Basically, yes, but other way around. Turn one green Matrix damage symbol into 2 Colorless. So a Mark card, for example, would deal 2 Colorless instead of the 1 Green if you wished. Something like the big 9 Nuyen green card taht does 2 G and 2 Colorless would instead do 1 G and 4 Colorless. Etc.
Wow, I read that the wrong way round. I thought say the obstacle needs a Matrix damage but I don't have a Matrix card, I can substitute 2 Colourless to meet that requirement, converting them into a Matrix damage.
Which seems to make more sense from a flavour aspect. I'm not a decker and have skillz but if I mash the buttons fast enough it might work!!! It's how unskilled folks win at Street Fighter.
It's a really handy ability to have.
Edit: I take it from the later discussion in the thread my original interpretation is correct.
Of course if you thought it was the other way around and bought it playing a Decker it becomes pretty useless. But when I say it is handy I mean for someone like the Street Samurai or Mage, who can convert a lot of Mana or Weapon damage into Matrix Damage, when they need it, even if their one Hacking card is buried in their deck.