I'd like to throw my hat into the ring the good sir with a variant of an old character that I have had on the side-line for a while now.
EDIT: A few changes but nothing major.
== Info ==
Street Name: The Suit
Name: Gregory Breitler
Movement: 10/25, Swim: 5
Karma: 0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: -2
Public Awareness: 0
Human Male Age 34
Height 6' 2" Weight 12 st 4lb
Composure: 10
Judge Intentions: 12
Lift/Carry: 5 (30 kg/20 kg)
Memory: 8
Nuyen: 0
== Attributes ==
BOD: 3
AGI: 2
REA: 2
STR: 2
CHA: 5
INT: 4
LOG: 3
WIL: 5
EDG: 3
MAG: 3
== Derived Attributes ==
Essence: 6
Initiative: 6
IP: 1
Astral Initiative: 8
Astral IP: 3
Matrix Initiative: 8
Matrix IP: 2
Physical Damage Track: 10
Stun Damage Track: 11
== Active Skills ==
Blades : 1 [Swords] Pool: 3 (5)
Computer : 1 Pool: 4
Con : 3 Pool: 11
Data Search : 1 Pool: 4
Etiquette : 3 Pool: 11
Leadership : 3 Pool: 11
Negotiation : 3 Pool: 12
Perception : 4 Pool: 10
Pilot Ground Craft : 1 [Car] Pool: 3 (5)
Pistols : 1 [Tasers] Pool: 3 (5)
== Knowledge Skills ==
Alcohol : 3 [Wines] Pool: 7 (9)
Area Knowledge: Seattle : 2 [Downtown] Pool: 6 (
Art : 2 Pool: 6
Bars and Clubs : 3 [High-Class] Pool: 7 (9)
Business : 4 Pool: 7
Economics : 4 [Seattle] Pool: 8 (10)
English : N Pool: 0
German : N Pool: 0
Politics : 2 [Seattle] Pool: 6 (
== Contacts ==
Corporate Head-hunter (4, 2)
Mai‧tre d' (1, 3)
Private Investigator (3, 4)
== Qualities ==
College Education
Dependent (Inconvenience)
First Impression
Records on File
SINner (Standard)
== Powers ==
Commanding Voice
Eidetic Sense Memory
Enhanced Perception Rating: 2
Improved Ability (Non-Combat) (Negotiation) Rating: 1
Kinesics Rating: 3
== Lifestyles ==
Downtown Apartment 1 months
Comforts: Luxury
Entertainment: Luxury
Necessities: High
Neighborhood: High
Security: Middle
Qualities: Corporate Owned [-3LP]
== Armor ==
Berwick designer fashion (Mortimer of London)0/0
Mortimer of London: Berwick Suit Jacket (Ensemble)6/5
+Color Changing
+Concealable Holster
== Weapons ==
Defiance EX Shocker
+Laser Sight
+Personalized Grip
Pool: 4 (6) DV: 8S(e) AP: -half RC: 1
Gentleman's Cane Sword
+Custom Look Rating 1
+Personalized Grip, Melee
Pool: 4 (6) DV: 4P AP: - RC: 0
Unarmed Attack
Pool: 1 DV: 1S AP: - RC: 0
== Commlink ==
Hermes Ikon (4, 4, 4, 3)
+Novatech Navi
+Biometric Lock
+Optimization (Analyse)
+Sim Module (Cold)
+AR Gloves
+FTL Matrixware Power Suite [Analyze 3, Browse 4, Command 2, Edit 4, Purge 4, Scan 2]
+Agent Rating 3 [Browse 5]
== Gear ==
Certified Credstick, Standard Rating 4
DocWagon Contract: Basic
Gentleman's Cane w/ Sword Option
Glasses Rating 3
+Image Link
+Vision Enhancement Rating 3
== Vehicles ==
Ford Spiral 115Ti (Low-Cost Sports Car)
+Vehicle Sensor
== Description ==
Gregory Breitler is an erudite man in his early thirties, He can be a bit flamboyant at times and he enjoys the finer things in life; good fine, fine wine, and course a beautiful companion. All of which are luxuries that his job as a junior executive for an A rated corporation can offer. Somewhat of a snob he is well educated and enjoys delving the into the Seattle art culture and keeps up to date with the latest in the European fashions heavily favouring the classic styles of the Mortimer name.
He is the widowed father to his teenage daughter Charlotte or 'Charlie' as she likes to be called. Their relationship is exceedingly close but has become somewhat estranged of late as she wishes to strike out on her own and get some independence. They both live in his down town apartment.
== Background ==
Born in Hamburg, Germany Gregory Breitler was a talented young man and has worked his way up form his wage slave upbringing, a strong work ethic and a natural talent at reading people helped him work his way through most situations and he earned himself a scholarship to the Berlin University business school.
Graduating with honours he looked for a change and emigrated to America, the great land of opportunity and was richly rewarded when he arrived he found a natural progression in the business world and is now one of the youngest junior executives at an A rated corporation. He mainly runs the Seattle office but has his hands in many pies including various big legal battles, many of which have been won with the help of the evidence uncovered by his private investigator, having worked together so closely for so long now their relationship is more that of friends than a business acquaintance and as such has become the godfather to Gregory's daughter.
He met his wife in a business deal she represented a rival firm that the company was trying to force a merger with, the result was certainly a merge in more ways than one, and their relationship blossomed in the coming years. Unfortunately she passed away shortly after the birth of his daughter Charlotte due to complications caused during child birth.