[IC] Truth or Dare

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« Reply #15 on: <11-24-14/2237:57> »
Krestov perked up, a low rumble emanating from his throat as he joined the chat with his reply. 

"Two of the largest size for me, whatever passes for meat.  Slobber, do we have any more of that wheat water you guys like to drink?"


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« Reply #16 on: <11-24-14/2247:43> »
"They do troll size meals. I book one troll size gyros for you. And coke?"
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #17 on: <12-01-14/0754:20> »
"You're too kind" Krestovs smirks wryly, giving a nod.  "Sure, coke works for me.  Maybe I have a Jack here as well, I look..." He took a quick glance to the others, curious about their choice of food before lumbering off, calling back to them.  "From what I know of this game, I believe it is bnc to spin next?"
« Last Edit: <12-01-14/2245:10> by SgtBoomCloud »

Sabato Kuroi

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« Reply #18 on: <12-05-14/0554:56> »
"I'll have a  greek salad and a mediterranean omelette.And spin the fragging bottle already!"


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« Reply #19 on: <12-05-14/1359:45> »
She collects the orders quickly, and manipulates the file. Within seconds, she's back to her meat body to take up the action. She runs her fingers through her hair before she twists the bottle and waits expectantly for the result.
Slobbertooth. The bottle's neck points almost directly at the Ork.

"Slobbertooth again. Alright. Truth: At which age did you kill for the first time?
Dare: Pick up the pizzas naked, when they arrive."
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #20 on: <12-05-14/1427:52> »
Slobbertooth takes a sip of his soykaf to wash down his most recent bite of sandwich. "Truth. I don't have any qualms with talking about that, and it's too cold to be out naked.

"I was 15 yeas old. Some Human Supremacists were aggravating my kin because I lived with them. I didn't take to kindly to it. Wolf didn't take to kindly to it. I wanted to protect my family. There are two fewer punks in the world now."

"normal speech"
"under your breath"
" translated foreign language" (Foreign Language)


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« Reply #21 on: <12-05-14/1509:46> »
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #22 on: <12-05-14/1630:03> »
Slobbertooth responds after taking a bite of sandwich, "Yes, Wolf. Haff I nefer told vou 'bout him before?" He continues after a sip of soykaf and with a tusky grin, "Well, I guess you'll just have to spin the bottle and ask me a clever question to get me to tell you all about him." He takes his big meaty paws and grabs the bottle, giving it another spin.

1d4: 3

"Welp that's you Krestov. Truth: What was it like to grow up as one of us goblinized metahumans in your home country? Dare: Go make a turban out of toilet paper and wear it around the house during the rest of the game."
"normal speech"
"under your breath"
" translated foreign language" (Foreign Language)


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« Reply #23 on: <12-05-14/1704:07> »
Krestov had a stony look through Slobbertooth's answer to his truth, giving a nod.  Humanists.  That hit home.

Listening up as the bottle pointed at him, he gave a small chuckle, closing his eyes and shaking his head.  "Given what we are about to eat, I would hate to waste precious toilet tissue on my head.  So, truth."

He took a breath, turning in his seat to face the group.  "Truth was, I wouldn't be able to tell you the normal life for 'one of us' in my home.  I was plucked early from my family and stuck in KE's Academy, Russian Division.  Some special project or whatever.  All drills and training."

He gave a grin.  "Still, I would imagine the looks of fear, disgust, and the derision of my size is pretty normal.  Now, let's see here..."

With a ginger flick of the wrist, Krestov Spun the bottle.: 1d4 1, nearly flinging it off the table as it twirled, eventually halting in the direction of bnc.  He raised a brow in surprise.

"Very well, malyutka.  Truth: Upon meeting us, how much digging with that little deck of yours did you do, hm?  ...Dare."  he drew his metal flask from his hip, known to have a dark drink strong enough to affect someone his size.  "Take a swig and not gag on it."


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« Reply #24 on: <12-05-14/2256:02> »
bnc looks Slobbertooth in the eye. Neither of you knows her very long but you found out about some peculiar interests of her: medicine, chemistry, psychology. And magic. Whatever she's interested in, she eats bookshelves about. Virtual ones, that is. She knows more about magic than any of the team. Chances are, she knows more about magic than anybody you know. Still, she's giddy as a girl when it comes to real-life encounters with Awakened ones. You can see the greedy shimmer in her eyes, yearning to hear more about what she already knows like few ones else.

