[5eOoC] 2075/6: Stormy Waters [Persistent World; recruitment always open]

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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #3360 on: <01-01-16/1626:55> »
LOL  I think part of the writing is inspiration from Calsita in the one story and from Al in the other.
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« Reply #3361 on: <01-02-16/0615:05> »
@adamu: I would just like to say that I find folksy-jungle guide Al to be both awesome and hilarious.Kudos for such an excellent character.


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« Reply #3362 on: <01-02-16/0651:53> »
More like folksy passing-himself-off-as-a-jungle-guide Al.

But po-tay-to po-tah-to, right?

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #3363 on: <01-04-16/2350:13> »
So do we have a handle on who is in the CoF shindig?
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« Reply #3364 on: <01-04-16/2355:52> »
Well, perhaps he could use a *little* polish at this point in his life.

Sorry I haven't gotten a character up on OP yet. The run with Mercy has me reevaluating a few things about my character.

We need a mage, right?

As far as I know, there's six of us. Obi/Frenchman, Jack/Isaint, Adamu/Al, Mercy/Robyn, Brickyard/Anguish/Other, and JackHammer.


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« Reply #3365 on: <01-05-16/0120:05> »
I am actually considering switching character for the next game and play a mage:

Introducing Rick Deckard

== Description ==
Of fair complexion with thick brown hair and soul patch. His piercing blue eyes enhance an already charming and ligt hearted attitude. Deckard is of average size and build, he would rather rely on his wits than on his punching abilities. His decent athletic abilities don't come from any genetic pre-disposition alas but from the desire to maintain a somewhat descent appearence.

== Background ==
His feet hanging some 7 stories high above the street, Deckard was sitting on the ledge of an old building in the heart of London, overseeing the rooftops of this antique but beautiful city. He enjoyed coming here, to think, ponder and wonder, as the full moon was trying to breach the overcast evening sky.

It had been almost two months now that his wife Cora had passed away, and all the magic in the world couldn't mend his broken heart. They had both for a short time considered living a normal life but, he now realized, there was no such thing as a normal life once one stepped into the Shadows. And for him, he not only stepped in it, he was born in it.

The only child of two shadowrunners, growing up on the fringe of society had not been a easy task. SINless and constantly on the move, he had to fend for himself at a very young age. He would rarely see his dad, and would even often argue with him during his teenage years. Yet, his dad - though unspoken- was his hero, this adventurer who would fight evil corporations with his wife by his side. And even if they didn't always see eye to eye, maybe because the old man couldn't understand his son's connection with Magic, Deckard knew his dad loved him. And he always had this reminder next to him: Deckard drew the heavy pistol from the concealed holster in his coat. A Ruper Super Warhawk revolver. Well, an extensively modified version, for sure. His dad had gifted him this weapon when the young magician had turned 21. The speech that came along had been lost. It had to do with not being here often enough, wanting to protect his beloved son, and being proud of the man Deckard had become. What stayed in the magician's mind however was how his dad had no regret being a Shadowrunner. He had fully embraced the profession as a way of life, and would accept for his son to decide to follow this path. Poor man died two years later. But for Deckard, his father would always be with him, in the form of the heavy weapon he carries; weapon that saved his life in more than one occasion.

In a way the revolver was his most prized possession, even before his several foci that were of formidable use for him. He wished he had something similar that would have helped him identify and connect with Cora. All he had of her were fond, loving memories, and hard ones too.

His almost three years of marriage had been so great and from the moment he fell in love with her to the proposal to the wedding had been pure bliss. Sure, they had risked their lives together, and worried about each others when doing separate runs. Such was the life of dating a Shadowrunner. He had met her here in London when a job took him and his team from Seattle to England. She was a Decker in the team they were supposed to assist. Her aura was so pure. He learned shortly after that she was a Technomancer. He was this almost self-taught but talented Chaos Mage, harnessing the elements and she was this beautiful tech girl, talking to machines like they were people. Complete opposites but the spark was there; a story that could have been turned into a trid!
Their love for each other had been so strong, and talks of leaving behind the profession and try to live a 'normal life' were just that. She however only managed to convince him to stay and run in London.

She fell very sick. A mysterious virus crippled her and he could see her strength leaving her days after days.
Her local street doc was powerless. She soon had to be placed under intensive care. Being SINless brought a lot of hardship as hospital costs kept on rising. Their fake SIN would not pass the scrutiny of governmental institution. It was impossible to get a loan or financial aids. Runs in this new city were sparse and, desperate to get money to pay the bills, he turned to the only thing he knew: the Underworld. In spite of being a hot commodity for his magical talent, he found himself begging for money he could use to pay a corporate ran hospital. Clouded by his fear of losing his wife he didn't think it through when the Russian mob offered to loan him some money.

Paying the bills didn't cure his beloved Cora, however. It came to an end when an team of doctors and suits from EVO decided to 'sponsor' the patient. They isolated her and god knows what they tried on her. She was pronounced dead a few days later.

Deckard spun the revolver and holstered it back inside his coat. These last two months had been hard. He was trying to embrace life like Cora had asked him; be the charming and light hearted man she loved.
He heard a commotion on the roof. Two big guys were trying to make it through the small window that gave access to the isolated roof. They were cursing at each other in Russian, unable to decide who was to go first or push the other. They were here to 'remind' him the Vory liked their loan interests to be paid on time.

