[5eOoC] 2075/6: Stormy Waters [Persistent World; recruitment always open]

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« Reply #1305 on: <05-10-15/0001:03> »
Satisfied with the answers the Johnson gave to Smiley's questions,

Did I miss something?  I haven't seen these answers

No, you didn't miss anything, it's one of those "after the answers come in" posts, since 2/3 of the team has already  left and some are apparently in Oxford.
Okay just checking :)


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« Reply #1306 on: <05-10-15/0553:08> »
I see that Mel is optimistic about the answers... ;)


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« Reply #1307 on: <05-10-15/1000:16> »
Yeah I think a lot of us where responding to the short time frame in a case of "Well, this is why we get paid the big-bucks.", that and just wanting to keep the game rolling rather than spending days with everyone waiting around the bar in what's supposed to be a 3 hour run.

For the sake of at least my sanity.. can people start adding what extraction team they are in their location data for their posts? I'm rather horrible with names and with this many people it's a struggle for me to keep track of who's doing what.
From To<<Matrix message>>


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« Reply #1308 on: <05-10-15/1338:03> »
Ill make sure to add a location to my next post :)

At the moment daddies meat body and what little gear he has is in the back seat of snows car
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talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #1310 on: <05-11-15/0829:23> »
Duke here Aria how do you want to do this updated char sheet in your inbox
Can you post a bio / description at the very least in the OoC so I can link you at the beginning of the thread?  You can post your sheet too if you don’t mind the others reading it (and saves time on the ‘this is what I do…’ speech :P).  I suggest you plan on being on the main extraction target and that you know one of the other runners there already so you don’t get shot at when you turn up on scene.  Art (Mr J) sent you on ahead to recon the exterior…or something like that!

Ok, on to the questions – I’ll answer what I can OoC to save time and avoid awkward inconsistencies with who asked the question etc, I’m assuming you are all on your way to Oxford (or arrived) by now, and that these questions (and subsequent questions you ask) have been dealt with more or less to your satisfaction…

My questions might have slipped through, so here again:
Which corporation do we steal the mathematician from?
For that matter: Which corporation is the most influential in Oxford?
He is a Professor at Oxford University, this is in theory an independent body (with probably as much if not more wealth than an AA corp!), but in practice they get lots of corp sponsorship for research.  As far as you can tell his current project (whatever that may be) is being run under the auspices of Renraku and he wants out!

There isn’t one corp with more influence than another really (although Ares for example doesn’t have a big presence).  Oxford is a premier centre of learning and the corps hover around like devil rats on a corpse!

Just another question: how does the primary know we are the team extracting him and not the rivals? Is there something we can tell him or show him to identify ourselves as the "right" extraction team?
Now there’s the rub…he doesn’t!


Save you a trip to my sheet - Daniel Curtis is C3 L5.

Naturally I wouldn't expect him to know anything about the target's security arrangements - in fact I won't even mention a target.

But as a professor at Oxford (who used to live on the other side of society) he hopefully has a passing familiarity with campus security.

Response times?
Mostly independent, or do they rely on regular police?
Astral/matrix capabilities?
On-campus panopticon?

Really just anything he might know that's of any use.
There isn’t a campus per se…Oxford Uni is made up of individual colleges (the dreaming spires, ie most of the centre of the city) that share certain buildings, like the Maths Institute.  Each college has its own security but the shared facilities contract to KE with correspondingly quick response times and armaments (I can’t actually remember off hand if the British police are still independent or corp…anyone know??!).  Will have to try and dig out my London source book again :P  Matrix and magic is probably in-house security as this is where the principal threats are likely to come from.

Surveillance is ubiquitous…the British pioneered the modern (2050s +) police state!

Something I haven’t yet pointed out…much of the centre of Oxford has been pedestrianised with quaint ye olde cobbles (go and check out the Golden Compass film for visual inspiration!).  Vehicle traffic is heavily restricted…apart from those with a corp pass of course!  There are electric taxis around too…and student powered cycles (their legs rather than anything more dubious!)

