Elemental Effects
Blast - The Blast elemental effect is like a hurricane wind or the shockwave of an explosion. Blast damage is Physical damage. Characters struck with a Blast damage attack are more likely to be knocked down - add the Force to the damage inflicted when compared to the defender's Physical limit. Blast damage can also break glass and knock over trees and other objects. At the Gamemaster's discretion, objects with a Structure rating less than the Force may be knocked over, shredded, shattered, or otherwise swept away.
Ice - Attacks with the Ice effect cover the target with a slick coating of frozen water. Treat the Ice effect as Cold damage, except that objects or terrain affected will be encrusted with ice. Anyone trying to cross an icy surface may need to succeed in an Agility + Reaction test to avoid slipping (with a threshold equal to the attacker's net hits); vehicles must make a Crash test. Depending on the local temperature, ice may melt quickly.
Light - Spells with a Light effect hit the target with a searing flare. Light damage is treated as Physical damage. The brightness of the Light effect will cause any targets to suffer a Glare modifier for one Combat Turn after the attack unless they are equipped with flare compensation. As a secondary effect, Light may cause some highly flammable materials (like gasoline) to catch fire.
Metal - The Metal elemental effect damages the target with small metallic (iron) fragments and shrapnel. This attack is similar to flechette ammunition: increase the DV by +2, but the attacker suffers a +5 AP penalty. As a secondary effect, Metal damage effects may shred some easily cut materials like cheap fabric.
Sand - Sand produces tearing, abrasive, smothering damage, like a sandstorm. Sand damage is treated as Physical damage. The secondary effects of Sand damage may jam or damage machinery or weapons that are not fully sealed against the environment.
Smoke - Smoke blasts the target with thick, burning, choking fumes. The victim resists Stun as if from an inhalation vector toxin attack. Armor does not protect against this attack, but other protective gear might. Smoke also limits vision, inflicting the Heavy Smoke visibility modifier against the target for one combat turn.
Sound - Sound hits the target with a wave of unbelievably loud noise and gut-churning vibrations. Sound damage is treated as Stun damage. Armor has no effect, but sound dampers and spells like Silence and Hush add their rating/hits to the defender's dice pool (effectively acting as sound armor). If the target suffers more damage boxes than his Willpower, he suffers the effects of nausea and is deafened for 10 minutes.
Concussion (indirect, elemental)
Type: P, Range: LOS, Damage: P, Duration: I, Drain: F-3
Shockwave (indirect, elemental)
Type: P, Range: LOS(A), Damage: P, Duration: I, Drain: F-1
These spells create an area of intense pressure, blasting objects therein. Treat as Blast damage, with appropriate effects. Concussion is a single-target spell. Shockwave is an area spell.
Frost (indirect, elemental)
Type: P, Range: LOS, Damage: P, Duration: I, Drain: F-3
Blizzard (indirect, elemental)
Type: P, Range: LOS(A), Damage: P, Duration: I, Drain: F-1
These spells create an area of ice and snow, freezing objects therein. Treat as Ice damage, with appropriate effects. Frost is a single-target spell. Blizzard is an area spell.
Flare (indirect, elemental)
Type: P, Range: LOS, Damage: P, Duration: I, Drain: F-3
Solar Flare (indirect, elemental)
Type: P, Range: LOS(A), Damage: P, Duration: I, Drain: F-1
These spells create an area of extremely intense light. Treat as Light damage, with appropriate effects. Flare is a single-target spell. Solar Flare is an area spell.
Shotgun (indirect, elemental)
Type: P, Range: LOS, Damage: P, Duration: I, Drain: F-3
Claymore (indirect, elemental)
Type: P, Range: LOS(A), Damage: P, Duration: I, Drain: F-1
These spells create a storm of metallic shards. Treat as Metal damage, with appropriate effects. Shotgun is a single-target spell. Claymore is an area spell.
Sandjet (indirect, elemental)
Type: P, Range: LOS, Damage: P, Duration: I, Drain: F-3
Sandstorm (indirect, elemental)
Type: P, Range: LOS(A), Damage: P, Duration: I, Drain: F-1
These spells create an area of swirling sand, hammering those within. Treat as Sand damage, with appropriate effects. Sandjet is a single-target spell. Sandstorm is an area spell.