Upon staring, she missed the spin and got caught off-balance. "What? Oh. Oh, me again?"
She then gives the choices a thought. To be honest, both are tempting in a way. Isn't it part of the game to do something you don't want to? Anyway.

"Truth, but I'll take a small sip anyway, if you don't mind." She blinks at him, knowing what kind of liquor Krestov drinks, and reaches for the flask. "Well, to be honest, I did what research I do on all the people I work with for a longer time. I guess the word that describes it best is: Thouroughly."
Careful now, bnc. Boasting can be dangerous. Krestov may take it easy, but how are guys like Torrent or Slobbertooth going to react? Runners tend to be a bit touchy about their private sphere.
Hoping he would not ask any detail questions about what "thouroughly" is supposed to mean, she quickly grabs the bottle and gives it a spin: 1d4 2.
"Torrent," she says with a smile. "Okay, let's learn some stuff. Truth: What would have to happen for you to betray your team? Dare: Empty Krestov's flask within the next 10 minutes."
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"

Sabato Kuroi

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« Reply #25 on: <12-06-14/0552:09> »
Responding to bnc (con test): 11d6t5 6

Torrent flashes a charming smile

"Betray my team? I'd never do such a thing!A bad rep is the second fastest way to an early retirement.Having to become a sarariman for the next couple of  centuries is a terrifying prospect for me!"

« Last Edit: <12-06-14/0556:59> by Sabato Kuroi »


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« Reply #26 on: <12-06-14/0848:35> »
bnc raises an eyebrow. "Oh come on, Torrent!"
This is no Truth or Dare answer. It's just an empty phrase.
"Are you telling me that, when a rat is digging through your bowels, you have been deprived of sleep for 72 hours, they threaten to gauge your eyes out and eat your dick, kill your sister and - well, you got my meaning. Are you telling me, that you would under no circumstances whatsoever betray your team?"

bnc leans back, scrutinizing Torrent's expression.
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"

Sabato Kuroi

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« Reply #27 on: <12-06-14/1143:51> »
"Oh so you would consider someone a traitor for breaking under  extreme physical and psycological stress while a rat digs through his bowels...that's quite interesting.I never thought I lived with a fanatic."

His expression didn't change.Bnc's eyes seemed so strange upon that smiling elven face.

"The question is, would I leave another member of my team behind, to be tortured like that?Now  that  would classify as betrayal.And I already gave you an answer."


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« Reply #28 on: <12-06-14/2224:04> »
"The question was not one of ethical evaluation but about what it would take to break you.
However, let's spin the bottle."

Cheater. But then, did I reveal everything when it was my turn? Well, better not push these things too far. It's a game after all.

She casts again a glance at Torrent and shudders. Remember your place, Bianca. You've been on a single run. Apart from that, you're just some street kid luckily to be picked up by one professional. These are full-blown shadowrunners. Killing you in an instant is the least painful they can do with you when you try to fuck with them. Keep it down - Sis ain't there to protect you anymore.

She averts her eyes from Torrent and anyone who is paying attention to her face closely can read that her confidence is blown away. She directs her glance to Krestov, for just a second, takes his flask and takes a good sip. She coughs like hell, but this is just the distraction she needs before the bottle starts spinning again.
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #29 on: <12-10-14/0147:45> »
Krestov was sure to leave his flask out for the little human girl, not bothering to return it to his hip for the time might see some more use before the day was through.  He frowned a little at the exchange between bnc and Torrent, but he kept quiet, only speaking up once they were through.

"There's a code among runners that most all hold sacred: with all the Johnsons, gangers, corporates, KE, Lonestar, beasts, and such trying to end us all in every job, all we have in the end is other runners."

He gave a reassuring smile, hand lifting up a little disarmingly, trying to quell any tension before it arose.  Bianca, I know you're new at this, so it is something to learn..not everyone is open to direct analysis like that.  Still, no ham done...  Breathing a sigh, he eased back and awaited the spin...

