Eh, wasn't intended to be condescending, really. I was mainly just curious.
At TR 4, there's the possiblity for 8K out of the game. (1500¥*TR), plus a possible 2000 extra from Net Successes from the Face (200¥ per hit, max 10 hits). There's also the offer of an extra 1000 if you can get in and out unseen. (I didn't count that in my TR6 calculation because, well, I know my character. He doesn't do "quiet" very well, even if the rest of the group wishes he did. He's an uncouth combat monster with an addiction to GUts. That makes him a tad unstable
). There's also the oppurtunity to make some extra cash inside the building, if you look hard enough.
I can't really fathom anyone walking away from a run after getting offered 6 or 8K. Especially since it was basically a break in, find some data, get out. I know Lurker has a bit of a different idea of what constitutes "Low pay" than I do, but... I was mostly honestly curious, because I've seen him talk about how "absurdly low" payments are before, and was wondering if he was habitually running at TR 1 or 2, in which case I would very much agree with him.
Table Ratings are a very screwy, wonky thing, and they really skew a game in various directions.
But that said, yes, I can see how this game can easily run long. The stuff at the beginning, with the gangers, isn't intended to be a really long, drawn out section. That's why it's only a single Scene. It was mostly written before I got involved, so I didn't make it go through massive rewrites, because it's a decent adventure on it's own.
If I was doing it for Season 4, I'd have likely had a couple of optional scenes added in to flesh out the Ganger stuff more, make that an entire "thing" in it's own right, with more details about the locations of the gangs. Have each encounter be it's own scene. But I'd have one Scene that streamlines it all, and encourages the GM to speed that scene along, get the players to the building fairly quickl, since the B&E job is going to take potentially a lot of time.