IC: Urban Brawl -- scenario 1 (finished)

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« Reply #15 on: <12-17-10/0350:44> »
1. Reaction(3) defense roll:
3d6.hits(5) → [5,4,2] = (1)

2. Resist 5P Fire Damage, Body(3)+Impact Armor/2(5)+Fire Resistance(3)  roll:
11d6.hits(5) → [4,1,4,2,1,1,2,4,4,4,4] = (0)

2a. Using Edge to re-roll:
11d6.hits(5) → [6,1,6,1,2,3,1,2,5,1,1] = (3)
He takes 2P damage then. -1 wound modifier.

3. Edge(3) test:
3d6.hits(5) → [2,6,6] = (2)

Stryker runs. That's the only thought in his mind: "RUN!!!" He fights it, but it's not easy. But he manages to wrest control for long enough to roll over when the hellish flame engulfs him. Even if that doesn't leave him untouched by flames - his left arm feels like it is cooking - it was enough to avoid catching fire. In the corner of his eye he sees a shadowy figure of a raven. It seems... disappointed...
He feels a rush of rage growing in his mind, pulsating with the Manastream.

Initiative(7) roll: 7d6.hits(5) → [1,3,5,5,4,1,4] = (2)
Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."


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« Reply #16 on: <12-20-10/1724:22> »
Initiative Update: CT2, IP1.  Hellhound3(3IP) 13, Hellhound2(3IP) 12, Brick(2IP) 12, Stryker(1IP) 9
Wounds: Stryker{1S}


The Hellhound bolts towards you, his black smooth coat almost glistening in the fire-light.  Before you even start your sprint, the hound jumps in the air as soon as he gets close to you and tries to jump on top of you, his fiery maw snapping at your throat!

[OOC: Hellhound's charge to submit you: Agility 4 + Unarmed Combat 3 + Charging 2= 9  9d6.hits(5)=3 → [2,2,6,6,4,3,2,6,1] = (3).  H3 will also use a point of edge to reroll misses 6d6.hits(5)=3.  Total is 6 hits, roll defense.  You can go full defense when feared if you want.]

Initiative Update: CT2, IP1.  Hellhound3(3IP) 13, Hellhound2(3IP) 12, Brick(2IP) 12, Stryker(1IP) 9
Wounds: Stryker{1S}


[OOC: Initiative ties are resolved in the order: Edge, Initiative, Reaction.  His edge is the same as you, but his initiative is 9 and yours is 8 so he goes first.]

The Hellhound holds his ground and shoots another blast of hellish fire at you.

[OOC: H2's fire attack on Brick: (8d6.hits(5)=4).  H2 uses point of edge for reroll: Edge reroll of H2's fire attack on Brick: (4d6.hits(5)=2).  Total is 6 hits, roll defense.  Then it's your turn.]

[OOC: I'm going to roll a Logic+Intuition (3) test to see if the hound can use some strategy since it's a pretty smart dog. 6d6.hits(5)=2.  He holds free action.]

Initiative Update: CT2, IP1.  Hellhound3(3IP) 13, Hellhound2(3IP) 12, Brick(2IP) 12, Stryker(1IP) 9
Wounds: Stryker{1S}

« Last Edit: <12-20-10/1730:38> by inca1980 »


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« Reply #17 on: <12-20-10/2303:03> »
Brick lowers his arm to see the second wave of fire coming at him,
Reaction Roll (5d6.hits(5)=3) [5,1,6,5,4] = (3)
he swings his arm back up to cover his face.
Damage Resistance (18d6.hits(5)=6)
Edge roll (3d6.hits(5)=1) (success)
he moves his arm back up just in time, as the flames roll over his armor he snarls,"My turn you ugly bitch!" and opens up with a burst from the panther.
shooting heavy weapons Firing a wide burst at hellhound#2 (12d6.hits(5)=7)
(OOC:I'll wait to do more until i know if the hound is dead. if it is, i'll hold action to fire another burst at anything coming into view while holding my current position that's hostile. If not I'll roll for another burst at the hound.)


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« Reply #18 on: <12-21-10/0423:05> »
Since he's too busy quenching last flames from the breath attack, Stryker doesn't manage to react quickly to the attack...
Reaction(2)-1 Roll 2d6.hits(5) → [3,4] = (0)
But his instincts and training take over, and he does what he can to minimize the damage.
Damage Resistance(3+6)+Edge(3) Roll 12d6.hitsopen(5,6) → [2,4,[6, 3],2,2,3,2,4,4,4,5,1] = (2)
Which doesn't do him any good, it seems...
Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."