Another thing to note: the Maths institute is connected to a large part of this quarter underground to the north and west (which you won’t pick up on Google maps)…just to make your lives easier/more complicated!  I’ll see if I can find a good map/image etc of the 2015 plans! p19 or so… and there’s a nice pic to the header here: is an underground garage under the institute –car lift access.

Matrix Searches:
You find the guest list on various social media sites and can piece together a picture of who is and isn’t expected to attend (some people have too much time on their hands and spend it ogling the rich and famous and studying their every move!).  With a bit of judicious editing you could insert yourselves onto the guest list stored at the Randolph (with a hack!) or impersonate someone who is expected to attend but probably won’t.  You will still need to hack a copy of the invite though to put on your ‘link!

Astral Searches:
Maths Institute
Ok, so it’s not all technically warded, they have used biofibre in the walls to prevent astral snooping and warded where that isn’t possible (large glass atriums etc…).  The building isn’t all that big and it is probably more economical this way than warding individual rooms…at least to my mind.

There is activity in and out of the institute but mostly out as people leave to go home…by the time the group arrive the institute will have closed up for the night.

Randolph Hotel
Plenty of auras in the building, too many to do an accurate count.  There will be one or two spirits too hanging about…

North Oxford House
There are indeed similar security arrangements on neighbouring houses.  There might be ‘nosy neighbour’ syndrome but these big houses are quite carefully concealed from each other with trees and hedges.

And the IC questions:

“Okay, you mentioned that the target is a willing scoop, is he in on this plan to pick him up tonight or is this simply schedule intel we have that we are acting on? “

“You mentioned another team, is it just one, do you know who they are? Do they know about us? Are they jumping in on our action, or is it the other way around?  Or is the target a jump ball for whoever can get him?  It matters because then we have an idea of what that other team knows.”
He is expecting extraction tonight.  The other team is hired by NeoNet.  We are moving ahead of schedule because of the NeoNet extraction

“On the subject of the other team, are we fighting them for the wife and family too, or just the primary?”

“Going back to the wife, any intel on her or the event she is at?  What does her security detail consist of?”
Just the primary, charity event for <insert worthy cause> sec detail is two bodies

“Does the primary have a security detail?”

“You said you don’t care about the other team, what is the word on collateral damage beyond them?  If we have to be rough with any of the targets, how much is too much?”
  He does but they will not be around as he’s covered by campus security while in the building.  Non functioning is too much…Art isn’t more specific

“We get an address when we have the primary, do you want the family if we miss him or the primary without the family if we miss them?”

“Drop details: If we are being chased, are we going to get waived off the drop?  Or is a hot drop available?  You want the family as one drop or can we space it out?  Is the safe house for the target and family alone or can we linger as well?  Are we on the clock for the drop as well?”
Without the primary the family isn’t required.  If you can’t get the family Art will be disappointed but the primary is the focus.  If you are being chased this whole thing is hosed!  Don’t be!  The family can be in multiple drops, they could even go to different (secure) locations provided we can prove to the primary they are safe.  The clock is less important once the initial extract is carried out…

Phew, hope I’ve covered most things here…as ever, shout if I’ve missed vital stuff

Ps. Damn, two new sourcebooks I really want to read just as this is all getting going :P
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #1311 on: <05-11-15/0830:30> »

I hope it's ok if we use the real life floor plans for our run:

It's just so nice to have a visual help.
Perfect!  Yes, the reason I chose this building is because I've been in it!
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #1312 on: <05-11-15/0900:40> »
Duke is  5'7 has Black hair that is slicked back, Obvious cybereyes and ears.
Duke grew up in seattle. started working for the mafia as a gopher and when his loyalty was questioned they sent him on a few cleaning runs when he didnt balk at what the family was asking he was cybered and given some better equipment. though he usually works alone he sometimes needs a decker to access files on targets or a mage to help him bypass wards.
Meta-C  Att-A  Mag-E   Skills-A   Res-A
B-5   A-6   R-3(5)   S-3   W-3   L-3    I-4    C-5   Edge-7  Ess-0.7
Initiative: 10+3d6

Pos Qualities: Sharpshooter / Strive for Perfection / Agile Defender / Ambidextrous / Restricted Gear(retina duplication 6)
Neg Qualities: Bad Rep(“killed team member for more profit”) / Moderate BTL addiction
Combat Junkie / Consummate Professional

