Stryker shakes his head to signal '
negative', and drops on his knee, just by the window. He takes a deep breath, motioning to Brick and setting a quick pantomime of leaving his body. When he sees any sign that his partner got it, he releases the air from his lungs, flowing with it into the Manastreams...
His physical body stays there, not even moving an inch, and his astral body circles the office, and then gets on top of it. Stryker shoves his astral face through the gray, formless reflection of a roof, to look inside carefully, this time scanning for other living auras, and reflections of non-living security...
Assensing(2)+Intuition(5)-4=3 (3d6.hits(5)=1)Immediately he withdraws from the astral form, gathering his strength for the task at hand. Out there, in the shimmering waves of magic live spirits. He reaches out, whispering on the Manastream, a call for aid...
Magic(4)+Summoning(2)+Edge(3)-2=7 (7d6.hits(5)=3) +
Reroll for (2d6.hitsopen(5,6)=1) (Edge effect).
And it comes. Entirely open to help out, the human-like shape just appears out of nowhere, his intimidating form swirling in front of Stryker's.
Welcome, Eternal One. Will you help me? I need to enter this place with my troll friend, and save the girl with blackened aura. Can you hide us from hostile sight, and help us if we encounter any resistance? Can you protect the girl from our enemies if needed?"