I am sure the answers can be implied from the rulebook, but I just want to be sure :
1. There are cards with Assist texts, for example Covering Fire ("Choose an obstacle. It can't attack this turn, and Damage [ black ]") and Backdoor ("Cancel all abilities on one obstacle for the rest of the game, and Damage [ green ]"). When assisting another runner with that kind of card, can the obstacle affected with the ability ("cannot attack this turn") and the obstacle being damaged be two different obstacles?
2. In a mission, Karma award goes down if each runner' own karma is too high. According to the Crossfire mission card text, this is "based on how much Karma they have". But in the chart on the same mission card, it is written that if "Karma in upgrades" is 11-30, then there is -1 karma penalty (-2 if 31-50, etc.). This is confusing for me and I wonder which interpretation is correct in the following situation.
Let's say I have two 5-cost upgrades on a runner (in slot 1 and slot 2) and a karma total of 31. For the Karma penalty, does that count for :
a) 10 karma (counting only the 5-cost), so no penalty.
b) 20 karma (slot 1 upgrade has a value of 5, slot 2 value is 15), so -1 penalty
or c) 31 karma (total karma earned by the runner, even if not entirely used), so -2 penalty.