Skill: Influence group-5  Acting group-5
Longarms-6(rifles)  Pistols-6(heavy) Gymnastics-5 Perception-5(Auditory) Disguise-5
Sneaking-6 Garrote-5 Locksmith-4

Knowledge Skills: Building Layouts-5(blueprints)  Infiltration Techniques-4
Security Sytems-4

Mafia Armorer C-2 L-4
Fixer                C-6 L-3
Street Doc      C-1 L-3
Mafia Boss      C-6 L-5

Gear: 3 months medium lifestyle 11,725nuyen left
R-5 Sin “David Della Rocco”
Cybereyes r-3 w/ Smartlink, Retinal Duplication 6, Vision Mag, Vision Enhancement 3, Flare Compensation, and thermographic Vision
Cyberears R-2 w/audio enhancements 3, balance aug, and damper
Wired reflexes 2/data jack
Simrig, olfactory booster 3 , taste booster 3
Disguise kit, Maglock Passkey-4, Cellular glove molder-4 autopicker-4 sequencer-4 keycard copier-5 Area jammer-4, White noise generator-5, bug scanner-5 tag eraser
Medkit-6 three refills and bio monitor
Survivalkit Flashlight, 5mag torches, microflare launcher with 3 microflares, rappellinggloves, grappling gun with 400m microwire, 100m standard rope
Chameleon suit w/thermal dampening-6
Auctioneer business suit
Berwick suit
Argentum Coat w/ showckweave
Erika Elite w/hotsim and subvocal mic
Ballistic mask with electro chromatic mod and gecko gloves
Suzuki mirage
Hyundai Shin-hyung
3 boxes of grenades#2
5 monofilament garrotes
Shiawase armaments puzzler w/ internal smartlink 1 ex clip
50 ex rounds/ 20 tracker rounds
Terracota Arms Am-47 w/ gas vent-3 and tripod
2ares predator V w/ personalized grip and Quickdraw holsters
Enfield as-7 w/ internal smartlink and 2 spare drums
100 apds ammo sniper and 100 apds heavy pistol rounds
100 regular rounds for shotgun
20 spare heavy pistol clips  and 5 sniper clips
"Speech" Matrix Thought Astral


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« Reply #1313 on: <05-11-15/1817:20> »
Okay, questions expanding from questions, and a few clarifications.

“You mentioned another team, is it just one, do you know who they are? Do they know about us? Are they jumping in on our action, or is it the other way around?  Or is the target a jump ball for whoever can get him?  It matters because then we have an idea of what that other team knows.”
He is expecting extraction tonight.  The other team is hired by NeoNet.  We are moving ahead of schedule because of the NeoNet extraction

"...and NeoNet is jumping in on our action?"

“Does the primary have a security detail?”

“You said you don’t care about the other team, what is the word on collateral damage beyond them?  If we have to be rough with any of the targets, how much is too much?”
  He does but they will not be around as he’s covered by campus security while in the building.  Non functioning is too much…Art isn’t more specific

Asset extraction is the mission, asset happiness is not within purview, understood.  Is asset denial to NeoNet a factor?  (ie, if we can't have him, can anyone else so that you have the option to try again? Or is it the other way, if we can't have him no one can?) Smiley will want a clear answer here.

Also, you didn't answer about collateral damage.  To be clear, is burning down Oxford an option if required?  :)

“We get an address when we have the primary, do you want the family if we miss him or the primary without the family if we miss them?”

“Drop details: If we are being chased, are we going to get waived off the drop?  Or is a hot drop available?  You want the family as one drop or can we space it out?  Is the safe house for the target and family alone or can we linger as well?  Are we on the clock for the drop as well?”
Without the primary the family isn’t required.  If you can’t get the family Art will be disappointed but the primary is the focus.  If you are being chased this whole thing is hosed!  Don’t be!  The family can be in multiple drops, they could even go to different (secure) locations provided we can prove to the primary they are safe.  The clock is less important once the initial extract is carried out…

So if we are pursued there is no payday at all?  Or there is no hot drop?  Also, are we allowed at the safehouse, or is it a drop and leave?


