[Resource] Homebrewed Cities & Locations for Shadowrun

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« Reply #30 on: <07-16-17/1526:04> »
Apologies all,

I've been caught up with some serious work and real life family-related issues that have held me up for some time; I'm still wading (very slowly) through Merseysprawl (Manchester/Liverpool in the UK) and Europort (Rotterdam in the United Netherlands), but I have significantly less spare time at the moment.

AvatarBF - I've been tempted to do Houston, along with Atlanta, but I'm open to suggestions? If you are from that neck of the woods in real-life, I would appreciate a proof-read in the fullness of time......?

Thank you all for your patience!


Yeah, I am from Texas, I would be happy to proof read anything you send me. I can give you my email in a PM if you like.


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« Reply #31 on: <07-16-17/1530:16> »
As for suggestions for CAS sprawls, I would like to see Dallas/ Houston and New Orleans specifically but I'll take anything you'd like to make. I'm flexible


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« Reply #32 on: <07-16-17/1557:11> »
Apologies all,

I've been caught up with some serious work and real life family-related issues that have held me up for some time; I'm still wading (very slowly) through Merseysprawl (Manchester/Liverpool in the UK) and Europort (Rotterdam in the United Netherlands), but I have significantly less spare time at the moment.

AvatarBF - I've been tempted to do Houston, along with Atlanta, but I'm open to suggestions? If you are from that neck of the woods in real-life, I would appreciate a proof-read in the fullness of time......?

Thank you all for your patience!


If you want any help with UKGB stuff I'd be interested in helping as a UK native. I'd been considering trying my hand at some stuff anyway, like playing on my local counties warehouse/industry stuff and rampant nature preserves to create something I like to call a Ruralsprawl which blends nature and industry/ Also considered what happened to the displaced Irish and pondered sending them to the Isle of Man with some of the Scottish wastes refugees to create some kind of Gaelic culture.


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« Reply #33 on: <07-18-17/1054:20> »
Hi Valis,

Thanks for the response, mate - hmmm, maybe Scotsprawl would be right up your street?  It covers Edinburgh and Glasgow, and reasonably close to the Scottish Fringe Toxic Zone and the Scottish Irradiated Zone (for the refugee angle).  Plenty of wilds in the Highlands, plus druids, for the wilderness angle.  PM if interested?

Out of curiosity, where in the UK are you?  I'm on the Surrey/Hampshire border.


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« Reply #34 on: <12-27-17/1902:35> »
I've just updated, tweaked and added Butte to the Dropbox for ya'll to enjoy.

Apologies for the slow additions - real life is still getting in the way!  Hopefully Europort, Dallas and Merseysprawl will follow in the not-too-distant future!
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« Reply #35 on: <01-02-18/1951:37> »
I've already done Dallas if you want me to put it up. Made it for my own game but anyone is free to use it.


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« Reply #36 on: <01-03-18/1612:19> »
I've already done Dallas if you want me to put it up. Made it for my own game but anyone is free to use it.

Yep - you kindly sent the files over to me mid-2017, but I'm only just getting round to editing, tweaking and expanding on your good work.  I've added in the history for the DFW sprawl, as well as some other information.  However, as I know you're local to that part of world, may I impose on you again? I could do with a breakdown of local sites of interest in the area - universities, corporate facilities, sports arenas, etc, as well as unusual phenomena (such as the Lake Worth monster?).  I'm sure I could pull the info from the web, but it would lose the "local touch" that I think it needs - would this be possible?
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« Reply #37 on: <01-08-18/1440:45> »
I've already done Dallas if you want me to put it up. Made it for my own game but anyone is free to use it.

Yep - you kindly sent the files over to me mid-2017, but I'm only just getting round to editing, tweaking and expanding on your good work.  I've added in the history for the DFW sprawl, as well as some other information.  However, as I know you're local to that part of world, may I impose on you again? I could do with a breakdown of local sites of interest in the area - universities, corporate facilities, sports arenas, etc, as well as unusual phenomena (such as the Lake Worth monster?).  I'm sure I could pull the info from the web, but it would lose the "local touch" that I think it needs - would this be possible?

Sure, is there a limit as to how many you're looking for?


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« Reply #38 on: <01-08-18/2037:06> »
As DWF is pretty huge, please just send me as much as you can - I can always trim/tweak as required.  :D  Your local knowledge would be invaluable!
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« Reply #39 on: <01-09-18/0214:07> »
Ok, I'll send you as much as I can might be a few days as I'm pretty busy at the moment


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« Reply #40 on: <01-10-18/1440:02> »
Seriously, don't rush - whenever you get a chance! Real life will always come first!

If it's any consolation, I'm equally busy - I'm working two jobs with two kids whilst my wife is studying at university; my opportunities are relatively rare at the moment.  ::)
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« Reply #41 on: <02-15-18/0235:12> »
Seriously, don't rush - whenever you get a chance! Real life will always come first!

If it's any consolation, I'm equally busy - I'm working two jobs with two kids whilst my wife is studying at university; my opportunities are relatively rare at the moment.  ::)

My wife is in university too at the moment, so I understand. Thought i would drop a few tidbits on a current issue that's been all over the news down here recently.

DFW has a biker gang problem, the worst of the bunch are known as the Banditos. I assume that they are into all kinds of illegal stuff, I do know they will fight enemy MCs anywhere (They got a local restaurant closed down recently due to a brawl they started.) These guys are pretty bad, I don't really have very much more info on them at the moment ( I do know another Banditos chapter had a fight in a Twin Peaks restaurant closer to where my parents live and got that one shut down too.)

FYI, the Banditos are already in the write up I sent but I thought I would expand on their recent activities for added context.


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« Reply #42 on: <02-15-18/0949:01> »
All information & context gratefully received!   :D
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« Reply #43 on: <02-22-18/0002:05> »
Just thought I would pop in and drop some more knowledge on a less than favorite subject of my city: Traffic.

Traffic is bad here but it depends on the day as to how bad. Monday through Friday during peak times (8-5 natch) it can be wall to wall gridlock depending upon when the city decides to work on the roads. It can get so bad that it can add up to an extra 45 minutes to a trip. Gas prices are generally pretty stable down this way, but do occasionally change (right now it's sitting at 2.05$- 2.15$ per gallon.) Weekends are better but not by much, there's less gridlock but like anything that depends on route. This info is all for those with personal cars but commuters and pedestrians probably have a slightly worse time, at least we aren't Austin. Traffic is way worse there, I hear.


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« Reply #44 on: <04-20-18/1437:20> »
Evening all!  With great assistance and excellent local knowledge from Avatarbf, the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex has been added to the dropbox for your enjoyment.
« Last Edit: <07-22-18/0343:29> by sidslick »
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