Shadowrun Play > Shadowrun Crossfire
Crossfire Mission Contest Submissions
This is the thread where submissions to the Crossfire Mission Contest should go! Want more information about the contest? Look here!
We look forward to seeing your submissions. Have fun!
Jason H.
Is that a glitch on my comm?
The Job
Mr Johnson and his sponsor (an A corporation) have asked your team to infiltrate the corp's own headquarters. All systems and drones went crazy 3 hours ago and all outside communications were cut. Also, there are hints of hired mercs patrolling the halls and shooting any employees unfortunate enough to be still there.
The corp thinks that the new head of tech department is behind the situation and that he might be in fact a spy from a rival company. The corp’s regular staff cannot help and it's up to your team to solve the situation. Mr Jonhson have provided more info and some equipment to help your prep work.
While walking in the shadows of the streets, you review the plan : go inside the building using the maintenance tunnels, navigate towards the servers room and shut down the mainframe. As soon as you enter the underground tunnels, your team's commlinks and hardwares begins acting strangely. Augmented limbs are moving erratically, cybereyes and AR glasses are seeing things that are not really there. Your decker will block those hacking attacks, but teamwork will be needed.
[Texts to be read when beginning a Scene]
* Scene 1 – Maintenance tunnels : You are travelling through the maintenance tunnels leading to the corp’s HQ. The wireless network is all around you and the decker is having a hard time with the hacking attacks. Earlier, Mr Jonhson said those tunnels would be unguarded but, obviously, unplanned things are meant to happen.
* Scene 2 – Tech department : Finally exiting the poorly lit tunnels, you go straight to the tech department, trying to find the door of the servers room. You walk low and silently through the deserted cubicles farm, avoiding unnecessary attention. Suddendly, dozens of AR windows are spamming the view of a runner, who hits loudly a chair in the confusion. Bullets are now flying over your heads. Oh well, you hate the decoration anyway…
* Scene 3 – Servers room : Pushing aside broken furnitures, your team walks toward the server room. Entering it, your decker curses and types frenetically on his AR keyboard. Motion can be seen at the edge of your AR and physical vision, as virtual and meat spaces converge to attack your team. The corporate spy is nowhere to be seen, but for now you must focus on what he have left behind...
Difficulty : Average (1 upgrade per runner recommended)
Players : 2-4
Note : One of the main role should be a decker.
Mission set up
Each runner may put one extra basic card in his deck (use the extra cards included in the box set).
Prepare the Crossfire deck by shuffling together the following Crossfire event cards : 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 09, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 23, 30, 31, 33, 36, 37,38, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 50.
Prepare the Normal Obstacle deck by shuffling together all the hacking (green) normal obstacles AND the following obstacle cards : 01, 02, 03, 04, 07, 09, 11, 12, 14, 23, 24, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 40.
Prepare the Hard Obstacle deck by shuffling together all the hacking (green) hard obstacles AND the following obstacle cards : 41, 48, 49, 54, 55, 66, 67, 68, 70, 76, 79. Take out GODwire (card 78) and set it aside for later use in the mission.
Mission goal
Your runners must reach and shut down the main server in three Scenes, while fighting against obstacles and against glitches infecting their equipments. Each Scene ends when you have defeated all obstacles facing runners and when you have removed the Glitch bugging a runner. Once the third Scene ends, the team wins the mission!
Glitch revealing : At the beginning of each Scene, reveal and discard the top card ot the Black Market deck. Place the required number of generic markers (see « Scenes and Crossfire ») on the runner whose role matches the revealed card : he is the runner bugged by a Glitch for the actual Scene.
Glitch effects : At the beginning of the starting player turn (after drawing a Crossfire card), reveal and discard the top card ot the Black Market deck. If the revealed card is a weapon (black), spell (blue) or skill (red) card, move all obstacles one runner clockwise. If the revealed card is a hacking (green) card, do not move obstacles.
Also, if the revealed card role matches the glitched runner main role, the Glitch gains one generic marker (a Glitch can have more markers than its starting number).
Those effects cannot be prevented by any abilities or cards : only removing a Glitch will terminate its effects. A Glitch does not affect runners actions or HP in any other way.
