Some cards, like Spirit Guide, require to "have played a spell card this turn" to be bought.
How is the intended interaction with out-of-turn buy opportunities, like scene change (which happens after the current runner's turn ends, (Manual page 7:
5. End Turn
Your turn is now over. If the runner to your left is the starting runner, the round is over and the team starts another round. Otherwise, the runner to your left takes their turn. If there are no obstacles left when you end your turn, your team has completed a Scene! Look on the Mission sheet for what to do when a Scene ends.
and Prep Work (which kicks in before the first turn of the game has started).
Rules-as-witten, those Spells can not be bought at those times, which significantly weakens the Mage's options (to a point where our Mage player has threatened not to play the Mage anymore unless we houserule this).
I would very much love to hear from the designers what is to be considered rules-as-intended in these cases.