and all his security measures mean that he is unlikely to be fooled by any poseurs.

Alfred Winston | Beat Cop
Connection 2 | Loyalty 2

Short Description:
60 year old Human that's been on the same beat in Seattle for a long time. While he constantly grumbles about his job, he knows the area and knows when something unusual is going down along his "territory".

Stake's career has taken him into some, interesting, places. It's also taken him into some boring places as well. On one of his little trips as a bounty hunter, he ran into Alfred. Naturally, Alfred was extremely suspicious of Stake, but they got to talking and Stake managed to convince him that he was "clean". A little bribe helped. Since then, Stake has learned how much Alfred hates his job, so he helps him along with a few bribes every now and then, whether they be money or information to make Alfred look good. Of course, in return, Alfred is more than happy to spill his complaints and notes to Stake.

Carl Prane | Street Doc
Connection 3 | Loyalty 3

Short Description:
You never know when you're going to need a doctor in this line of business. The dwarf has some good facilities for fixup and the connections to get everything necessary for 'ware installment, but you gotta pay for it. Stake has left his life in Carl's hands many a time, and Carl has yet to let him down. If there is one thing he's good at, it's patching people back together.

Stake first met Carl when he needed some questionable 'ware installed. This was over 10 years ago, and Stake has kept up with Carl since. Even as a quasi-legal Bounty Hunter, there are some injuries you don't exactly want recorded. While they both understand that they would betray each other, if necessary, they have built up a bit of a friendship. They both found that they like good dining, with real food, and they both have an appreciation for good liquor. It's not much, but it gives them something in common.

Andre Birno | Taxi Driver
Connection 1 | Loyalty 3

Short Description:
Andre is a tall, grizzled looking Spanish Ork. He's got to be in his late 30's, making him positively ancient. He's got a fairly large family, which is to be expected for an Ork. While he doesn't really have any connections or pull, you would be surprised what a Taxi Driver hears and knows; especially where all the bad parts of town, and any unusual events are.

Stake first met Andre a few years ago. It started with a simple cab ride, nothing out of the ordinary. It was when Stake tried to get through a part of Redmond that something different happened. Andre refused to go through, and he explained that the current gangs were acting up there. When Andre finally dropped Stake off, Stake kept his name in his mind. Slowly, over the years, Stake has kept calling Andre personally, as he knew the ins and outs of the streets. Whenever Stake is chasing a bounty, or whenever he gets some information, he gives Andre a headsup on the area, so that he doesn't have to take his passengers through a dangerous area. In return, Andre is willing to help him out with any information he has, as well as a few discreet trips, if need be.

Sam | Bartender
Connection 2 | Loyalty 2

Short Description:
Human Bartender that Stake knows next to nothing about. He knows his drinks though, and bartenders obviously hear all the juicy gossip and weird information that you could imagine.

Sam is a bartender at Club Penumbra, and that's about the extent of their relationship. Stake is a regular customer, and occasionally slides a bribe or two Sam's way for any information that he can get. Sam tends to be the strong and silent type, which is fairly typical of bartenders. It doesn't really lend itself to a complex relationship.

Muriel | Ancients Lieutenant
Connection 3 | Loyalty 2

Short Description:
French Elf who runs the Redmond Division of the Ancients. She is authoritative and commanding, good qualities for a leader. Stake keeps up payments for added security and passage through her territory. She also appreciates the fact that he cleans up some of the Infected; they aren't good for business. Infected people don't pay, and they kill others who also then can't pay.

Stake has been living in Seattle for a long time, and in that time you learn to make some friends, if you want to get around. An alliance with some of the Ancients is just his latest "friendship". Muriel is a young renegade from Tir Tairngire, most of the Ancients are. While she is a decent leader and persuader, Stake has been dealing with people like her since before she was born. He knows most of the tricks in the book, and he never lets his guard down. Still, that doesn't prevent him from staying on good terms with Muriel, although they both know they can't really trust each other.
« Last Edit: <03-24-15/1242:18> by 8-bit »


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« Reply #4 on: <01-05-15/1224:57> »
IC is up.

I'm dropping you guys right in the beginning of a run.  Happy hunting.

OOC, this is partly to get a handle on the mechanics of NPCing vampires, and their abilities.  We should get some good plot development too, as well as seeing how this crew will act as a team.  Elijah, or 3L1, is your driver/rigger/back-up, and he's on the team's matrix channel, so you can give him directions from there. 

From the information that you've gathered about the apartment building, there's the main entrance, which leads to the club floor, and side rooms in a U shape around it.  The second floor, looks down on the first, also with side rooms.  Levels 3-6 are all apartments, with 17 units on floors 3-4, and 4 unit penthouses on floors 5-6.  There are two back entrances and a sub-basement entry point out by the dumpsters.  Feel free to ask whatever questions you'd like about the setup.  We'll figure out what the legwork portion of the run would have turned up.

Note also, there will be an element of collaborative gaming in this initial run, so be prepared to offer bits that you would find interesting.


