So, I figured I wanted to house rule the ability to have more than 4 players, but I also wanted to give people more options for their archetype. Thus hybrid archetypes, which only real difference is that they have different starting cards to help imply their hybrid nature. I guess they'd also be a bit more useful in 2 player games, since you'll have a more evenly distributed deck.
Technomancer Green – 3 Marks, 2 Street Smarts, 1 Quick Shot, and 1 Mana
Physical Adepts Black – 3 Quick Shots, 2 Mana, 1 Mark, 1 Street Smarts.
Social Adept Red – 3 Street Smarts, 2 Mana, 1 Mark, 1 Quick Shot
Rigger Green (oddly) – 3 Quick Shots, 2 Marks, 1 Mana, 1 Street Smart.
Mystic Adept Blue– 2 Mana, 2 Quick Shots, 2 Street Smarts, 1 Mark
Shaman Blue – 3 Mana, 2 Street Smarts, 1 Quick Shot, 1, Mark
Alchemist Blue – 3 Mana, 2 Quick Shot, 1 Mark, 1 Street Smart
I was also debating if they should have multi colors or not. And then players can decide who the first objective is given to if there are multiple people playing the same color. Like give the Technomancer both green and red, so that if the TM has more HP then the decker or face, he could tank the first obstacle (assuming it was red or green), instead of one of the other archetypes that might be lower. But multi color sounds a bit, much, so I figured just giving them the color that makes sense for their role would be the best way to handle it for now.
Would probably need to make up a few more archetypes to help even out the different colors though. I was thinking about breaking the Technomancer in two, to Cyberadepts and Technoshamans, but that seemed a bit much for now too. Might rethink it later though. Still need more concepts for more faces like archetypes.