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« Reply #1314 on: <05-11-15/1840:57> »
Alright, I threw together an ork instead of a troll. I think I did this right, according to the "prime runner" rules set forth on the first page (rather than those described in the rulebook). Formatting (unknowingly) provided by The Frenchman.

Runner Name: Jackhammer
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Metatype: Ork

[spoiler]Although Aaron was raised with moderate amenities and even given an education, ableit a tutorsoft homeschool package, he always seemed more interested in the ganger life and culture put forth in the direct-to-matix trids he often watched instead of doing his school work. For years he'd sneak off with his friends to wrestle, play corpsec-vs-gangers, and try to push the edges of safety and legality without his parents knowing. But just when it seemed that Aaron was destined for prison or worse, his father had an accident and was laid up for six weeks. Aaron took on a job as a bouncer to pay for his father's medical expenses, but the bills stacked up faster than the paychecks. Against his mother's advice, he sought out a "private lender" to cover the gap. Ever since, he's been struggling to pay it all back. He's made some good money, sure, but his "lender" always seems to find a way to avoid receiving payment in full. So Aaron spends his resources on body mods to become a killing machine, ready to wipe away his debt by nuyen or blood. But with his hours cut back at work, he's had to turn to other avenues for obtaining funds.

== Info ==
Name: Aaron Wilson    Alias: Jackhammer
Ork, Male             Movement: 14/28
1m85, 131kg           Composure: 7
Street Cred: 0        Judge Intentions: 7
Notoriety: 1          Lift/Carry: 18 (165 kg/110 kg)
Public Awareness: 0   Memory: 6
Karma: 0              Nuyen: 1314
Age: 29               Skin: Tan
Eyes: Brown           Hair: Brown (shaved)

== Priorities ==
Metatype: B(3) -     Ork + 4 Special Attributes
Attributes: A(4) -   24 Attributes
Special: D(1) -      Adept + 2 Magic
Skills: C(2) -       28 Skills/2 Skill Groups
Resources: A(4) -    450,000¥

== Attributes ==
BOD: 7           CHA: 2
AGI: 6 (7)       INT: 5
REA: 5 (7)       LOG: 1
STR: 7 (11)      WIL: 5
EDG: 5           MAG: 3                   

== Derived Attributes ==
Essence: 3.00               Initiative:           12 + 3d6
Physical Damage Track: 12   Rigger Init:         
Stun Damage Track: 11       Astral Init:         
Physical: 12                Matrix AR Init:       12 + 3d6
Mental: 4                   Matrix VR Cold Init:  5 + DP + 3d6
Social: 4                   Matrix VR Hot Init:   5 + DP + 4d6
Astral: 4

== Combat Pools ==
Defense: REA + INT                      10 (12)
Damage Resistance: armor vest           22 (25)
Damage Resistance: body armor           31 (34)

== Active Skills ==
Archery (Bows)           Base: 6  + Karma: 0  = 6   Pool: 13 (15)
Escape Artist            Base: 2  + Karma: 0  = 2   Pool: 9
Etiquette**              Base: 1  + Karma: 0  = 1   Pool: 3
Gymnastics*              Base: 1  + Karma: 0  = 1   Pool: 8
Leadership**             Base: 1  + Karma: 0  = 1   Pool: 3
Negotiation**            Base: 1  + Karma: 0  = 1   Pool: 3
Perception               Base: 4  + Karma: 0  = 4   Pool: 9
Pistols (Revolvers)      Base: 3  + Karma: 0  = 3   Pool: 10 (12)
Running*                 Base: 1  + Karma: 0  = 1   Pool: 12
Sneaking (Urban)         Base: 3  + Karma: 0  = 3   Pool: 10 (12)
Swimming*                Base: 1  + Karma: 0  = 1   Pool: 12
Tracking                 Base: 1  + Karma: 0  = 1   Pool: 6
Unarmed Combat           Base: 6  + Karma: 0  = 6   Pool: 15

