Troll Technomancer/Face

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« on: <07-14-14/2347:01> »
This guy might qualify for the worst build contest, but I really want to try playing him :)

Street Name: Bittorrent
A - Troll
B- Skills
C- Technomance
D- Attributes
E- Money

Attributes: 14
Bod 5
Agi 1
Rea 2 (10 Karma)
Str 5
Wil 5
Log 4
Int 4
Cha 5 (Exceptional Attribute)
Ess 6
Edge 3
Mag 6
Ini 6 +1d6

Mental 6
Physical 6
Social 7

Qualities: (+0)         
Exceptional Attribute (CHA) -14
First Impressions - 11
Severe Common Allergy (Bees) +20
Distinctive Style +5 (Golden Horns/Tusks/Protrusions)

Resonance Powers
Puppeteer  (14 dice)
Transcendent Grid (12 dice)

Skills: (36/5)
Acting Group                    2
Compiling               4
Computers   (Matrix Perception)   6/8
Cybercombat (Devices)         4/6
Electronic Warfare         4
Hacking (Devices)         4/6
Influence Group            4 (15 karma)
Registering               4
Software (Puppeteer)         6/8

Knowledge: (16)
Matrix History            3 (Academic)
Shadow Runner History      2 (Street)
Technomancers            2 (Interests)

Languages: (9)
English                                          N
Japanese               3
Or’Zet                       3
Sperethiel               3

Karma 25
Attributes   10 (+1 Rea)
Skills      15 (+1 Influence Group)

Berwick Suit (+1 Social Limit/+1 die for Social tests)
Meta Link Commlink
Data Tap
(20x) Datachip
Fake SIN (Rating 1)

Yeah Right
Armor (10) (15 dice for DR)

Dad the Fixer (Con: 3 Loy: 4)
Mom the Fence (Con: 2 Loy 5)

Street Lifestyle

Bittorrent is a very rare Technomancer, he's a Troll.  A very tall, skinny, black Troll.  His real name is Sam, and his parents were both shadowrunners themselves, though only moderately succesful.  Mom became a decent fence, and Dad uses his connections as a fixer.  Another rarity, most would call Bittorrent beautiful.  He has naturally golden hued horns, tusks and protrusions, and his skin is so dark it has an almost blueish tint to it.  To go with this he has long black dredlocks and piercing blue eyes.  As such, he is often shunned by other goblinoids for being too 'pretty', but he's smart enough to know it's just jealousy.  He's also charismatic enough to charm just about anyone when he first meets them.

As a child, he ended up being hospitalized for several months after getting caught up in a hornets nest.  He is very allergic to bees, and has be know to run screeming like a little elf girl when confronted with them.  A rather comical sight to those around him.

All in all, he's a pretty simple guy trying to make his way in a world that's stacked against him.  He is currently on the streets and considering hacking the local no-tell for a few nights crash space and a shower.

I thought about doing Priority A as Technomancer, but with a logic of 4, he can't use the 5 Forms.  And he's got a small die pool for his face roll, but he's got +2 from first impressions (second time 'round, not so much).  But that's what game time is for.  He's got pretty good pool for shutting down devices and finding them (matrix perception tests he's looking at 14 dice, problem is the limit of 4).

So, yeah, lots of problems but I think he'd be fun after building up a little bit of karma.

Thoughts and critics encouraged!

Edited based on Achsin's advice (thanks!)
« Last Edit: <07-15-14/0431:56> by Zweiblumen »
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« Reply #1 on: <07-15-14/0212:00> »
You might want to consider swapping your skills priority with your resonance one. The jump in 8 skill points (from 28 to 36) counteracts the loss of two rank 4 resonance skills and you can use the three extra group skill points for the influence group, netting you two extra (needed for a face) dice there and the 5 karma you spent on the influence group becomes 1 complex form with 1 karma left over to make up for that. The downside is that you lose out on 1 point of either edge or resonance. Resonance isn't that bad since you it's not going to noticeably drop your ability to thread high rating complex forms, though you do lose out on a die for that plus and compiling/registering. It's a trade off but might be worth it for the ability to negotiate a bit better (6 dice plus maybe another 2 does not make for a great face, especially if the same Johnson hires you more than once, I have seen murdersams that can accomplish that). 8+2 isn't much better though except you are more likely to routinely get 3 hits, even on a second meet.

I'm tempted to say just give up on shooting things and put those points into hacking/cybercombat. You aren't likely to hit anything that isn't an unmoving barn and every die you have for illegal matrix actions helps.

You don't seem to have a native language skill picked out.


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« Reply #2 on: <07-15-14/0216:28> »
I don't see any glaring issues, though I might think about doing something about your laughable combat usefulness. A few more points to pistols and a heavy pistol, perhaps?

I also like to have an emergency stash of Cram on all characters who don't have any other initiative boosters. Ten doses last for ten days (or the important part of the days atleast) and cost laughably little. Just so you can atleast spend one turn running away before those gangers start punching you.

Also on the skill front, the character is lacking perception and sneaking. Sneaking is pretty optional unless you try to move in cover as a team but I think perception is pretty much a must?