Choking Fumes (indirect, elemental)
Type: P, Range: LOS, Damage: P, Duration: I, Drain: F-3
Cloudkill (indirect, elemental)
Type: P, Range: LOS(A), Damage: P, Duration: I, Drain: F-1
These spells create an area of burning, choking fumes. Treat as Smoke damage, with appropriate effects. Choking Fumes is a single-target spell. Cloudkill is an area spell.
Solo (indirect, elemental)
Type: P, Range: LOS, Damage: P, Duration: I, Drain: F-3
Feedback (indirect, elemental)
Type: P, Range: LOS(A), Damage: P, Duration: I, Drain: F-1
These spells create an area of intense sound. Treat as Sound damage, with appropriate effects. Solo is a single-target spell. Feedback is an area spell.
Aquajet (indirect, elemental)
Type: P, Range: LOS, Damage: P, Duration: I, Drain: F-3
Tsunami (indirect, elemental)
Type: P, Range: LOS(A), Damage: P, Duration: I, Drain: F-1
These spells create a mass of pressurized water, blasting those in its path. Treat as Water damage, with appropriate effects. Aquajet is a single-target spell. Tsunami is an area spell.
Frostfire (indirect, elemental)
Type: P. Range: LOS. Duration: I. Damage: P. Drain: F-2
Frostfire Storm (indirect, elemental)
Type: P. Range: LOS. Duration: I. Damage: P. Drain: F
This spell combines two elements to create a vivid blue flame that is burns icy cold. Treat damage done by this spell as both Cold and Fire. Damage is resisted by half Impact armor. Insulation and Fire Resistance add their full rating to this roll. Frostfire is a single target attack, while Frostfire Storm is an area effect.
Arctic Blast (indirect, elemental)
Type: P. Range: LOS. Duration: I. Damage: P. Drain: F-2
Arctic Blizzard (indirect, elemental)
Type: P. Range: LOS(A). Duration: I. Damage: P. Drain: F
This spell produce an icy cold that is far stronger than normal spells of its type. Treat damage as Cold and Ice. Damage is resisted by half Impact armor. Insulation adds its full rating to this roll. Arctic Blast is a single-target spell, while Arctic Blizzard is an area effect.
Superconductivity (indirect, elemental)
Type: P. Range: LOS. Duration: I. Damage: P. Drain: F-2
Superconductivity Sphere (indirect, elemental)
Type: P. Range: LOS(A). Duration: I. Damage: P. Drain: F
This spell creates a momentary area of extreme cold, allowing the air to superconduct electricity. Treat damage as Cold and Electric. Damage is resisted by half Impact armor. Insulation and Nonconductivity add their full rating to this roll. Superconductivity is a single-target spell, while Superconductivity Sphere is an area effect.
Flashbang (indirect, elemental)
Type: P. Range: LOS. Duration: I. Damage: P. Drain: F-2
Major Flashbang (indirect, elemental)
Type: P. Range: LOS(A). Duration: I. Damage: P. Drain: F
This spell combines Light and Sound to make an effect not unlike a Flashbang grenade. Damage is treated as Light and Sound. Armor is not effective against this spell. Sonic dampers and spells like Silence and Hush add their full effect to the damage resistance test. Flashbang is a single target spell, while Major Flashbang is an area effect.
Mud Shot (indirect, elemental)
Type: P. Range: LOS. Duration: I. Damage: P. Drain: F-2
Mud Slide (indirect, elemental)
Type: P. Range: LOS(A). Duration: I. Damage: P. Drain: F
This spell combines Water and Sand elements to create Mud. Damage is treated as Sand and Water. Damage is resisted by half Impact armor. Mud Shot is a single target spell, while Mud Slide is an area effect.
Electric Mayhem (indirect, elemental)
Type: P. Range: LOS. Duration: I. Damage: P. Drain: F-2
Electric Mayhem Field (indirect, elemental)
Type: P. Range: LOS(A). Duration: I. Damage: P. Drain: F
This spell draws iron particles in the air together and arcs electricity between them. Damage is treated as Electric and Metal. This spell is resisted by half Impact armor +2. Nonconductivity adds its full rating to this roll. Electric Mayhem is a single target attack. Electric Mayhem Field is an area effect.
