Extraction missions

  • 1 Replies


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« on: <09-01-14/1918:46> »
So my friends and I started playing the extraction mission, only to find we had more questions than answers when it came to the rules, largely because of the line "Use the normal Crossfire Rules" under the obstacles and crossfire section.

Do you still get to draw 2 cards at the end of your turn, or do you only get to draw cards when it says so on the client card?

What is the significance of a "scene" in an extraction mission? When it says something like "The client and each runner heals 1HP. Flip 1 Hard Obstacle card and 1 Normal Obstacle card. This Scene ends." Does that mean that
  • you get to fight those obstacles until they're gone and the "scene" ends or
  • the scene ends after you flip the cards and you have to go immediately to the next line, telling you to flip even MORE obstacle cards
  • its just telling you the scene is over so your "once per scene" abilities refresh, and you play the round as normal

It says in the rules that you do what the mission says, per round, at the beginning of the round. Does that mean the game ends at the beginning of the 7th round (all 7th round says is "the team escapes with the client!") or do you have to still survive that round?
« Last Edit: <09-01-14/1927:57> by taeo »


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  • Posts: 17
  • Crossfire Co-Designer
« Reply #1 on: <09-03-14/0141:10> »
Do you still get to draw 2 cards at the end of your turn, or do you only get to draw cards when it says so on the client card?

Yes, you still draw at the end of the turn and do everything else described in the main rules section of the rulebook.

The one thing to be careful about is to not do the things that are specific to the Crossfire Mission: dealing out an obstacle to each player at the start, ending the scene when all obstacles are cleared, and the like.

What is the significance of a "scene" in an extraction mission? When it says something like "The client and each runner heals 1HP. Flip 1 Hard Obstacle card and 1 Normal Obstacle card. This Scene ends." Does that mean that
  • you get to fight those obstacles until they're gone and the "scene" ends or
  • the scene ends after you flip the cards and you have to go immediately to the next line, telling you to flip even MORE obstacle cards
  • its just telling you the scene is over so your "once per scene" abilities refresh, and you play the round as normal

Third one. :) This mission doesn't do anything special with scenes - it's just to mark that your "once per scene" abilities refresh.

It says in the rules that you do what the mission says, per round, at the beginning of the round. Does that mean the game ends at the beginning of the 7th round (all 7th round says is "the team escapes with the client!") or do you have to still survive that round?

You win immediately! You only need to survive for 6 full rounds.