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« Reply #3 on: <07-15-14/0425:19> »
@Achsin:  Thanks for the advice.  I've rolled that in.  Especially just ditching the weapon.  Which lets me lower my Agi to 1 (ick!), but put another point into the influence group.  That, added with ditching the pricey commlink for a cheap one and replacing the ABS with a Mortimer's of London Berwick Suit brings my die pool to between 8 and 12 (depending on skill and situation) for Social rolls.  Get a set of Murder Armor, and I can play dead on the first shot and go full VR.

@Leevizer: Thanks for the advice.  Picking up some Cram would be a good idea for an emergency.  As for Perception/Sneak, these are definitly thing's he'll need if he survives at all, just no room in the build.  This is for sure a concept > feasibilty case study :)
« Last Edit: <07-15-14/0436:28> by Zweiblumen »
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« Reply #4 on: <07-15-14/0429:49> »
Perception 2 will only cost 6 karma. If you can't get that at Chargen get it after the first run or two. I wouldn't propably bother with sneak as you'd need to get atleast 4 points for it to be of any use.

You could also just get Perception 1 and get a fancy pair of glasses with a vision enhancement, giving you 1-3 bonus die to visual perception. That works in most situations, letting you roll 6-8 die for detecting stuff visually, giving you atleast a chance to get the 2-3 hits that you usually need.


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« Reply #5 on: <07-15-14/1058:51> »
lower my Agi to 1
Agility is your movespeed. Trolls aren't that fast even on their top conditions but you will not be able to run away from anything, ever. Hell, some human grannies could outrun you and I'm not even kidding.
It seems you'll need some more emergency drugs to deal with this problem.
*I have problems with clarifying my point in English, so sometimes I might sound stupid or rude.*


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« Reply #6 on: <07-15-14/1303:56> »
Honestly Technomancer is one of the hardest concepts to generate at least with the level effectiveness I generally aim for, Technomancy has most of disadvantage of magic added to being Super MAD (Multi-Attribute Dependency), with only a fractions of the advantages of magic. Generating a technomancer that I think is solid on the streets and in the matrix is challenge I'm frankly would avoid. Face on the other hand is certainly one of the easier rolls, in terms of requirements, in 5th all really need is the skills, a good CHA, and solid soc limit. As long as you can ace the Negotiate roll that's the most important point. A good face is of course useful for many other things but this concept has lots of variable functionality to it. Troll face on the other hand is making one of the easier job as hard as its possible to make it. Combining that with technomancer is certainly pushing the envelop of workablity. I don't see a better way to do, based upon your goals. My only observation would be, I think in terms of longer term karma investment you could buy up the skills needed faster then you could raise all the attributes. That said, I don't think that stat line is horrible, and if you stick to bricking gear I think it could be kinda  ok in a fight.  Clearly not alone, and clearly would want to avoid a brawl.
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« Reply #7 on: <07-15-14/1706:24> »
Perception 2 will only cost 6 karma. If you can't get that at Chargen get it after the first run or two. I wouldn't propably bother with sneak as you'd need to get atleast 4 points for it to be of any use.

You could also just get Perception 1 and get a fancy pair of glasses with a vision enhancement, giving you 1-3 bonus die to visual perception. That works in most situations, letting you roll 6-8 die for detecting stuff visually, giving you atleast a chance to get the 2-3 hits that you usually need.
The Perception 1 and glasses seem like a pretty reasonable route to go!  Thanks for the advice :)

lower my Agi to 1
Agility is your movespeed. Trolls aren't that fast even on their top conditions but you will not be able to run away from anything, ever. Hell, some human grannies could outrun you and I'm not even kidding.
It seems you'll need some more emergency drugs to deal with this problem.

Yeah, drugs might be just the thing this guy needs.  Should be able to avoid addiction reasonably well also.

Honestly Technomancer is one of the hardest concepts to generate at least with the level effectiveness I generally aim for, Technomancy has most of disadvantage of magic added to being Super MAD (Multi-Attribute Dependency), with only a fractions of the advantages of magic. Generating a technomancer that I think is solid on the streets and in the matrix is challenge I'm frankly would avoid. Face on the other hand is certainly one of the easier rolls, in terms of requirements, in 5th all really need is the skills, a good CHA, and solid soc limit. As long as you can ace the Negotiate roll that's the most important point. A good face is of course useful for many other things but this concept has lots of variable functionality to it. Troll face on the other hand is making one of the easier job as hard as its possible to make it. Combining that with technomancer is certainly pushing the envelop of workablity. I don't see a better way to do, based upon your goals. My only observation would be, I think in terms of longer term karma investment you could buy up the skills needed faster then you could raise all the attributes. That said, I don't think that stat line is horrible, and if you stick to bricking gear I think it could be kinda  ok in a fight.  Clearly not alone, and clearly would want to avoid a brawl.

Thanks for the feedback!  Yeah, this guy was not made to be the most efficent, just hoping he's still fun to play because I love the concept :)  As for fighting, at least for quite some time, his job is to play dead and brick gear or RTFA! :)
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