Infinite Pleasure
Illusion Spell. Type: M. Range: LOS. Duration: P. Drain: F+2
Despite the name, this spell was originally designed by a wiccan as punishment for a certain man who indulged a little too much in pleasures without telling people that he was married. Or had kids. Or had that 'problem' he hadn't gone to the clinic about yet. After 72 hours of being unable to sleep or concentrate on anything due to the spell's effect, the original victim was killed in a car wreck when he got distracted and accidentally swerved in front of a truck. It has since seen use in other arenas as a torture and interrogation tool, especially with those who believe themselves more 'civilized' than those who merely deal pain to get what they want. This is a variant of the Euphoria spell, and follows all the same rules as that spell, but with the permanent duration.
Flight (physical)
Type: P, Range: LOS, Duration: S, Drain: F
An improved version of the Levitate spell, Flight follows all the same rules as Levitate, except the movement speed is (Force x Net Hits) meters per Combat Turn.
Passwall (physical)
Type: P. Range: LOS. Duration: S. Drain: F+1
An ingenious spell making the rounds in covert intelligence circles, this is a handy spell for covert infiltration or exfiltration, when large explosions would be counterproductive to the mission at hand. When cast upon a visible wall or section of floor, this spell changes the structure of matter, allowing objects, people, or even small vehicles to pass through the wall while it is sustained. The caster must beat the target wall or floor's Object Resistance Threshold for the spell to take effect. This spell can affect an area with a volume of one cubic meter per net hit on the Spellcasting Test (above the Object Resistance Threshold). There is no visible change in the wall while the spell is sustained. After the spell is no longer sustained, the wall returns to normal, with no structural defects.
Cupid's Arrow (mental)
Type: M, Range: LOS, Duration: S, Drain: F-1
Eternal Love (mental)
Type: M, Range: LOS, Duration: P, Drain: F+2
These spells affect the target like a limited version of a 'Control Emotions' spell. If the spell succeeds, the target falls madly in love with an individual the caster designates. The caster may not dictate the subject's actions. However, mundane manipulation (i.e. seduction) may prove easier while they are under the effects, given that they are already in love. Cupid's Arrow is a temporary effect. Eternal Love, however, is a much more dangerous spell, as if the spell is not fully resisted before the spell becomes permanent, the change in the character's emotions is permanent (though their emotional state can still be altered through normal means), or until the caster releases them.
Enslavement (mental)
Type: M, Range: LOS, Duration: P, Drain: F+2
An improved and more terrible version of the Control Actions spell, if this spell is not completely resisted before the effects become permanent, the victim is caught in the effects of the spell without further chances to resist until he is either released by the caster or the spell is broken by dispelling.
Domination (Mental)
Type: M, Range: LOS, Duration: P, Drain: F+2
An improved and more terrible version of the Control Thoughts spell, if this spell is not completely resisted before the effects become permanent, the victim is permanently under the mental influence of the caster, unless released or the spell is broken.
Irresistable Dance (Mental)
Type: M, Range: LOS, Duration: S, Drain: F-1
Eternal Waltz (Mental)
Type: M, Range: LOS, Duration: P, Drain: F+2
A limited version of the Control Actions spell, this spell forces the victim to break out into dance. The style/type of dance depends on the target's upbringing and abilities, but they continue to dance for the duration of the spell. This can greatly interfere with certain activities (such as taking cover in a firefight). The target takes a penalty on all actions equal to the net hits remaining, but is otherwise able to act as they wish (unless they wish to stop dancing). Targets still under the effects of the spell cannot sleep or rest to regain health while the spell is ongoing. Irresistable Dance is a temporary effect. Eternal Waltz, however, may become permanent if not completely resisted within the time limit. If Eternal Waltz becomes permanent, the target continues to dance until he is either released, the spell is broken, or he drops due to fatigue, literally dancing himself to death.