== Knowledge Skills ==
Alcohol                Base: 3  + Karma: 0  = 3   Pool: 8
Bars and Clubs         Base: 1  + Karma: 0  = 1   Pool: 6
Underworld             Base: 1  + Karma: 0  = 1   Pool: 6
Gangs                  Base: 1  + Karma: 0  = 1   Pool: 6
Combat Tactics         Base: 2  + Karma: 0  = 2   Pool: 3
Small Unit Tactics     Base: 2  + Karma: 0  = 2   Pool: 3
Security Tactics       Base: 5  + Karma: 0  = 2   Pool: 6
Security Design        Base: 1  + Karma: 0  = 2   Pool: 6
Security Companies     Base: 2  + Karma: 0  = 2   Pool: 3

== Qualities ==
Low-Light Vision
Addiction(mild) (alcohol)
Allergy(mild) (cinnamon)
Day Job(10 hrs) (personal security: Madezyne)
In Debt III
Social Stress

== Adept Powers ==
Improved Physical Attribute (AGI) R1
Impoved Ability(skill) (Unarmed Combat) R1
Penetrating Strike R2
Smashing Blow

== Lifestyles ==
Middle  1 months

== Contacts ==
Stringer   Human Armorer   C1 L1
Madezyne   Simsense Star   C3 L1

== Cyberware/Bioware ==
Bone Lacing (Titanium) - Delta
Muscle Augmentation Rating 4 - Standard
Orthoskin Rating 3 - Delta
Reflex Recorder (Skill) (Unarmed Combat) - Beta
Synaptic Booster Rating 2 - Standard

== Armor ==
Full Body Armor      15
   +Fire Resistance Rating 3
   +Insulation Rating 3
   +Nonconductivity Rating 3
   +Chemical Seal
Helmet               3
   +Flare Compensation
   +Image Link
   +Vision Magnification
   +Vision Enhancement Rating 3
Armor Vest           9
   +Chemical Protection Rating 1
   +Fire Resistance Rating 1
   +Insulation Rating 1
   +Nonconductivity Rating 1
   +Radiation Shielding Rating 5

== Weapons ==
Taurus Omni-6
   +Concealable Holster
   +Laser Sight
   +Speed Loader (3)
   Pool: 10 (12)   Accuracy: 6    DV: 7P    AP: -1   RC: 4
   Mode: SS   Conceal: -3   Range: 5/15/30/50 [-0/1/3/6]   
Bow Rating 10
   Pool: 13 (15)   Accuracy: 6    DV: 12P   AP: -2   RC: 4
   Mode: SS   Conceal: +8   Range: 11/110/330/660 [-0/1/3/6]
Unarmed Attack
   Pool: 15        Accuracy: 12   DV: 14P   AP: -2   RC: 4

== Commlink ==
Meta Link (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 1, FWL: 1)
   +Sim Module

== Gear ==
Ammo: Regular (Heavy Pistols) x24
Ammo: EX-Explosive (Heavy Pistols) x24
Ammo: Arrows (Stick-n-Shock w/ Static Shaft) x2
Ammo: Arrows (Incendiary Head) x2
Ammo: Arrows (Explosive Head) x10
Ammo: Arrows (Regular) x5
Goggles Rating 2
   +Image Link
   +Vision Magnification
Light Stick
Gas Mask
Slap Patch, Stim (R3) x2

Fake License R2 (Adept)
Fake License R2 (Concealed Carry)
Fake License R2 (Pistol)
Fake License R2 (Restricted Bioware)
Fake License R3 (Bodyguard)
Fake License R3 (Restricted Armor)
Fake License R3 (Restricted Cyberware)
Fake SIN R2 (Gary Benson)

« Last Edit: <05-18-15/1812:45> by pistolgrip »


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« Reply #1315 on: <05-11-15/2225:47> »
k, daddy got the astral info, just wanna put it here so it doesn't get lost in translation :)

At the Wife, Too many auras to reliably pick one person out but there are some spirits hanging around, as to if they are security or a guests hes not sure

at the Kids, Two staff members, two security members and a watcher on site, although the houses are reletivly seculded by trees and landscape from each other, the watcher seems to be part of the community set up so he recommends not crossing too many yards.
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« Reply #1316 on: <05-12-15/0833:27> »
Okay, questions expanding from questions, and a few clarifications.

