Errataed PDF still no techno loving

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« Reply #75 on: <07-28-14/1831:59> »
Ok, I missed the complex form. L (distance based) noise reduction for FV L-1, and for the echo I only see resonance program (signal scrub), and it has been mentioned that programs, even resonance programs, do not effect complex forms.  As I do not see anything under Threading or Complex forms, I believe that means that resonance program (signal scrub) would not effect any resonance actions.
Forgive me for pointing this out, but technomacners can't "cast" Data Spike. Data Spike is a Matrix Action. I think you're thinking of Resonance Spike, and Level doesn't factor into the effect of that complex form except as a limit. Also, the Biofeedback Echo acts as a program, and the rules don't allow for programs to affect complex forms. Until there's a complex form for biofeedback damage, you don't have to worry.

As far as devices slaved to a host, that is all fine, but when would a German or even Aztlan host slave a device in Seattle without putting it in the middle of heavily secured area? 
I could see a single server or computer system being slaved to the main HQ, located in one of the more secure areas of the local complex, while the rest of the complex has a local host and localized WAN.

So, a Technomancer trying to hack a German server for information on someone would have a noise rating of 8, possibly more depending on where you are and how you are connecting.  Signal scrub could reduce the noise for normal hacking actions, but you would really need to have and use that complex form.
Meanwhile a Decker has NR1 from a datajack (stackable according to Rules clarification and FAQ sticky), NR2 from signal scrub (80¥ rather then 10+ karma), and other options.

And now a simple question I must be missing.
What grid do Technomancers use when connecting? 
Which leads to another thought, can a Technomancer directly connect to a host when physically inside a building projecting the host, or will he/she need to connect to a grid, then hop in?  [clarification edit: Hosts only exist in the matrix, but if I pay my way in to Dante's Inferno and go to access from there, will I be considered inside the host, or outside?  For a Decker, or anyone with a comlink, they probably used a SIN connected to the device, so jacking in would be linked to the paid entry and grant a mark.  But a Technomancer can't pay with a living persona, would I need to use my living persona to access my comlink (invite marks through the comlink to my AR living persona) in order to attend a meet in Virtual and Meat-space at the same time?]
« Last Edit: <07-29-14/0005:07> by Deadmansplat »


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« Reply #76 on: <07-28-14/2300:40> »
Despite TM's having any kind of official ownership making no sense from what they're established to be (wildcards with constantly changing matrix IDs and commcodes) they connect to whatever grid their lifestyle would normally give them access to.  Assumably this is actually linked to the fake SIN they use instead of their matrix username or whatever.

So when they "boot up" for the first time they would go right on to whatever grid they can, probably the public one (unless they have what, Middle Lifestyle?).  From there they'd connect to the Host.  But Transcendent Grid exists and is actually amazingly good compared to how unforgiving their other forms are.  Making it last for several minutes without needing to sustain it, allowing it to be used very comfortably to ignore grid jumping or public grid penalties.
I'm Madpath Moth on reddit (and other sites).  Feel free to PM me errata questions!
Jeeze.  It would almost sound stupid until you realize we're talking about an immortal elf clown sword fighting a dragon ghost in a mall.


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« Reply #77 on: <07-29-14/0410:51> »
Resonance Program Signal Scrub will reduce noise on your Hack on the Fly as you try to get a mark on the device across the world, reduce a local noise situation around your body when connecting to a Host etc.

...while the rest of the complex has a local host ...
There is no physical distance to Hosts.

The Host might be on a Local German Host (in which case you get cross grid penalty, except if you use Transcendent Grid) or on the Public Grid (in which case you get a public grid penalty, except if you use Transcendent Grid), but since the host lack a physical distance you will never get a penalty for noise due to distance when connecting to a host.

Once inside a host you are directly connected to all its slaved devices; SR5 p. 233 PANs and WANs:
If you are in a host that has a WAN, you are considered directly connected to all devices in the WAN.

And direct connection let you ignore cross grid penalties; SR5 p. 232 Direct Connections:
When you use a direct connection, you ignore all noise modifiers and modifiers due to being on different grids or the public grid.

What grid do Technomancers use when connecting? 
This depend on the life style of the Technomancer, see SR5 p. 222 "Your Grid"

Technomancer can also be on all Grids at once with the Complex Form Transcendent Grid.

