Chummer for 5th Edition

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« Reply #45 on: <07-05-14/0913:27> »
Pushed a new update with a lot of bug fixes and unfortunately no new Street Grimoire content.  The new 5.111 build (as always) is available at

Build 5.111 (beta)
- Added Rigger Control Consoles.
- Added a tooltip for weapon Recoil Compensation that shows the sources of RC and their values.
- Fixed Priority D Aspected Magician so that it still requires a skill group selection.
- Fixed a bug that caused an unhandled exception when adding a skill group that includes a skill given free ranks from a priority selection.
- Fixed the Negative Quality Incompetent to require selecting a skill group, not a single skill.
- Fixed the cost of the Positive Quality Strive for Perfection.
- Changed the name of the Natural Immunity qualities to Natural Immunity (Natural) and Natural Immunity (Synthetic). In addition, these qualities are no longer limited to selecting only one of them once.  Whether these should be restricted as such is a GM call.
- Fixed qualities available at multiple ratings so that once that quality is selected at whatever rating, all ratings of that quality no longer appear available for selection.
- Made Resistance to Toxins, Resistance to Pathogens, and Resistance to Pathogens and Toxins mutually exclusive.
- Corrected Positive Quality Agile Defender's karma cost.
- Corrected Positive Quality Resistance to Toxins' karma cost.
- Changed the Positive Qualities Lucky and Exceptional Attribute so that they are no longer compatible.
- Changed the Positive Qualities Rad-Tolerant and Radiation Sponge so that they are no longer compatible.
- Fixed Positive Qualities which grant a bonus to a skill so that they grant that bonus even when defaulting.
- Removed the 4th edition limitation upon skills that limited skill bonuses to half of the skill rating.
- Fixed the Positive Quality Spirit Affinity to require that the character is an Aspected Magician, Magician, or Mystic Adept.
- Cleaned up the Priorities dialog and reordered the fields to match the Priority table on page 65.
- Removed two options from the Options dialog that no longer apply in 5th edition.
- Fixed a book reference on the Options dialog.
- Fixed the Critical Strike Power by correcting its price, making it ask for a weapon category, and applying a +1 DV bonus to the selected category.
- Fixed the spells that were missing the text entry dialog such as Corrode [Ojbect].
- Fixed the powers that were missing the text entry dialog such as Elemental Strike.
- Fixed Skill Groups so that they use a maximum rating of 6 during character creation and a maximum rating of 12 during character advancement.
- Fixed the priority selection dialog so that it shows the correct augmented maximums.
- Fixed a case where your Magic and Resonance priority could be given an "E" priority and it wasn't auto-selecting Mundane.
- Fixed an issue preventing spare clips from being added as gear to firearms and preventing adding ammunition to spare clips.
- Fixed a lot of bugs relating to sensors, vehicle sensors, and sensor functions. I think I've got it right but please feel free to tell me how wrong I am.
- Fixed skill rating calculation for Mystic Adepts for skills based on Magic.
- Fixed a bug preventing bonus skill selection from appearing for Mystic Adepts while selecting priorities.
- Updated Mystic Adept Power Point cost to use the Errata value of 5 karma. I will add this as an option at a later date when I'm able to flesh out the Options dialog.
- Fixed the Wise Warrior Mentor Spirit so that the Improved Ability (skill) applies correctly.
- Fixed the Dragonslayer Mentor Spirit so that the Enhanced Accuracy (skill) applies correctly.


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« Reply #46 on: <07-05-14/1040:57> »
You're en fuego Adam!


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« Reply #47 on: <07-05-14/1139:05> »
Awesome work, Adam!

Downloading the updated version to continue QCing :)


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« Reply #48 on: <07-05-14/1221:06> »
Could anyone give me a quick explanation on how to open the program? I have the .ZIp, I used 7 Zip to open it. And chummer.exe won't run.



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« Reply #49 on: <07-05-14/1225:48> »
Sikul It does require the .NET 4.0 Runtimes (same as original Chummer did).  So presuming you're running Windows, it may be that you don't have the runtimes installed.  You can download those directly from Microsoft here:

If that doesn't do the trick for you, I'm going to need more info on exactly what's happening.

Max Anderson

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« Reply #50 on: <07-05-14/1545:49> »
First, let me thank you for the work you put into this Chummer. I have been waiting for it for a long time :)

I made some tests, and it seems Mentor Spirits are not working for adepts (I get an error message, then the quality is not displayed). It seems to work fine for mages, though.

