D&D Class Research - Help Wanted

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« on: <10-26-14/2329:15> »

So I've looked through my old books & I can't seem to find a class that I'm looking for.

It was probably 10-15 years ago, right around the time of the 3.0 to 3.5 transition.

I was playing some class that I had found in an alternate sourcebook & now I can't find it anywhere.

I don't know if it was from a D20 license book or a Dragon Magazine article or where I saw it.

I swore it was called a Summoner but when I google I don't find the right one.

Things that I think I recall about it.
1.  Divine Caster using Cleric List.
2.  Could "Spontaneously" cast Monster Summoning line instead of Cures Wounds line.
3.  Had a Shapechange ability at Low level that was limited to Tiny/Small Animals.

I multi-classed it w/ Rogue on my Halfling to fill out Stealth/Healing for the group.

I wish I could remember more or find the reference.

Anyway, I'm hoping someone out there will recognize it from something they read or used.

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can give me.


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« Reply #1 on: <10-26-14/2353:36> »
Hmm, I used to really be huge into D&D 3.5.  I can say that I've never heard of such a base class in Dragon Magazine for 3.5 or any of the non-third-party books.

You could be a cleric with the Summoning domain and the Spontaneous Domains variant class feature.  That makes you able to convert spells into domain spells instead of cure, and if you have the summoning domain, well, that's almost (if not all, I don't recall) the Summon Monster spells.

As for the shapeshifting part...  Lemme talk with my friend and see if he can scrounge it up.

He says he can't find anything that fits that.  If you could remember anything else about the class (like armor proficiency or something) that could help more, but my only guess would be some odd Reserve Magic feat or an alternative class feature, or perhaps the transformation was a spell rather than a class ability.

Just being Druid might work well enough.  It has healing spells (the Vigor spells provide better out-of-combat healing, even) and of course some shapeshifting at higher levels.
« Last Edit: <10-27-14/0010:01> by firebug »
I'm Madpath Moth on reddit (and other sites).  Feel free to PM me errata questions!
Jeeze.  It would almost sound stupid until you realize we're talking about an immortal elf clown sword fighting a dragon ghost in a mall.


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« Reply #2 on: <10-27-14/0013:22> »
Are you thinking about Mystic Theurge?

Was it a prestige class?
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« Reply #3 on: <10-27-14/0401:14> »
No Namikaze, Mystic Theurge is Core, so it would be very unlikely.

Sounds a bit strange in general. Maybe there were more things in 3.0, but it seems that the shapechanging can't be gained as a Domain feature.

Otherwise you could have taken Substitution levels as a Halfling Druid on 1st and 5th from Races of the Wild, as they give you some variant in spontaneous casting, while keeping the higher summons and allow tiny wildshapes starting with 5th level.

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« Reply #4 on: <10-27-14/0554:24> »
Hmm I can't recall anything that would fit that.

I found a list of spellcasting base classes in 3.0/3.5 at But none of them fit; it'd have to be a prepared divine class with the cleric spell list, for one. Cleric isn't it, obviously, and Shaman, Healer, Druid, Archivist and the half-casters probably aren't it either.

It might be one of the other classes combined with alternative class abilities. See for a fairly comprehensive list. But I can't find anything in that link that would fully fit either.

At any rate, maybe you can look over the above and see something I missed. Or perhaps it was a homebrewn alternate class feature?


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« Reply #5 on: <10-27-14/1326:09> »
Are you thinking about Mystic Theurge?

Was it a prestige class? 

No, I love the MT, but this was a base class that I had at 1/2 level along with Rogue.
I remember asking the GM if I could use the "Apprentice" rules from 3.0 to start out & he approved, so I had some basic casting at 1st level with full casting at 2nd level.


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« Reply #6 on: <10-27-14/1326:57> »
He says he can't find anything that fits that.  If you could remember anything else about the class (like armor proficiency or something) that could help more, but my only guess would be some odd Reserve Magic feat or an alternative class feature, or perhaps the transformation was a spell rather than a class ability.
I'm honestly not sure on the Armor Weapons, I don't recall anything major about it as being different from what I already had as a Rogue, so I'd guess Light Armor & Simple Weapons, but honestly, that is just a guess.


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« Reply #7 on: <10-27-14/1330:45> »
Sounds a bit strange in general. Maybe there were more things in 3.0, but it seems that the shapechanging can't be gained as a Domain feature.

Otherwise you could have taken Substitution levels as a Halfling Druid on 1st and 5th from Races of the Wild, as they give you some variant in spontaneous casting, while keeping the higher summons and allow tiny wildshapes starting with 5th level.

It was a bit strange of a class, the fact that I can't find it anywhere leads me to believe it was in a book that my GM had v/s one I own.
And I'm guessing it was some D20 license thing so probably not the most common source.

The Druid variant there sounds kind of similar but I don't recall it being a variation of a class, it was one all its own.
And I know I was wild-shaping way before 5th level.  I'm thinking it was 1-3 range.


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« Reply #8 on: <10-27-14/1338:18> »
I found a list of spellcasting base classes in 3.0/3.5 at But none of them fit; it'd have to be a prepared divine class with the cleric spell list, for one. Cleric isn't it, obviously, and Shaman, Healer, Druid, Archivist and the half-casters probably aren't it either.

It might be one of the other classes combined with alternative class abilities. See for a fairly comprehensive list. But I can't find anything in that link that would fully fit either.

At any rate, maybe you can look over the above and see something I missed. Or perhaps it was a homebrewn alternate class feature?

Thank you for the links.
I looked through them but nothing seems to trigger a memory.
This is why I'm fairly certain it must have been a D20 license book, nothing from core seems to fit.
I don't think their was anything homebrewn with it, it was a basic class, like I said above, I swear it was called a Summoner, but I could be wrong there.
I just recall liking it as it paired up with Halfling Rogue well, the wildshape helped with scouting ahead & it wasn't like base Cleric that used some Armor that I could never touch as a Rogue.


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« Reply #9 on: <10-27-14/1419:00> »
If you haven't done so already, you might want to post your question over at ENWorld...quite possibly the biggest D20 community out there.


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« Reply #10 on: <10-27-14/1422:54> »
If you haven't done so already, you might want to post your question over at ENWorld...quite possibly the biggest D20 community out there.
Thank you,
I don't belong to very many boards so I'll look into that.


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« Reply #11 on: <10-28-14/0245:16> »
Sounds a bit strange in general. Maybe there were more things in 3.0, but it seems that the shapechanging can't be gained as a Domain feature.

Otherwise you could have taken Substitution levels as a Halfling Druid on 1st and 5th from Races of the Wild, as they give you some variant in spontaneous casting, while keeping the higher summons and allow tiny wildshapes starting with 5th level.

It was a bit strange of a class, the fact that I can't find it anywhere leads me to believe it was in a book that my GM had v/s one I own.
And I'm guessing it was some D20 license thing so probably not the most common source.

The Druid variant there sounds kind of similar but I don't recall it being a variation of a class, it was one all its own.
And I know I was wild-shaping way before 5th level.  I'm thinking it was 1-3 range.
The shapechanging starts normal. The Halfling substitution level only allows early access to tiny animal forms.