Glitch removal: Hacking (green) damage must be dealed to a Glitch to remove it. Remove one generic marker for one hacking (green) damage dealed to the Glitch. Any other types of damage are useless. Level-removal attacks (like Lightning Bolt) are useless on a Glitch. The glitched runner is not affected by attacks made on the Glitch. If all generic markers are gone at the end of a runner turn, the Glitch is removed.
The Glitch is only affected by hacking (green) damage applied during the « Apply damage » sequence of a runner turn. It cannot be affected by Crossfire events or by any card abilities (but those events and abilities still normally affect runners and obstacles). Karma upgrades (such as « Button masher ») can be used to deal hacking damage.
If a glitched player is staggered, the Glitch is still active. If a glitched player goes critical, the Glitch is immediately removed.
A Scene cannot end if a Glitch is still active.
Scenes and Crossfire
At the start of each Scene, flip up obstacles as indicated in the list below. When flipping obstacles from the decks, first flip obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to (Crossfire level – 1). Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles from the Normal Obstacle deck for the remainder.
Unless indicated otherwise, place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color matches the obstacle’s color. Distribute the rest clockwise. The first round of the game begins with the starting runner.
* Scene 1 – Maintenance tunnels
Flip obstacles equal to number of runners
Glitch generic markers : Equal to number of runners
* Scene 2 – Tech department
Flip obstacles equal to number of runners +1
Glitch generic markers : Equal to number of runners
* Scene 3 – The server room
Place GODwire obstacle facing the decker. Then, flip obstacles equal to number of runners +1 and distribute them clockwise.
Glitch generic markers : Equal to number of runners -1 Ending a scene
At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles and no Glitch in play, each runner heals 1 HP and the starting runner removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then, starting with the runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner who had the first choice to buy a card.
Winning the mission
After the third Scene, the team wins the mission!
Playing with Fewer than Four Runners
If there are only three runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round of the game. If there are only two runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first and second rounds of the game.
Karma Awards
If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner gets 1 Karma. The team can also choose the following bonus challenge options:
* Indestructible surveillance camera : Flip up one additional obstacle at the start of each Scene: +1 Karma for each runner.
* Overclocking and memory boost : Start the game with one card in the Crossfire discard: +2 Karma for each runner (In the same game, the team can choose this option up to once for each runner.)
* Darn carpets. So. Much. Static! : Instead of the above rules, a Glitch begins every Scene with a number of generic markers equal to number of runners + 1 : +1 Karma for each runner.Karma Scaling
Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have.
* 0-20 Karma = full Karma award
* 21-30 Karma = - 1 Karma penalty
* 31-50 Karma = - 2 Karma penalty
* 51-75 Karma = - 3 Karma penalty
* Each additional +25 = additional -1 karma penalty
Alex Ender:
Mr. Johnson's employer has a small dispute with an up and coming corp. Their chief of security has defected to this new corp, for a bigger position with better pay, and is sharing all of their latest security secrets. Mr. Johnson's employer would like you to have a "meeting" with this corp's new executive of security that ends with him never being able to work for anyone again.
Difficulty : Advanced (at least 40 points per runner in upgrades recommended)
Players : 2-4
Create the Normal Obstacle deck by shuffling together the following obstacle card numbers : 01, 02, 06, 07, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, and 40.
Create the Hard Obstacle deck by shuffling together the following obstacle card numbers : 41, 42, 43, 46, 48, 51, 54, 55, 56, 60, 67, 68, 69, 70, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, and 80. Remove and set aside Drake Assassin.
Your team has been hired to enter the corp's small security headquarters and reach the office of the executive on the fourth floor in order to "meet" him. Your team must clear each floor before moving to the next to allow for a safe exit once the objective is completed. Each floor has its own Scene. When and if you reach the fourth floor, geek the executive. Once the fourth Scene ends, the team wins the mission!
