[SR4] rules for animate dolls?

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« on: <08-17-14/0228:52> »
My apologies if this has been asked before, I looked all over and couldn't find anything.

My question is thus: are there any rules (by RAW) for developing a character who's spirits possess dolls and other such objects and animate them?

The only way I could think of doing this would be as a homunculus, but for a doll to weigh even 10 Kg it would have to be massive!

At first I was looking at the "living doll" rule variant for watchers, but there's nothing exempting them from the (forceX10)kg requirement (they have force of 1 so minimum 10kg...).

If there's nothing by RAW I wouldn't mind suggestions on how to handle this. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

P.S. if it helps at all the initial concept of the character was as a self-initiated psionic tradition mage (digital grimoire p4), but that can change if something else works better.
« Last Edit: <08-17-14/0243:20> by sniperfox47 »