This was the description:
"Your imagination and ideas aren't limited, so the characters you can use in Shadowrun: Crossfire shouldn't be limited either. With Character Expansion Pack 1, you can branch out, creating whatever shadowrunner concept comes to mind......"
Now this bold text implied to me that this expansion pack included ways to build runners that were not already included in the base game. Am I totally reading that wrong? Because the ONLY thing in this $15 pack is more of the exact same thing that's in the base set. How does this purchase let my imagination flourish? How does it change any single thing about the base game?
1) 20 new runner cards! Except they are the same races, same stats...nothing NEW about them other than they are un-used.
2) 4 new Basic cards! Really? Again, sure, there are 4 un-used cards so I guess that makes them NEW but they are just copies of the basic cards I already have 5 copies of.
3) 100 upgrade stickers! At least they didn't advertise NEW upgrades this time. I assumed they were just extra stickers and I got what I expected. Truth in advertising! Finally!
I think it was very misleading. It should have clearly stated that the contents were just extra pieces for the base game.