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« Reply #19 on: <12-22-10/1217:55> »

Just as you turn around to try and run away you feel the burning maw of the hellhound clamp onto the nape of your jump suit in a vice grip and it's well muscled torso begins to jerk as it attempts to bring you to the ground.  

[OOC: it's your turn now.  You can't move though or do any physical actions, but you can cast spells.  See OOC thread.]

[OOC: H2's longshot defense roll using edge (3d6.hitsopen(5,6)=1).  That's 16P incoming, H2's damage resistance roll (4d6.hits(5)=0).  Dead.  Actually i made a mistake, he should have had 3 more defense dice on that roll cuz short wide burst only gives a -2.  Let me just roll 3 dice with rule of six to see if it would make a difference. Correction to H2's defense roll with edge: (3d6.hitsopen(5,6)=0).  Nope. ]

Just like the first hellhound you encountered you see this one's head explode in a bloody mess of guts and magma as one of the artillery rounds in your short sweeping burst catches it square in the cranium.  

[OOC: Since H3 is now right on top of Stryker, if you want to shoot at it, since you have a smartlink I'll let you make a called shot (requires free action and a -4 modifier) if you don't want to also hit Stryker and i'll make an Edge + net hits(3) roll for him or he has to resist 10P.  Panther is not a good precision instrument.]  

Initiative Update: CT2, IP1.  Hellhound3(3IP) 13, Brick(2IP) 12, Stryker(1IP) 9
Wounds: Stryker{1S}
« Last Edit: <12-22-10/1231:53> by inca1980 »


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« Reply #20 on: <12-22-10/1512:25> »

[OOC: I forgot that you're Feared until CT2, IP 2, Initiative score 10, and can't act before then other than to run so we'll just say you delayed them until IP2, Intiative Score 9.  Since Brick is also holding until he has a clear shot we'll just go to IP2 and i'll do H3's action and then your action comes after that.  So delete your last IC post.]

Initiative Update: CT2, IP2.  Hellhound3(3IP) 13, Brick(2IP) 12, Stryker(1IP) 9
Wounds: Stryker{1S}

[OOC: H3 chooses to do 4S damage to you as a subduing action.  Roll damage resistance test with Impact armor.]

Initiative Update: CT2, IP2.  Hellhound3(3IP) 13, Brick(2IP) 12, Stryker(1IP) 9
Wounds: Stryker{1S}

[OOC: Fear has ended on you but now roll composure test to see if you can muster the courage to engage the Hellhound.  Why don't you just roll the spell all over again including your wound modifiers in the DP's.  You also never rolled Drain.  To lift the Hellhound you need to succeed in an opposed test between the Force x 2 vs. the Hellhound's Strength 4 + Body 4 and get 1 net hit.  Here's the Hound's opposed roll to not get levitated: (8d6.hits(5)=4) ]
« Last Edit: <12-22-10/1519:57> by inca1980 »


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« Reply #21 on: <12-22-10/1518:39> »
Stryker shifts in panic when he feels heat from the jaws clutching him. A low whine escapes from his clenched mouth, as he struggles against the hellhound.
Damage resistance test vs. 4S subduing damage. (9d6.hits(5)=6)

Stryker, with his eyes locked with the Hellhound grins slyly. With one sharp though he cuts his connection to the murmuring Manastream that sustained his Combat Sense spell. Knowing he can't really outrun, nor hurt the beast, he decides to use one of the tricks he learned as a kid... He twists his mind around the nearest Manastream, and uses it's power to lift the beast with a Levitate spell far enough to give Brick a clear shot...
"This is it. I do this, or I'm toast..."

1. Free Action: Drop Combat Sense
2. Complex Action: Cast the Levitate spell at the Hellhound, at Force 4.

1. Composure (Int 5 + Cha 3) test. (8d6.hits(5)=2)
2. Reaction + Agility (2) to obtain line of sight (6d6.hits(5)=2)
3. Magic + Spellcasting + Edge roll to cast Levitate at Force 4 (12d6.hitsopen(5,6)=3)
4. Forcex2 test to Levitate the hellhound away. (8d6.hits(5)=2)
5. Drain (Int5+Will5) test for the Levitate spell. (10d6.hits(5)=3)
« Last Edit: <12-22-10/1559:22> by Kot »
Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."


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« Reply #22 on: <12-22-10/1552:48> »
[OOC: well just roll your drain resistance asap.]

As you feel your jumpsuit start to constrict your breathing and your face starts to turn redder and redder, you all of a sudden feel the burning claws of fear which dug into your mind start to release their grip.  You're determined to live.  You crank your head around as far as it will go and you manage to see a glimpse of the hound's black coat.  It's all you need to begin chanting the ancient words and with a thought you begin to tug at the hound from above and the hair in his coat starts to levitate into the air but his vice grip on your jumpsuit is too strong and he stays on top of you.