Cryogenics (physical)
Type: P, Range: LOS, Duration: S, Drain: F
Flashfreeze (physical)
Type: P, Range: LOS, Duration: P, Drain: F+2
A favorite of ice-mages everywhere, these spells turn flesh into solid ice that does not melt while the spell is active. The target can defend against the Spellcasting test with STR+BOD. If the spell succeeds, the target is turned to ice. Nonliving material (including cyberware, gear, and clothing) is not affected. The target is not conscious while under the effects of this spell, and any damage suffered by the ice form affects the target normally. While frozen, the target has a Barrier armor rating equal to Body+net hits. Cryogenics is a temporary measure. Flashfreeze becomes permanent if sustained long enough.
Metahuman Form (Physical)
Type: P, Range: T, Duration: S, Drain: F
[Metatype] Form (Physical)
Type: P, Range: T, Duration: S, Drain: F-1
Alternate Form (Physical)
Type: P, Range: T, Duration: S, Drain: F-2
Originally created by a naga mage to 'blend in' with the Sixth World, this series of spells allows the caster to take on the form of a metahuman. While in this form, the subject loses all physical abilities and qualities of their metatype or species (such as low-light vision, natural attacks, etc., but not including things like Dual-natured or weaknesses such as Uneducated) and gain the physical abilities and traits of the chosen metatype or metavariant (such as low-light vision, glamour, or dermal deposits), but also take on any weaknesses of the metatype or metavariant (increased cost of gear, symbiosis, etc.). Bioware and genetic enhancements do not carry over into the new form, but remain unaltered when the subject returns to their normal form at the end of the spell. Nonliving material (including cyberware, clothing, and gear) is not affected by this spell, which can prove problematic for those with cyberware implants, as well as those who are body-conscious. The caster must reach a threshold on the spellcasting test equal to the subject's Body (pre-change). Unwilling subjects may resist with Body+Strength. The subject retains their mental ability scores, but their physical ability scores become the new metatype's racial minimum +Force. The subject's new physical ability scores cannot exceed the new metatype's racial maximum, though other spells or effects may augment the new ability scores as normal. Limits, condition monitors, and initiative are recalculated as normal. Damage taken while changed remains when the spell ends.
While this spell was originally designed for nonmetahuman sapients who wanted to better adapt to the Sixth World, metahumans have some use for it as well, especially in the art of disguise. The new form naturally does not match any of the character's normal biometrics. Metatype, Ethnicity, and Sex can all be altered temporarily with this spell, allowing the caster to craft a disguise that goes beyond the level of simple Physical Mask spells. When assuming the metahuman form, if a caster wishes to take a specific individual's appearance, they can make a Disguise test, using Force +Intuition [Mental] instead of the normal skill roll.
Metahuman Form allows the subject to become a metahuman of any metatype, ethnicity, or gender, chosen at the time of casting. To change form again, the caster must recast the spell. [Metatype] Form is the same, but is restricted to only a single metatype or metavariant (i.e. Elf Form, Troll Form, Oni Form). Alternate Form is restricted to only a single form, chosen when the spell is learned, and cannot be altered later.
Pacify (Manipulation Spell)
Type: M, Range: LOS, Duration: S, Drain: F-1
Mass Pacification (Manipulation Spell)
Type: M, Range: LOS(A), Duration: S, Drain: F+1
[Weapon] Block
Type: M, Range: LOS, Duration: S, Drain: F-2
[Single Weapon] Block
Type: M, Range: LOS, Duration: S, Drain: F-3
One of Spellweaver Consortium's latests offerings on the market, the Pacify(TM) line of spells have proven a real winner with security corporations looking to emphasize nonlethal means of nullifying enemy attackers, and has even seen limited use with Saeder-Krupp's Desert Wars teams this season. The Pacify spell sets up a mental compulsion in those who are affected, preventing them from using any weapons or weapon skills for the duration (for all intents and purposes, treat them as being Unaware in all weapons skills for the duration).
Mass Pacification is an area version of Pacify. [Weapon] Block is a version of Pacify limited to a single weapon skill (i.e. Automatics Block, Blade Block, etc.). [Single Weapon] Block is limited to a single weapon type within that weapon skill (i.e. Shotgun Block, Sniper Rifle Block, etc.).