Use the normal Crossfire rules. Flip obstacles as indicated in the chart below. When flipping obstacles at the beginning of a scene flip them from the Normal Obstacle deck only. Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color matches the obstacle's color. Distribute the rest clockwise. If all obstacles are not cleared from the board at the beginning of the third round played, in Scenes 1, 2, and 3, then the corp security is able to trigger the silent alarm and call for reinforcements. (In a four player game when two or more runners take a turn before the starting player at the beginning of a Scene it counts as a full round toward the three round count for the purpose of this rule. This does not affect the actual round count or when Crossfire cards are drawn.) Flip obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire level. Place the first flipped obstacle in front of the runner whose role color matches the obstacle's color. Distribute the rest of the obstacle's clockwise. At the start of the fourth scene only flip the Drake Assassin (you didn't plan on the executive being a young dragon!) and place it at the center of the table. This obstacle is considered to be facing each runner on their turn. At the end of any runners turn in which they could not damage the executive he is able to call for reinforcements. Flip one obstacle from the Normal Obstacle deck and place it in front of that runner. At the end of each round in the fourth Scene, if the executive has not been waxed, a strike team bursts in to his aid. (In a four player game when two or more runners take a turn before the starting player at the beginning of this Scene it counts as a full round for the purpose of this rule. This does not affect the actual round count or when Crossfire cards are drawn.) Flip obstacles from the Hard Obstacles deck equal to the number of damage levels remaining on the Drake Assassin. Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color matches the obstacle's color. Distribute the rest clockwise. If at any time you run out of cards in one obstacle deck instead flip them from the other obstacle deck. If there are no obstacles remaining in either deck you have cleared the entire building of reinforcements.
FLOOR 1 Number of Runners +1
FLOOR 2 Number of Runners +2
FLOOR 3 Number of Runners +3
FLOOR 4 Drake Assassin is the only obstacle flipped
At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, the starting runner removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard).
LOCK AND LOAD: At the end of the first Scene each runner heals 1 HP and draws 1 card. Then, starting with the runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner who had the first choice to buy a card.
AT LEAST THE ELEVATOR STILL WORKS: At the end of the second Scene each runner heals 1 HP and draws 2 cards. This scene ends and play continues in the next Scene with the runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle.
I DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH MORE I CAN TAKE!: At the end of the third Scene each runner heals 2 HP. Then, starting with the runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner who had the first choice to buy a card.
After the fourth Scene, the team wins the mission!
If there are only three runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round of the game. If there are only two runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first and second rounds of the game. If playing with fewer than four runners, when flipping obstacles at the end of a round in the fourth Scene, still flip a number of obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the number of damage levels left on Drake Assassin but do not exceed flipping more obstacles than the number of runners + 2.
If the team wins, each runner gets 4 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner gets 1 Karma. The team can also choose the following bonus challenge options:
TRAINED, EFFICIENT, AND DEADLY In Scenes 1, 2, and 3 reinforcements are sounded at the beginning of the second round played in each scene: +1 Karma
NOTHING EVER GOES RIGHT Start with one Crossfire card in the Crossfire discard: +1 Karma
THEY'VE BEEN TIPPED OFF! Flip one additional obstacle from the Hard Obstacle deck at the start of Scenes 1, 2, and 3: +2 Karma
BODYGUARDS, HE HAS BODYGUARDS Set aside randomly drawn obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the number of runners along with Drake Assassin. At the start of the fourth Scene, place the first flipped obstacle in front of the runner whose role color matches the obstacle's color. Distribute the rest of the obstacle's clockwise: +3 Karma (If this option is chosen, you can't also choose any other bonus challenge.)
Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have.
0-40 Full Karma award
41-60 -1 Karma penalty
61-70 -2 Karma penalty
71-80 -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Additional -1 Karma penalty
Alex Ender:
Renraku Corp has just created a super-weapon that will ultimately seat them as the biggest military, political, and economical corporation in the world. Mr. Johnson's employer(s) would like to see that they do not possess this kind of power and here is your chance to claim Shadowrunning fame! Renraku is moving both pieces of this weapon from it's R&D facility, in separate cases tonight, and has hired everything it can to see that these cases make it to their destination. The team is going to have to go through everything one of the biggest mega-corps can throw at them to acquire these packages.
Difficulty : Legendary (at least 120 points per runner in upgrades recommended)
Players : 4, a complete team is needed to attempt this mission.
Remove the Courier card from the Normal Obstacle deck and replace it with the Courier card that has the case symbol on the far left of the card art. Shuffle the Normal Obstacle deck and set the deck aside for normal play.
