Anyone playing World of Tanks?

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« on: <04-18-14/1302:41> »
I still haven't tried the game.How's the overall balance - is it pay to win,does it take a lot of time to unlock things etc. What makes this game better than the rest free to play games?


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« Reply #1 on: <04-19-14/0656:12> »
Hmm, I stopped playing it a while back. You can get to the top tanks without paying a cent of real money, but you are in for one heck of a grind. Much like Warthunder, World of Tanks is made by a Russian company, and Soviet equipment always seems to be better than other nations (even Chinese vehicles which were actually purchased from the Soviets, such as the IS-2). This could have changed though; it's been several months since I uninstalled it. I would suggest picking one nation and sticking to it though; the credits you earn will go a lot farther that way. When I did quit, the sighting system wasn't as bad as it used to be (you could have invisible tanks firing repeatedly at you, only 25m away, and you still couldn't see them); there were still issues where tanks would be invisible even after firing though.

Warthunder  is the direct competitor to the WoT/WoWP line; right now the plane game is out, and the tanks are in beta. Warthunder is a lot harsher on credits and experience though; you'll need far more grinding to get credits and experience saved up, since 'free xp' in Warthunder needs to be assigned to projects with gold, unlike in WoT where you can decided what to spend it on.


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« Reply #2 on: <04-23-14/0346:26> »
if you like tank simulators its the best out there bar none.

The tanks are digitally built from surviving plans and real life examples... (Check out the "Mega Factories" episode on Wargamming Inc. It's all about WoT!)

Skill, and play matter as much as cash.... But if you invest enough time, in a tank you like, it pays off....

All vehicles are rated into a Tier system so that you are "relatively" balanced and it's not a one sided butt-schmoozing with a crowbar... (Note however: THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU WILL BE ABLE TO HURT OR KILL ALL TANKS IN PLAY!!! Far too many times (I have played about 4000 games) there is only 1 or 2 tanks out of 15 or so that I can actually hurt reliably...

I rate it 8.5/10 for a historical combat first person vehicle game.

Which means, since it's free, Guido will be stopping by you hit you with a phone book until you download and play one game.
Where am I going? And why am I in a hand basket ???

Remember: You can't fix Stupid. But you can beat on it with a 2x4 until it smartens up! Or dies.


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« Reply #3 on: <08-07-14/2147:13> »
From the RusNets (

xxx: No, I do not like WoT.
yyy: I remember they could not drag you away from the game last year.
xxx: Do you remember my grandfather? He was a tanker during the War... and after the War... and was a general at some point. When he saw WoT, he tried playing it on his own. But. He has no reflexes, does not know which keys to press... So, now I'm his tank driver, I drive, he orders me around, and swears.
xxx: To him I'm a useless driver, and the game has armor penetration zones placed wrong.
xxx: No, I do not like WoT.
"If you are expecting a rousing speech, or a cunning plan that will get us out of this, I will have to disappoint you. I don't have any. We either do this, or we die. And the world dies with us."
"I paid quite a lot to get all of you here. I expect you to give me my money's worth. Shogun out."


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« Reply #4 on: <10-11-14/0746:12> »
IDK, people liked world of tanks because they did free to play right.

Funny fact: The history channel is doing some advertising work for, the makers of world of tanks, world of warplanes and world of warships.

If there is one thing I would love to see with is a giant meta-campaign involving all three games, each victory making a difference in the campaign.

