Shadowrun Play > Play-by-Post

Want to form a game? (Dead Thread)

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Man, i'm super busy, but I really like playing so I'm down for GM'ing this thread....I just won't be able post as often as on the first one i started because I committed to that one....but it won't be that bad.  I would prefer doing only 2 players, 3 max. 

I'm definitely up for playing

Since you don't have much time on your hands and there are more people wanting to play than you want to take on right now(understandable), I thought I'd continue the epic search for a GM and see if anyone turns up. I figured it would be cool with you, since you only offered because we couldn't find anyone. :)I really appreciate you offering in the first place. I just think it would be nice if would could figure out a way to let everyone( at least these people) play. I do hope that I get to play in one of your games though. I've been reading Road to Redmond and I like your writing. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens.

I've posted on Dumpshock to see if anyone over there is willing.

Thanks man! good luck!


--- Quote from: DC on ---Inca,
Since you don't have much time on your hands and there are more people wanting to play than you want to take on right now(understandable), I thought I'd continue the epic search for a GM and see if anyone turns up. I figured it would be cool with you, since you only offered because we couldn't find anyone. :)I really appreciate you offering in the first place. I just think it would be nice if would could figure out a way to let everyone( at least these people) play. I do hope that I get to play in one of your games though. I've been reading Road to Redmond and I like your writing. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens.

I've posted on Dumpshock to see if anyone over there is willing.

--- End quote ---
You...made an account on Dumpshock, wherein your first post is to try and find a GM for a game over here?

Yikes.  Good luck with that.


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