Hmm, I used to really be huge into D&D 3.5. I can say that I've never heard of such a base class in Dragon Magazine for 3.5 or any of the non-third-party books.
You could be a cleric with the Summoning domain and the Spontaneous Domains variant class feature. That makes you able to convert spells into domain spells instead of cure, and if you have the summoning domain, well, that's almost (if not all, I don't recall) the Summon Monster spells.
As for the shapeshifting part... Lemme talk with my friend and see if he can scrounge it up.
He says he can't find anything that fits that. If you could remember anything else about the class (like armor proficiency or something) that could help more, but my only guess would be some odd Reserve Magic feat or an alternative class feature, or perhaps the transformation was a spell rather than a class ability.
Just being Druid might work well enough. It has healing spells (the Vigor spells provide better out-of-combat healing, even) and of course some shapeshifting at higher levels.