I actually just put a little bit of thought behind it just now. Let me know what you think.
Data StealA milk run, the Johnson says. We’ll see about that. Time for a good ol’ fashion data steal. That corp server won’t know what hit them.Difficulty: Hard? Untested yet
Runners: 4? Untested
Mission Goal: Your team will break into a corporate facility to get the pay data for Mr. Johnson in 3 scenes.
First Scene is leg work, where you’ll probe the facility for weaknesses or help your contacts resolve problems. Be warned, you might alert the corporation or your contacts might sell you out if you don’t help them.
Second scene is breaking in to the facility and stealing the data. Its possible to brute force your way in and just steal the hardware on the host. Or you can have your decker try to break the Host’s security and steal the data that way.
Third scene is getting out of dodge. Fight off the HTR team or people looking for the bounty the corp just put on your heads.
Obstacles and Crossfire: Look into culling the deck for each scene. (will figure this out later)
The same rules as Crossfire.
Ending a Scene:
To end a scene depends on conditions of the scene.
Ending a scene, heal 1 point of damage. Everyone can buy a card from the black market. Crossfire card goes to the bottom of the deck.
Playing with Fewer than Four Runners & Karma Awards & Karma Scaling:
The same rules as Crossfire.
Scene 1Set up the Obstacles.
You have 1 round to kill the Obstacles to help your contacts. Doing so will help you. Or hinder you if you can’t kill them in 1 round.
Rewards- Face – One Less Obstacle during Scene 2
- Decker – Do not draw the Crossfire card for the first round of combat in Scene 2
- Street Sam – Everyone gets 2 nuyen
- Mage – All obstacles take 1 level of damage in Scene 2
Failure- Face – Add 1 Obstacle to Scene 2
- Decker – Add one Crossfire card to the discard deck, do not resolve any of its abilities
- Street Sam – Reduce the size of the black market by 1 card by discarding the most expensive card. If there are 2 cards the same cost, the Street Sam decides which to discard.
- Mage – All Players receive 1 point of damage
Scene 2Set up Obstacles (+1 if you didn’t defeat the mage’s Obstacle in Scene 1 or -1 if you did).
Draw the first Crossfire card (unless you defeated the decker’s Obstacle).
You need to get the pay data off the server. It is a 5th player, similar to the Client in the Extraction Run.
You can either physically steal the hardware running the Host, by doing 6
face damage, 6
magic damage, and 6
weapon damage in any order. Than lastly you’ll need to do 8 colorless damage.
You can hack the host by dealing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
hacking damage in that order.
Once the server is defeated, survive for one round starting from the person that defeated the server (unless all obstacles are defeated, than just end scene) and than Scene 2 ends.
Scene 3Set up Obstacles.
Draw Crossfire card.
Defeat all Obstacles.
Once all Obstacles are defeated, you win. You deliver the pay data and get the high score. Level up. High five.
Karma1 million! - 999,997