...can a Technomancer directly connect to a host when physically inside a building...
Hosts does not have a physical location.
You will be on a Grid and the Host will be on the same or another Grid. You can connect to the host no matter what grid you or the host use, but if you are on the public grid or if you are not on the same grid as the host you get a negative dice pool modifier (unless you use Transcendent Grid).

...but if I pay my way in to Dante's Inferno and go to access from there, will I be considered inside the host, or outside? 
You still be outside the host until you Enter Host in Augmented- or Virtual Reality.

SR5 p. 236 Recognition Keys
There are three ways to get a mark on an icon. The first is the legitimate way: the icon invites you to add a mark. For example, when you pay the cover to get into the host of Dante’s Inferno, the host sends you an invite to mark it so you can enter and join the party.

...they probably...
If the TM pay the cover to get into the host of Dante's Inferno, the host will send her an invite to mark it so she can enter and join the party. How this is done and if it require a physical device or not or even if you need to have a [fake] SIN or not might or might not be explained in Data Trail. For now my suggestion is that you just accept it as it is written and move on (hand wave).


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« Reply #78 on: <07-30-14/1125:58> »
I actually find your way of playing quite cool, i fit would be just that easy… So if you could make it clear by RAW to me/us, that would be nice.
Like I mentioned long time ago in another place to you, it is not possible to gain with one Sprite a mark and later use it with another….
It might still work if you only have one Sprite you can do the whole “in and out” with and your Leadership skill still works.
But as soon as you plan to let more Sprites do a teamwork or you self-take part in this I put a big question mark in behind if all of you and your sprites gain a Mark.
But if they don't and you need to do a few more tasks than just gaining marks, you will get a big problem by that, because the rest of your sorted toolbox is still at home…

And now 2 questions from my side:
-What do you guys use Cookie normally for? In the beginning it sounded great until it sais it only tells you on which hosts it logs on or to who it gets in touch and how long… but no content of anything. I think if I want to find that out I could just use Snoop and find out even more.
-Do you allow Snoop to find out passwords on protected files or databombs? I think its an cool option, but not sure if its mend to be or gamebreaking.


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« Reply #79 on: <07-31-14/0453:17> »

And now 2 questions from my side:
-What do you guys use Cookie normally for? In the beginning it sounded great until it sais it only tells you on which hosts it logs on or to who it gets in touch and how long… but no content of anything. I think if I want to find that out I could just use Snoop and find out even more.
Basically a tracking device, that is almost invisible. Getting a Mark on i.e. a Commlink and follow that is tricky and could fail, even alert the person you are trying to follow (and as somehow every nut runs around with a 6+ rating Commlink on our table (ARRRGH) its usually a 50/50 chance, + you create a god score so you can follow a person only for ~2 hours.)

So the idea is: Compile and Register a Sprite (including Burning all your Edge AND almost killing yourself) => Burn all its Tasks on an attempt to put a cookie on the Commlink of the person you are trying to follow => follow them for an infinite time unless they turn it off for some reason.
-Do you allow Snoop to find out passwords on protected files or databombs? I think its an cool option, but not sure if its mend to be or gamebreaking.
Good question. We haven't tried that, but also not ruled it out.

I have another question:
What Echoes should I choose on Submersion?

Half of them is just increasing one Matrix-attribute, which really doesn't help me much at the moment. I don't have more than ~15 Dice, so I almost never need a Limit higher than 5 or 6. Might come later.
Mind over Machine: I don't have the money for drones and no intend to switching to drones right now. So ruled ot for the moment.
Overclocking: Is okay I guess. 1 Dice more for initiative. Doesn't change enough to warrant 13 Karma, plus every other Echo will be higher in costs.
Connection with another TM: There is no one in the Group, so I'd have to choose an NPC, but how is that worth anything? Could be possible Roleplaying, but I don't have a good idea for it.
One Program: This at least gives me options. I probably want that. But which one?
Whenever I play my TM, I know that the GM hasn't read the Matrix-Chapter and doesn't care much about it. So most times, I don't do Matrix Combat and these are almost complete written for exactly that.
So I thought about the one, that cuts the Matrix Search times in half, but I keep wondering how on earth would this be worth 13 Karma?
(Comes into play quite often and even more often, it delays stuff immensely. "Oh, the search takes 12 hours? And you have only 5 Hits? So sad you didn't find anything, while wasting half a day... want to try again?")

And since I can't change them, I choose one and will always hate me for choosing the wrong one.
And right now, none of them feel like they are worth 13 Karma. o__o

Which ones did you choose, if you already submerged with your TM's. Or which one would you choose?
One dagger in the night is more valuable, than thousand swords in the morning.


