House Rules

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« Reply #15 on: <09-06-14/1435:51> »
Ambulators is basically Crossfire minus the third scene. It is a much more appropriate introduction/grinding mission than Crossfire (imho) and we are planning to play it when we wish for a quick session (even if we now have 7+ karma runners).

As for inexperience, we found that playing a few "open cards" games with new players helped a lot into reducing the learning curve. Every player knew the cards in everyone hands, so it helped to learn basic strategy and optimal ways to deal with some situation. We went back into "hidden cards mode" after a few games of course.


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« Reply #16 on: <09-06-14/1919:47> »
Can anyone post a link to the available missions for download?
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« Reply #17 on: <09-06-14/1942:29> »

I need to print out Ambulators.  Though looking it over, I see it's a finalized version of the basic Mission that came in the Demo Kit, but this time named and with a karma award.  Cool.  That is probably much, much more doable. :)

Couple of those, couple of successfulCrossfire, an upgrade for your'll be cruising.  The Harlequins Shadow Card, with the extra reward, makes a nice bonus.


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« Reply #18 on: <09-06-14/1943:42> »
In the LotR's card game, they refer to this as Double fisting it.
... I'm not sure that means the same thing anywhere else. (or, at least, here) You might get some unexpected propositions if you get too cavalier with that phrase.
« Last Edit: <09-06-14/2013:18> by Novocrane »


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« Reply #19 on: <09-06-14/2031:41> »
Can anyone post a link to the available missions for download?


Close the Portal

These are the only ones I'm aware of.

tasti man LH

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« Reply #20 on: <09-06-14/2055:52> »
Close the Portal, however specifically asks for the regular Core Box and not the Demo Box.
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« Reply #21 on: <09-06-14/2149:29> »
Unfortunately sometimes working Gen Con means that you don't get all the shiny toys from Gen Con. :)

True enough.  I got none of the shiny toys, and I didn't even work the entire con.  I tried the downloadable Close the Portal twice and got destroyed twice.  Maybe it's luck, but it's possible to only get one round before the portal opens, and at most I got 3 rounds.  You're almost better off if it happens early because all the obstacles swarm you.  As far as I can tell, the portal goes first (so starts the game with two obstacles before you get a turn) and you can't play cards on the obstacles at the portal (because the portal is not a player).
Guiding principle for game balance:  Players avoid underpowered stuff and flock to overpowered stuff.
Missions Freelancer (SRM 04-10 Romero & Juliette, SRM 05-01 Chasin' the Wind, SRM 06-06 Falling Angels, PM-02 A Holy Piece of Wetwork)


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« Reply #22 on: <09-06-14/2212:48> »
As far as I can tell, the portal goes first (so starts the game with two obstacles before you get a turn) and you can't play cards on the obstacles at the portal (because the portal is not a player).

This is what makes it espeically tough, I think.  Cause you start off the game "in the hole" out of the gate.


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« Reply #23 on: <09-07-14/1645:33> »
Lady Luck was not here today : first mission was a total failure, second one was a really thin win... Having a bad streak of events and obstacles can really slow down a game : "you lose cards!", "you lose money!", "you cannot buy!", "here is new hard obstacles to take the place of the normal wounded ones, you're welcome!", etc.

According to the box, an average game is 30-60 minutes, but it is often 75-90 when threre are 3 scenes : this can be a problem with some casual players or during busy gaming nights. To be fair, some players are taking too much time planning how they will play their cards and abilities, but I guess this cannot be avoided with some people...

I plan to write some missions in the near future and I'll try to insert an option for having 2 or 3 scenes (with proportionnal Karma rewards): Ambulators and Crossfire do that already, in a way.
« Last Edit: <09-07-14/1654:07> by Jamelfr »


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« Reply #24 on: <09-07-14/2235:09> »

Slightly out of topic, are you talking about this LotR : . I am rather new to the board game scene and I am still searching for a good fantasy themed game. Would this one be a good choice?

Its completely co-op with deck building and the LotR theme.  Its well done,  has OCTGN support, and has a great podcast (Cardboard of the Rings).  I love that game.  My wife and I play lots of co-op games, and this is our favorite.

Here an even more off topic question:  Does anyone know if Catalyst would sue the living crap out of someone if someone made a OCTGN plugin for this game?  I'd love to play more, but there just are not enough players to get four player local games going!


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« Reply #25 on: <09-08-14/0103:29> »
I think I can derive the OCTGN acronym, but I'm unfamiliar with it.  I assume it means Online Card...T...Gaming Network?
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« Reply #26 on: <09-08-14/1228:00> »
OCTGN (prounced octagon) is an online platform for card gaming.  You build a deck of cards, load other decks of cards for either monsters, base draw decks, ect., and play based on the rules you know.  Its got a ton of functionality.  Here's the website  Overall its pretty user friendly after some semi difficult learning curve.

Now Fantasy Flight has basically gone laissez faire with the whole thing.  As long as LotR is their biggest seller, they don't care if people copy the cards and load them up whole sale online.  They even allow the same for NetRunner, BUT you have to blank out the cards text.  If you have the card physically in front of you, you can still play.  I just don't know if Catalyst would be as cool with fans doing the same thing.


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« Reply #27 on: <09-12-14/0006:35> »
Suggested house rule :

"Table flipping is allowed when GOD is drawed as an ennemy for the third game in a row."

Yeah, I got that card three times in a row yesterday, my shuffling skills need a karma boost it seems... I only survived one game against it, barely.


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« Reply #28 on: <09-12-14/0229:16> »
OMG isn't the GODwire the most evil entity ever conceived?  Whoever thought of that should get his/her hand burned with a cigarette.  :P
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« Reply #29 on: <09-12-14/2058:38> »
OMG isn't the GODwire the most evil entity ever conceived?  Whoever thought of that should get his/her hand burned with a cigarette.  :P

Its first health level of 8 [colorless] is so evil, but the worst is its ability to heal 2 health levels every time it attacks. It's not impossible to defeat, but often GODwire appear so late in a game that a runner can easily go critical.

OCTGN (prounced octagon) is an online platform for card gaming.  You build a deck of cards, load other decks of cards for either monsters, base draw decks, ect., and play based on the rules you know.  Its got a ton of functionality.  Here's the website  Overall its pretty user friendly after some semi difficult learning curve.

Now Fantasy Flight has basically gone laissez faire with the whole thing.  As long as LotR is their biggest seller, they don't care if people copy the cards and load them up whole sale online.  They even allow the same for NetRunner, BUT you have to blank out the cards text.  If you have the card physically in front of you, you can still play.  I just don't know if Catalyst would be as cool with fans doing the same thing.

+1 for OCTGN support for Shadowrun Crossfire.