Remove the Chromed Samurai card from the Hard Obstacle deck and replace it with the Chromed Samurai card that has the case symbol on the far left of the card art. Shuffle the Hard Obstacle deck and set the deck aside for normal play.
Find and defeat the Courier and Chromed Samurai, take possession, and escape with as many of the team alive as you can! Once a character goes critical they are permanently dead and their body becomes the property of Renraku Corp.(Attach a permanent Renraku Corp sticker to the character. This character is no longer legal for Organized Event play). If the runners have both cases in their possession at the end of a Scene then the team wins! There is no option to abort this mission. Any runner(s) going critical do not end this mission unless it is the last runner alive.
Use the normal Crossfire rules. Flip obstacles as indicated in the chart below. First flip obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire level. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles from the Normal Obstacle deck for the remainder. When you flip obstacles, place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color matches the obstacle's color. If there are no runners remaining that match the obstacle's color then place the first one in front of the starting player and distribute the rest clockwise. Once the Courier or the Chromed Samurai objectives are defeated do not discard them. Instead, place them in the hand of the runner who defeated that obstacle. This shows the runner is carrying that case. Those runners holding a case may not discard the case even if a card would have them discard a random card or their entire hand. The cases do count toward hand size. If a runner holding a case should get staggered then the runner "drops" the case and Renraku corp takes possession of the case and the runners must get it back. Take the objective card they are holding and shuffle it back into it's corresponding objective deck.
1 Number of Runners +2
2 Number of Runners +3
3 Number of Runners +4
4 Number of Runners +5
5+ Number of Runners +increase the number of obstacles by 1 more in each subsequent round.
At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, the starting runner removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Each runner heals 1 HP. Then, starting with the runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner who had the first choice to buy a card.
If the team possess both cases at the end of a Scene, the team wins the mission!
If the team wins, each runner that completes the mission alive gets 15 Karma. Each runner who successfully completes the mission alive will also receive the 75 cost Karma upgrade: I EARNED MY B.A. (Receive +1 to each of your starting stats.) The team can also choose the following bonus challenge options:
I AM LEGENDARY Start the game with two Crossfire event cards in the discard pile: +5 Karma
THEY JUST KEEP COMING! Draw one additional objective each turn: +7 Karma
Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have.
0-120 Full Karma award
121-140 -3 Karma penalty
141-160 -5 Karma penalty
161-180 -8 Karma penalty
Each additional +20 Additional -5 Karma penalty
Thanks so much for this contest! It lead to some very interesting discussion during our last session! Here's what we had in mind.
Double Crossing
You've been doing this for long enough to know that there's something fishy going on. The pay was good, the legwork provided lots of useful intelligence and security was weaker than expected. This is becoming obvious: this is a frame job. Someone's going to pay, or else, no one will come out of this alive.
Difficulty: Normal (No upgrades needed)
Players: 3-4
Follow the normal Crossfire rules for set-up.
The team will face off against against obstacles in three Scenes. At the end of the first Scene, a runner will be revealed as the traitor and the rest of the team will have to go through the other two Scenes to win the mission while the traitor will try to have it fail.
At the start of the first Scene, flip one Normal Obstacle to each runner and draw a Crossfire card. At the start of the second scene, the traitor flips one obstacle from the Normal Obstacle deck for each other Runner and decides who will get it. At the start of the third Scene, the traitor does the same with Hard Obstacles.
During the first Scene, at the end of a turn, if there are no Obstacles in play, draw the first obstacle from the Normal Obstacle deck and discard it. The Runner matching the color of the obstacle is now the traitor. The traitor immediately gets 20 Nuyen and starting with him and going clockwise, every runner can purchase one card from the Black Market.
The traitor is still considered a Runner and can be affected by cards. During his turn, the traitor can can deal 6 colorless damage to another runner to make him lose 1 HP. Cards that affect obstacles in front of the attacked runner are ignored.
The Runner to the left of the traitor becomes the first player and draws a new Crossfire card.
If the team survives the third scene, every non-traitor runner wins.
If a non-traitor runner goes critical, the mission ends in a loss. If the traitor survived, he wins.
If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma.
If the traitor wins, he gets 3 Karma
Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have.
0–75 Full Karma Award
Each additional + 25 -1 Karma
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