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« Reply #80 on: <07-31-14/0843:46> »
I'd talk with the Group/GM to Houserule the "Program" Echo to give you a Program Slot so that you can change out the Program you're running with Resonance.


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« Reply #81 on: <07-31-14/0932:21> »
Mind over Machine: I don't have the money for drones and no intend to switching to drones right now. So ruled ot for the moment.
Get marks on an enemy rigger interfaced vehicle (or drone)
Puppeteer the rigger owner to jump out of his own vehicle (if he is jumped in).
Jump into his vehicle (or drone)
- While being jumped in you now automatically override any attempts from the owner to regain control...

Overclocking: Is okay I guess.
One of the best investments you can do for 13 Karma if you ask me... ;)

One Program: This at least gives me options. I probably want that. But which one?
Programs that stick out for me are Signal Scrub (for constant 2 points of noise reduction) and Fork (to hack or control two hosts or devices as one action; without splitting your dice pool).


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« Reply #82 on: <07-31-14/1224:26> »
I'd have to agree with Xenon on overclocking. Technomancers can have the fastest initiative in the game (Though only when in VR)

Other programs that stick out for me are ones that that cause people to get hurt when you deal matrix damage to them. If you're a resonance spiker, the one that increases your matrix damage.Link lock, and a few others like that. Though, I still don't seem them being worth 13+ karma each
Concepts are great, but implementation sucks. Why not improve it?

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« Reply #83 on: <07-31-14/1733:53> »
I actually find your way of playing quite cool, i fit would be just that easy… So if you could make it clear by RAW to me/us, that would be nice.
Like I mentioned long time ago in another place to you, it is not possible to gain with one Sprite a mark and later use it with another….
It might still work if you only have one Sprite you can do the whole “in and out” with and your Leadership skill still works.
But as soon as you plan to let more Sprites do a teamwork or you self-take part in this I put a big question mark in behind if all of you and your sprites gain a Mark.
But if they don't and you need to do a few more tasks than just gaining marks, you will get a big problem by that, because the rest of your sorted toolbox is still at home…

Well the problem really is a lot of everything is unfortunately up to DM interpretation, All the sprites working in a teamwork test should theoretically get a mark each. Or perhaps only one of them needs a mark (The leader) while the rest assist.   Or perhaps everyone has to get their own, with each being a leader of the teamwork tests. Or perhaps the Gm will simply say you cannot use team work tests for matrix actions and can only use teamwork tests for something like lifting up a heavy object or other physical activities like that.

Even by raw there isn't really enough raw to determine it. A good thought though, something to review with your GMs when attempting to play a technomancer.
Concepts are great, but implementation sucks. Why not improve it?

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« Reply #84 on: <08-04-14/2152:53> »
Programs that stick out for me are Signal Scrub (for constant 2 points of noise reduction) and Fork (to hack or control two hosts or devices as one action; without splitting your dice pool).

Do you still consider Signal Scrub a good buy since you can get more noise reduction with a set of armor with Fresnel Fabric (RG pg 84)?


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« Reply #85 on: <08-05-14/0233:40> »
Programs that stick out for me are Signal Scrub (for constant 2 points of noise reduction) and Fork (to hack or control two hosts or devices as one action; without splitting your dice pool).

Do you still consider Signal Scrub a good buy ...
There are other things i personally prioritize higher than both signal scrub or fork.

As for the armor....
we don't use Run n Gun at our table [yet].
(but besides that - some matrix icons does not have a physical location, other icons does not have a physical location that correspond to their matrix location and some icons might be physically very very far away - the rules around what and whatnot the armor give noise reduction for is not always crystal clear it seems).


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« Reply #86 on: <08-05-14/2003:32> »
Programs that stick out for me are Signal Scrub (for constant 2 points of noise reduction) and Fork (to hack or control two hosts or devices as one action; without splitting your dice pool).

Do you still consider Signal Scrub a good buy ...
There are other things i personally prioritize higher than both signal scrub or fork.

As for the armor....
we don't use Run n Gun at our table [yet].
(but besides that - some matrix icons does not have a physical location, other icons does not have a physical location that correspond to their matrix location and some icons might be physically very very far away - the rules around what and whatnot the armor give noise reduction for is not always crystal clear it seems).

LOL. I'm hoping my GM is liberal with that! ... that I can just turn my TM's body to face where ever needed.