Aztechnology Striker

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« on: <09-10-14/0115:02> »
Another question "how to play X".  ;D

The Black Marker cart Aztechnology Striker has those instruction : "For each other runner, move up to one obstacle or boss facing them to face you. Obstacles and bosses can't attack this turn".

Which obstacles and bosses can't attach this turn? All the bosses and obstacles on board or only those I've moved to face me?


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« Reply #1 on: <09-10-14/0122:05> »
I read that as all obstacles and bosses.  It's like firing a rocket into a crowd - you're going to get a lot of attention, and people are going to be stunned that you just did something like that.  :P
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« Reply #2 on: <09-10-14/0141:04> »
For a 9-nuyen-card, I sure hope this gun is firing a rocket and I sure hope everyone is looking at how awesome it is!  ;D  :P

I agree with you, I read this card as a "Get a turn free of damages". Thank you for confirming my interpretation. Too bad it stops as soon as the next runner begins his turn, hehe. 

Really useful card in the Extraction mission, where we just want to survive those 6 rounds and protect the client. In the Crossfire mission, this card can be tricky though since the goal is to destroy all obstacles and having up to 4 obstacles in front of a runner can be lethal...

The Tekwych

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« Reply #3 on: <09-10-14/1225:35> »
We play this as the Obstacles that were moved can not attack. If you don't move an Obstacle then it remains unaffected and can act. This means put everything in front of you and hope the team can save your ass before you take massive damage or leave some in place and let the player real with his Obstacle as needed.


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« Reply #4 on: <09-10-14/1945:29> »
You can read the card literally: it stops ALL obstacles from attacking that turn.


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« Reply #5 on: <09-10-14/2119:56> »
You can read the card literally: it stops ALL obstacles from attacking that turn.

Great! And with the precision in the FAQ of the rulebook, the cards also prevent any ability from the obstacles for the same turn, so it would permit to buy from the black market when it is not possible because of an obstacle. Really useful then! Thank you for the informatioin


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« Reply #6 on: <09-10-14/2124:03> »
Well... the rulebook says "Preventing an obstacle from attacking also prevents any abilities that trigger when that obstacle attacks." Unfortunately the "You can't buy cards." isn't an ability that only triggers when it attacks - it's always there. :)


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« Reply #7 on: <09-10-14/2126:50> »
Well... the rulebook says "Preventing an obstacle from attacking also prevents any abilities that trigger when that obstacle attacks." Unfortunately the "You can't buy cards." isn't an ability that only triggers when it attacks - it's always there. :)

Oh well, another hope crushed easily...  ;D  Just kidding, you are right of course, I should re-read the rulebook to make sure I am remembering all rules correctly. :)


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« Reply #8 on: <09-11-14/1333:38> »
We play this as the Obstacles that were moved can not attack. If you don't move an Obstacle then it remains unaffected and can act. This means put everything in front of you and hope the team can save your ass before you take massive damage or leave some in place and let the player real with his Obstacle as needed.

This is how we play at our table as well. Though i can see the argument for all enemies not being able to attack. It just seems too powerful if it makes everything stop and take notice. It already does an amazing amount of damage, but to also be the ultimate CC ability seems to be too much for the games "you lose all the time hahahaha" mentality
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« Reply #9 on: <09-11-14/2004:58> »
This is how we play at our table as well. Though i can see the argument for all enemies not being able to attack. It just seems too powerful if it makes everything stop and take notice. It already does an amazing amount of damage, but to also be the ultimate CC ability seems to be too much for the games "you lose all the time hahahaha" mentality

I'll follow the interpretation of the game designer personally (SevenSpirits), but I do understand your concern of having an all-powerful gun. That being said, the ennemies cannot attack only for the current player turn : as soon as another player's turn begins, the ennemies act as usual. :)  Well... if I understand correctly what a turn is.  ;D


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« Reply #10 on: <09-11-14/2033:45> »
ah i always assumed a turn was every time you drew a crossfire card. Though i admit my understanding of the rules all comes from GenCon demos. I own the game, but have not read more than a few paragraphs from the rule book :/
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« Reply #11 on: <09-12-14/0000:59> »
Yeah, I think this is like :

- Round : Ends and begins with drawing a new Crossfire Event card (not sure how to say it more precisely).
- Turn : Starts when a player begins his play. A new turn occurs when the following player begins his play.
- Scene : As indicated in the mission instructions.


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« Reply #12 on: <09-12-14/0230:15> »
Yes, Jamelfr has the right of it.  Each player gets a turn, and when you've made a full rotation, you end the round and begin a new one by drawing a Crossfire card.
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« Reply #13 on: <10-01-14/0627:14> »
You can read the card literally: it stops ALL obstacles from attacking that turn.

Yeah but it makes no difference, because it says turn not round.

What it means is you move obstacles to face you, they can't attack you this turn. All other obstacles won't be attacking this turn anyway as they are facing other runners and only attack on those runners turns. By the time they get to attack it is no longer the runner that had Aztechnology Striker turn so they can attack as normal.

Basically it is there to give the runner that brought all that pain to themselves a chance to deal with it before they get hit for a huge amount of damage, a bit like the Electro Whip's kicker if you play another Weapon.