Deckard smiled. Maybe he got that from his runner parents, or maybe from his foray into the Magic arts: he loved the thrill of danger. He pushed himself off the ledge into a certain death as the Vory henchmen looked with terror. The fall would have killed anyone. But not a master of telekinesis. He landed in a crouch with one hand on the pavement as he magically softened his fall at the last moment. He looked up with the smile still on his face and determination in his eyes.

He was heart-broken but he would do what he knew best: embrace the Chaos and run the Shadows.

== Concept ==
- SINless
- Dad and Mom were Shadowrunners
- Discovered Magic at a young age, slowly developped his talent instinctively on his own and embraced the Chaos tradition
- His dad gave him his Ruger Warhawk when he turned 21. He is very emotionally attached to that weapon.
- A run sent him and a team of runners to London where he fell in love with a british decker.
- Married 3 years ago, wife actually technomancer
- Wife turned mysteriously sick
- Hospital cost rose rapidly. As SINless, loans and government help impossible to get
- turned to underworld (Vory?) to get a loan.
- EVO stepped in to offer to help. Wife pronounced dead.
- Deckard dabbles as a Private investigator / Bounty Hunter

Got the greenlight from Aria, just waiting on his opinion on the full character.
Rick Deckard - Circles of Fate
Kachina - Shaking the Shadows


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« Reply #3366 on: <01-05-16/0145:30> »
Okay, if you're going hard mage that means Anguish can do a little changing.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #3367 on: <01-05-16/0202:12> »
Hey, handsome guy, eh, Anguish? 
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #3368 on: <01-05-16/0317:42> »
You are incorrigible.


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« Reply #3369 on: <01-05-16/0334:29> »

Again and again I'm amazed about the quality of your character portraits.
Just be careful with your mage - those don't last as we have learned  ;D
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #3370 on: <01-05-16/0346:11> »
If you really want things to go hideously off the rails, I can probably do a reasonable impression of Goodnight...


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« Reply #3371 on: <01-05-16/0751:10> »
A Happy New Year to all once again!  I’m back in the saddle and have more or less caught up with the various ICs that have been going on…great writing all!  I should have the CoP sequel Call of Fate up and running very shortly but it looks like you’d like to round out CoP with some of your missing questions…?

Can I suggest we do some OoC for the conversation so it doesn’t take endless back and forth?  That is unless you are happy to accept Silk’s rather truncated response to Al’s incoming call…?  Feel free to pursue Art, Torrent, eTher or anyone else you like…again OoC is probably a good starting point so I can give you responses you can work in to your IC writing.

@Obi: Character looks good to me!  And please do let me know what you use (other than blood sweat and tears) to create your portraits!

@BrickyardBabe: errr, ok...but maybe not?

@Mercy: you've started the 'inter party' romance, why not make it a love triangle?!? ;D

@PistolGrip: any final thoughts about Jackhammer vs. Achilles?  Happy with either!
« Last Edit: <01-05-16/0752:47> by Aria »
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« Reply #3372 on: <01-05-16/0808:43> »
I'm traveling, so my sleep schedule is a little busted while I readjust (i.e. Kanyeshna didn't explode today).

Anguish is bound and determined to GTFO from under Melissa (because that's going to go great), which is her motivation for becoming a shadowrunner. From Kanyeshna to CoF is almost a year, so that gives her time to do her palette swap and for the changes in her concept to set in.

@Aria: My question is, if she's a 'runner and part-time lover of Robyn, do you want her to go through Torrent- who I as a player am only sort of familiar with- or if she should get it through Robyn, or her own contacts with the Triads or The Vory? Or should I go all the way and actually throw Goodnight or Lexi on my contacts list? I don't know if you need them to circle back around for anything, or even if they're actually alive.

@Mercy: You'll have to excuse my delays today. I'll try to get back up to speed tomorrow.

@Obi: Does your mage shoot escaped clones in the face for a paycheck?  ;D

@Adamu: I promise Robyn's vampire lover doesn't bite. Much. Unless you ask her to.


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« Reply #3373 on: <01-05-16/0824:23> »
Well you should get a 'freebie' contact from me for the game, which for most of the others is Torrent (although Al has lucked out and got Silk too!)... that's not to say it has to be him however, you could easily join the team via Robyn (who does have him as a contact).  He does have links with Below but that isn't his main stomping ground...then again you've already established that Anguish has links with the Overworld through the Vory etc so you could easily be 'on his books'... Goodnight wasn't, she joined via a 'friend of a friend' link.   To sum up, it's up to you, whichever works for you, Mercy etc.  If it isn't Torrent we'll work out who your freebie will be, probably someone from Below, or half way between (like the Mechanica).  It won't be The Old One or Arch as Mercy has had to 'pay' for them with the Friends in High Places quality...
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« Reply #3374 on: <01-05-16/0842:16> »

Regarding questions, I'll paraphrase what Isaint would ask them:
Torrent: Where is Art, how can we reach him and what do you know about him and his background - especially in view of the total cluster frag with the "safe" house.
Art: What the hell is wrong with you? Why was S-K after the family and why was your safe house compromised? What happened afterwards with you. Who were you working for? What about that research data - is that still of interest to you?
Silk/eTher: Did you bullshit us just to fake the death of the family? Ok, ok. Don't answer that. Do you at least know the real reason why wave after wave of expensive drones and S-K strike teams tried to get an Oxford math-professor? Is it really just because of theoretical work for a CFD cure? Was the other runner team in Oxford your team?

talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

