Correct order of actions

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« on: <09-09-14/0043:29> »
Maybe I keep missing this ruling in the rulebook... but what is the correct way to play those actions before the starting player begins the new round...

Situation 1 : Which come first, at the beginning of a new scene in Crossfire (or Amulators, etc.) ?
- Draw a new Crossfire Event and follow any instructions
- Draw new obstacles and follow any [Flipped] instructions

Situation 2 : What is the correct order among those actions during the "Extraction" mission?
- Resolve all appropriate effects as indicated on the mission card
- Draw a new Crossfire Event and follow any instructions
- Draw new obstacles and follow any [Flipped] instructions


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« Reply #1 on: <09-09-14/0110:23> »
I thought the description indicated something about starting the scene before you start the turn, which would mean obstacles first then the Crossfire card.  But I'm away from the rules, and I can't verify that information.  If it's somewhere, it's in the rulebook, not the mission details.
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« Reply #2 on: <09-09-14/0136:53> »
For a "normal" mission like Crossfire or Ambulators, I think that your logic is correct: first obstacles, then Crossfire cards. To make it more general, I would even say that Crossfire drawing is the last thing to happen right before the starting player begins a new round. I will try to confirm in the rulebook later. Thank you for clarifying that, it is appreciated. :)

The Extraction mission is special in that it gives you instruction for every round : healing, drawing from your deck, buying from the black market, gaining money, even drawing new obstacles. So I was asking myself how to order all those instructions. For example, the mission card tells me that on round 4 (fora 1-runner game), I must draw 3 cards and flip one obstacle, but let's say the obstacle's [Flipped] ability makes me discard my hand or some random cards : do I discard my hand before or after drawing 3 cards as instructed? It is just an example, I was asking myself in which order to resolve all those instructions...


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« Reply #3 on: <09-09-14/0200:35> »
Maybe I keep missing this ruling in the rulebook... but what is the correct way to play those actions before the starting player begins the new round...

Situation 1 : Which come first, at the beginning of a new scene in Crossfire (or Amulators, etc.) ?
- Draw a new Crossfire Event and follow any instructions
- Draw new obstacles and follow any [Flipped] instructions

Drawing the new obstacles happens when you transition to the next scene, which is after a runner's turn.

You don't draw a new Crossfire card to start a scene. You draw it to start a round of play; in other words, you draw it right before the starting runner takes their turn.

So to answer your question, you flip obstacles for the new scene before drawing a crossfire card, and in fact you don't always draw a crossfire card - you only do so if you happened to end the scene just before it's the first runner's turn again.

Situation 2 : What is the correct order among those actions during the "Extraction" mission?
- Resolve all appropriate effects as indicated on the mission card
- Draw a new Crossfire Event and follow any instructions
- Draw new obstacles and follow any [Flipped] instructions

The Client counts a sort of runner who sits to the right of the starting runner. At the end of the Client's turn, you follow the instructions on the Client card, which are generally to first gain some benefit and then flip some obstacles. You do them in the order printed on the card.

Then, the Client's turn will be over and it will be time to draw the next Crossfire card and have the starting runner take their turn.

I hope that answers your questions. :)


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« Reply #4 on: <09-09-14/0221:01> »
You answer all my first questions, I thank you for your help.  :) And of course, it brings me another, realted question.  ;D

About the Crossfire mission, you say "in fact you don't always draw a crossfire card - you only do so if you happened to end the scene just before it's the first runner's turn again"...

Does it mean that a team can play some turns of attack (at the start of a scene) without an Crossfire card (since this card is removed when all obstacles are cleared at the end of a turn)? If this is the case, this would help the players in a really nice way...

And I've just realized I might also have played wrongly Crossfire cards during the mission Extraction : if I defeat all obstacles before the end of a player turn (including the client), I remove the Event card but I do not discard it, correct?


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« Reply #5 on: <09-09-14/0246:24> »
You answer all my first questions, I thank you for your help.  :) And of course, it brings me another, realted question.  ;D

About the Crossfire mission, you say "in fact you don't always draw a crossfire card - you only do so if you happened to end the scene just before it's the first runner's turn again"...

Does it mean that a team can play some turns of attack (at the start of a scene) without an Crossfire card (since this card is removed when all obstacles are cleared at the end of a turn)? If this is the case, this would help the players in a really nice way...

And I've just realized I might also have played wrongly Crossfire cards during the mission Extraction : if I defeat all obstacles before the end of a player turn (including the client), I remove the Event card but I do not discard it, correct?

Yes indeed! If you finish the scene near the start of the round you will not have a crossfire card active for the rest of the round, even though a new scene is starting.

Also, yes, if you manage to end a turn with no obstacles in play in Extraction (or any mission), you get to remove the Crossfire card (and you don't discard it, and you don't draw a new one).


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« Reply #6 on: <09-09-14/1932:34> »
This is great and it'll make the game a little more manageable. Thank you for your help. :)


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« Reply #7 on: <10-15-14/0232:30> »
Also, yes, if you manage to end a turn with no obstacles in play in Extraction (or any mission), you get to remove the Crossfire card (and you don't discard it, and you don't draw a new one).

Reviving an "old" thread (lol) sorry, but I just thought of a situation in the Extraction mission... Maybe I am thinking too much or i am forgetting a rule. :)

It's a 2+ runners game. Let's say that the starting player has really good cards/luck at the beginning of a round and that he defeats all obstacles on his turn during an Extraction. So, we remove the Crossfire event (put it in the bottom of the deck). Now, we follow the instructions for the next round, as indicated on the Client card.

But which player begins the next round in that situation?
- The starting player, since this is a new round according to the Client card terminology - this way, we have to draw a new Crossfire event.
- The player at the left of the starting player, since he would be the next one to play after the Starting player ended the previous round by defeating everyone (as in a Crossfire mission) - this way, we do not draw a new Crossfire event until the turn of the starting player.

If the first option is the good one, that means that a quick victory in a round in Extraction is a little less rewarding (but still a great thing, since we keep low the crossfire leve!) than in Crossfire mission.


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« Reply #8 on: <10-15-14/0343:58> »
Reviving an "old" thread

It's your old thread, revive away!

But which player begins the next round in that situation?

I believe it would be the first example.  The "starting runner" is always the one that draws the Crossfire card that begins a new round.
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« Reply #9 on: <10-15-14/0358:36> »
Defeating all the current obstacles in Extraction doesn't end the round. It just means you get to play without obstacles or crossfire cards for the rest of the current round.

There are no effects in the game that make people skip turns. Turns always keep going in the same order. :)


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« Reply #10 on: <10-15-14/1953:26> »
Thank you both of you for your clear and precise answers. It is interesting, since it leaves other runners time to discard and draw some cards and make purchases before the next round.