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« Reply #5 on: <01-05-15/1618:05> »
Achak would be thinking about climbing up the exterior, hopefully with the assistance of fire escapes. A stealthier entrance than walking through the front door in full riot gear. That said, he's second-guessing his decision making right now (due to the death of the last teammate, who I named Yohan) and would be looking for a comprehensive plan (one using drones, etc.) from Stake. Sweeping bottom-to-top is another approach, or maybe walking around the building in a circle looking for hits / general direction from Magic Sense.

He'd be interested in physical/electronic security (maglocks, locks on door, etc.), but given that this is the Barrens there might not be any. But he would hope that the recon would suss that out. Guards at the club could be a potential complication if stealth fails. It occurs to me I didn't really make very many provisions for less-than-lethal options. I suppose he has flash-bangs and thermal smoke, although he was probably going to take the Crusader rather than the Alpha.

Note also, there will be an element of collaborative gaming in this initial run, so be prepared to offer bits that you would find interesting.

You lost me there. What bits are we offering?


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« Reply #6 on: <01-05-15/1717:06> »

Note also, there will be an element of collaborative gaming in this initial run, so be prepared to offer bits that you would find interesting.

You lost me there. What bits are we offering?

Well, here's one: let's assume the club is Yakuza owned. Why did your contact decide to provide this info to the team? Others will pop up as the play continues.

@All, please post your load-outs when you have time.


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« Reply #7 on: <01-05-15/1747:05> »
Still learning my way around another GM's game.

Do you want the bits shared ICly or OOCly? Same question for the load-out.

Any other conventions to follow?


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« Reply #8 on: <01-05-15/1750:13> »
Still learning my way around another GM's game.

Do you want the bits shared ICly or OOCly? Same question for the load-out.

Any other conventions to follow?

Do both OOCly. No sense in tryin to shoehorn stuff in


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« Reply #9 on: <01-05-15/1829:29> »
Achak's Party Time Loadout
Fairlight Caliban running silent (no SIN broadcast)
Full body armor + helmet (wireless enabled and slaved to Fairlight Caliban)
Contacts + Earbuds (wireless + slaved)
Ares Crusader II (wireless + slaved) loaded with wooden flechette + carrying clips for EX-explosive and APDS
Gunstock War Club (not wireless nor slaved)
Qi Foci (Cloak activated)
Jazz x 1
Stim Patch R6 x 2
Trauma Patch x 1
Medkit R2 (presuming it is small and easily transported)

I do not know how large most of the B&E gear is, but I'm guessing most of it is reasonable small given its purpose. Presuming this is not excessive:

Autopicker Rating 6
Lockpick Set
Maglock Passkey Rating 4
Sequencer Rating 5


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« Reply #10 on: <01-05-15/2218:05> »
Becca knows NOTHING about hunting vampires.
I assume she's here on loan from the church. Perhaps my organization owes a debt to yalls in some way, or perhaps yalls owe mine one now, but i feel like I've been sent by Marcus to support the team. As far as vampires go, she has nearly no specific expertise to add to the group. She's here in a very "support the group and follow orders" kinda sense.

That work for everyone else?
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #11 on: <01-05-15/2227:56> »
Becca knows NOTHING about hunting vampires.
I assume she's here on loan from the church. Perhaps my organization owes a debt to yalls in some way, or perhaps yalls owe mine one now, but i feel like I've been sent by Marcus to support the team. As far as vampires go, she has nearly no specific expertise to add to the group. She's here in a very "support the group and follow orders" kinda sense.

That work for everyone else?

Well, this should be interesting.   ;)

What's Becca's loadout?


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  • If you lack empathy, you are worthless.
« Reply #12 on: <01-05-15/2332:18> »
Becca owns only two weapons; The sword of Gabriel and the grenade launcher. She would only have sent for the Launcher if the group had asked her to do so. If they did not, she is armed only with the sword.
"speaking out loud"
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  • If you lack empathy, you are worthless.
« Reply #13 on: <01-06-15/2011:30> »
Ok, i feel like I need to go over a little bit before i can jump in.

I feel like it's only been several hours since becca got off a plane under her bounty hunter SIN, was picked up by Achak and Stake. I feel like THEY did the legwork on this and she's only been brought in since the plan has already been fleshed out. She was told her role, what she needed to do, and when she needed to do it, but not much else. When asked if she needed anything for the job, she mentioned owning a grenade launcher and that she could send for it if needed.

So, how does that sound to everyone? If it sounds good, what WAS she told about this job? What is the reason her group was called on to provide a heavy hitter/support like herself for this job?
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #14 on: <01-06-15/2105:16> »
So, how does that sound to everyone? If it sounds good, what WAS she told about this job? What is the reason her group was called on to provide a heavy hitter/support like herself for this job?

Sounds good to me, and I would also be interested in emphasis added.  It may be the same reason why you guys are hitting this club/apartments at night, as opposed to knocking out the windows in the middle of a Monday afternoon.