“You mentioned another team, is it just one, do you know who they are? Do they know about us? Are they jumping in on our action, or is it the other way around?  Or is the target a jump ball for whoever can get him?  It matters because then we have an idea of what that other team knows.”
He is expecting extraction tonight.  The other team is hired by NeoNet.  We are moving ahead of schedule because of the NeoNet extraction

"...and NeoNet is jumping in on our action?"  Effectively

“Does the primary have a security detail?”

“You said you don’t care about the other team, what is the word on collateral damage beyond them?  If we have to be rough with any of the targets, how much is too much?”
  He does but they will not be around as he’s covered by campus security while in the building.  Non functioning is too much…Art isn’t more specific

Asset extraction is the mission, asset happiness is not within purview, understood.  Is asset denial to NeoNet a factor?  (ie, if we can't have him, can anyone else so that you have the option to try again? Or is it the other way, if we can't have him no one can?) Smiley will want a clear answer here.  He's no good to anyone dead but Art makes it clear he expects runners of your calibre and number to succeed!  He also tells you about two bodies he has on standby in Oxford to add to your options! (and stop my introduction headaches :P

Also, you didn't answer about collateral damage.  To be clear, is burning down Oxford an option if required?  :)  Do it quietly please, this isn't the UCAS!

“We get an address when we have the primary, do you want the family if we miss him or the primary without the family if we miss them?”

“Drop details: If we are being chased, are we going to get waived off the drop?  Or is a hot drop available?  You want the family as one drop or can we space it out?  Is the safe house for the target and family alone or can we linger as well?  Are we on the clock for the drop as well?”
Without the primary the family isn’t required.  If you can’t get the family Art will be disappointed but the primary is the focus.  If you are being chased this whole thing is hosed!  Don’t be!  The family can be in multiple drops, they could even go to different (secure) locations provided we can prove to the primary they are safe.  The clock is less important once the initial extract is carried out…

So if we are pursued there is no payday at all?  Or there is no hot drop?  Also, are we allowed at the safehouse, or is it a drop and leave?  No hot drop, loose pursuit before you get there.  You can stay at the safehouse too!

k, daddy got the astral info, just wanna put it here so it doesn't get lost in translation :)

At the Wife, Too many auras to reliably pick one person out but there are some spirits hanging around, as to if they are security or a guests hes not sure 

at the Kids, Two staff members, two security members and a watcher on site, although the houses are reletivly seculded by trees and landscape from each other, the watcher seems to be part of the community set up so he recommends not crossing too many yards.  The watcher is for the house only, but there may be others on other houses...or is that what you meant?
To clarify something else, there are auras around the maths institute, just none that you can reliably say are 'foes'.  Can you give me a timeframe for any subsequent astral scouting?  I'm assuming the first round was just after you accepted the run at around 9pm.  The others will arrive in Oxford around 10:30 ish, time to prep and then kick off at around 11:30?  Shout if anyone else thinks the times are slightly different!

@Scytheknight - your roll has located the good doctor's office in the southwest building on the third floor (forth floor in American!)

@Pistolgrip - you and zeththeadeptork are the on-site team!  I leave it to you to decide whether you are potentially risking yourselves by watching the institute or are elsewhere in Oxford.  The run isn't due to go down for an hour or so yet...
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #1317 on: <05-12-15/0934:13> »
Hi Aria... is it okay to roll hacking now or do we wait... I rolled in IC hacking and edit file to add us to guest list... but can also wait with that until physicaly on location. It is nice to be invited tough.


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« Reply #1318 on: <05-12-15/1037:37> »
ok, yea daddy spent about 20 min at each location so the the best i can figure is he was at the institute till around 930, but otherwise he hasn't done any other astral, since he cant see inside :)
RED = Thoughts
GREEN= Matrix
BLUE= Speech


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  • Posts: 204
« Reply #1319 on: <05-12-15/1159:52> »
I'm on site. I want to be set up so I can knock down any pursuit is this viable? I'm thinking look at how the team would most likely make the escape and I'll try to disable any pursuit vehicles with the terracotta. Take aim then called shit either tires or engine block.
"Speech" Matrix Thought Astral