[OOC: You can try again during your next action phase by doing another Force x 2 opposed test with a complex action.]

Initiative Update: CT2, IP3. Hellhound3(3IP) 13, Brick(2IP) 12, Stryker(1IP) 9
Wounds: Stryker{1S}

The Hellhound tugs at your jumpsuit even harder!

[OOC: resist 4S damage again.  It should actually also be at a -2 since you're prone to all attacks when subdued.  I forgot last time but let's include it here.  Oh, and also....ROLL DRAIN.....ok cool thanks :)]


Roll Initiative!
« Last Edit: <12-22-10/1601:46> by inca1980 »


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« Reply #23 on: <12-22-10/1604:27> »
With a loud gasp for air Stryker manages to shift his weight enough, to avoid being suffocated.
Damage resistance test vs. 4S subduing damage (again). (9d6.hits(5)=5)

Initiative(6) test. (6d6.hits(5)=2)
« Last Edit: <12-22-10/1616:25> by Kot »
Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."


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« Reply #24 on: <12-22-10/1620:48> »
Seeing no opertunity to shoot at the hound attacking Styker, Brick starts aiming preparing himself for any opening to turn that hound into bloody chunks. "come on, come on, one little opening...."
initiative roll (8d6.hits(5)=3) (11)


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« Reply #25 on: <12-22-10/1626:01> »
[OOC:H3's Init roll: (9d6.hits(5)=4)

Initiative Update: CT3, IP1. Hellhound3(3IP) 13, Brick(2IP) 11, Stryker(1IP) 8
Wounds: Stryker{1S}


The Hellhound continues to asphyxiate you with your jumpsuit.

[OOC: resist 4S.  Sorry I was wrong, it's not at a -2.  Just resist normally.  It has a free action left.  I'm assuming Brick is holding his actions and aiming.]

Initiative Update: CT3, IP1. Hellhound3(3IP) 13, Brick(2IP) 11, Stryker(1IP) 8
Wounds: Stryker{1S}

[OOC: You can make another test with Levitate.]
« Last Edit: <12-22-10/1627:59> by inca1980 »


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« Reply #26 on: <12-22-10/1634:23> »
Whether the Hellhound's grip obviously wasn't strong enough, or was just the Urban Explorer suit that awesome, Stryker managed to keep breathing.
Damage resistance test vs. 4S subduing damage (3rd). (9d6.hits(5)=5)

And again he tried to push the beast away from him, sealing it's fate. This time the Manastream boiled with power, and the spell turned Mana into pure force...
Force x2 roll for the Levitate spell. (8d6.hits(5)=4)
Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."


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« Reply #27 on: <12-22-10/1639:09> »
[OOC: H3's resist levitate: (8d6.hits(5)=2).  You got it.

You push again with all your mental effort and suddenly you feel the haunches of the hound rise up off of you and it's teeth pull away from you suit.  In an instant the hound hovering about 4 meters above you and starts yelping in confusion.

Initiative Update: CT3, IP2. Hellhound3(3IP) 13, Brick(2IP) 11, Stryker(1IP) 8
Wounds: Stryker{1S, 3P}

[OOC: you can interrupt now if you want, you have a clear shot.]
« Last Edit: <12-22-10/1728:16> by inca1980 »


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« Reply #28 on: <12-22-10/1649:03> »
Brick's smartlink flashes showing the hellhound being pushed up off Styker's prone form. Brick's aim steadied by his resolve to blow it apart completely. 2nd aim action (simple) for +2 dice on the attack.

Brick opens up on the hell hound with a wide burst.
shooting heavy weapons14d6.hits(5)=6


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« Reply #29 on: <12-22-10/1656:54> »

[OOC:H3's defense roll. -2 for being constrained by levitate spell= (3d6.hits(5)=1).  Oh but it's wide burst anyways, so that's no hits at all.  16P incoming, with 4 body dice to roll is an automatic kill.]

You've been training your sights on the thing for a few seconds now and smartlink ballistic calculations are streaming down the side of your field of view.  As soon as you see the black hound rise up into the air and clear some distance between it and Stryker, you open up fire and tear the dog right in half, getting Stryker a little bit bloody.  As the two halves of the dog just float there in the air, Stryker eventually stands up and flings the two halves of the carcass over towards the door with just a thought.  

[OOC: We'll keep the same intiative and you just take turns acting and moving, every CT we'll just keep same initiative until i say to roll again.]