EDIT : Actually it IS working, when I select a Mentor Spirit (with the "Magician" option) it does actually display the correct bonuses for my adept character. It only crash when I select the "Adept" option of the Mentor Spirit Quality...
« Last Edit: <07-05-14/1555:08> by Max Anderson »


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« Reply #51 on: <07-05-14/1619:02> »
Is there a Paypal address I could send some donation money to? I would like to show some financial support for something that I was sorely missing from 4th edition and am now getting for free.


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« Reply #52 on: <07-05-14/1726:27> »
First, let me thank you for the work you put into this Chummer. I have been waiting for it for a long time :)

I made some tests, and it seems Mentor Spirits are not working for adepts (I get an error message, then the quality is not displayed). It seems to work fine for mages, though.

EDIT : Actually it IS working, when I select a Mentor Spirit (with the "Magician" option) it does actually display the correct bonuses for my adept character. It only crash when I select the "Adept" option of the Mentor Spirit Quality...

Is it all Mentor Spirits or just a few, or one? Are you getting this problem on version 5.111 (you can find the version number by going to the menu, select "Help" then "About...")?  I know there were problems on versions previous to 5.111 so I want to be sure it's on the current build.


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« Reply #53 on: <07-05-14/1733:49> »
Is there a Paypal address I could send some donation money to? I would like to show some financial support for something that I was sorely missing from 4th edition and am now getting for free.

Let me think about that...  Nebular (Keith Rudolph) wrote the original Chummer and all I'm doing is updating his work. I'd feel kinda weird taking money for work he did. That's why the Donate button in Chummer's about box still points to his account.


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« Reply #54 on: <07-05-14/1926:36> »
The Yamaha Growler is marked down as costing 500 nuyen, the correct cost should be 5000.  The problem is a typo with your XML, you've got the cost marked as 0500 instead of 5000. 
« Last Edit: <07-05-14/1958:26> by horngeek »


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« Reply #55 on: <07-05-14/1927:37> »
  Many kudos to you Adam for taking the initiative to make the conversion, and  many more for your strength of character to turn down offers monetary support.
 I've transitioned from my laptop to a more mobile android tablet. Is there a way for me and many others to utilize your much appreciated efforts?


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« Reply #56 on: <07-05-14/2013:42> »
horngeek - Good catch. I've already got it fixed for the next update which will be 5.112.

nTranced1 - Thank you... I've looked into doing a mobile version and frankly, it's beyond my time and skill to do it. I've got an Android tablet (as does much of my gaming group) and I'd love to have an Android version of Chummer, or even just a Chummer reader on Android but unfortunately I'm not the guy to do it.  I would however be glad to work with someone who can do it to help them however I can even if it's just putting together a useful file format for the app.  Sorry I don't have a more positive answer for you.


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« Reply #57 on: <07-05-14/2034:48> »
No sweat.  If I come across any other things, I'll post it up- otherwise, this is a wonderful program to use.  :D


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« Reply #58 on: <07-06-14/0844:52> »
I've put up a new update with some bug fixes but also some new goodies from Street Grimoire.  Adding SG to Chummer5 is still a work in progress but I'll get it all as quickly as I can.

Build 5.112 (beta)
- Added Rituals from Street Grimoire (SG).
- Added Metamagics from SG.
- Added Adept Ways from SG. I've included the discounts but just like Original Chummer, it's up to the player not to take more discounted powers than the 1 per 2 Magic. I will do a 2nd pass on the ways in the near future to restrict the discounts and to take a stab at adding the small bonuses the ways have like the karma discounts that some ways have as well as the cyberware essence discount that the Burnout's Way has and the skill bonus the Beast's Way has. For now, I was happy just getting the discounts working correctly.
- Fixed the price of the Yamaha Growler.
- Enabled the Spells and Spirits tab for Adepts. This allows Adepts to see the stats associated with their Mentor Spirit and to purchase Rituals. I'm currently omitting Rituals with the Spell keyword from the list they can purchase but will change this if it is appropriate to do so. I'm also omitting Rituals with the Adept keyword from the list for Magicians and Aspected Magicians.
- Updated the Add Spell dialog for use by Adepts by restricting selection to Rituals with the Adept keyword.
- Fixed the Taurus Omni-6 so that it gets the Revolver specialization in addition to Automatics.
- Fixed the Enhanced Accuracy Adept Power so that it asks which combat skill to enhance.
- Fixed a bug which allowed characters with more than 25 points in Negative Qualities to validate.
- Fixed a bug with YNT Softweave Armor which would cause it to show more capacity remaining than it should.
- Fixed a bug with broken Skill Groups during character creation not loading correctly from a save file.


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« Reply #59 on: <07-06-14/0905:31> »
Tiny patch update to resolve a bug in reading characters (primarily adepts) created before version 5.112.

Build 5.113 (beta)
- Added a fix to enable backward compatibility in reading characters created before 5.112.