Chummer for 5th Edition

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« Reply #75 on: <07-07-14/1646:55> »
Updated to 5.114. Includes a good number of bug fixes, updates to the character sheets, and added the content from Bullets & Bandages. Enjoy!

Build 5.114 (beta)
- Renamed the character sheets from "Shadowrun 4" to "Shadowrun 5".  If you're just copying the new version into the same directory, you'll want to delete the files in the \sheets subdirectory named "Shadowrun 4" with the .xsl or .xslt extention.
- Added new book Bullets & Bandages and its contents (BB).
- Fixed a bug that prevented karma from being charged if points were added to Magic in excess of the character's Special Attribute points.
- Updated the cost of The Beast's Way and The Spiritual Way to 15 points to reflect the free mentor spirit these qualities grant.
- Added a discount field below the Bonded Foci listing on the Gear tab that can be used to enter the number of foci qualifying for your Adept Way's foci bonding discount. This was the simplest and most straightforward way to handle the Adept Ways and the foci bonding discounts they might provide.
- Added a new Standard (Burnout's Way) cyberware/bioware grade that is enabled if you take the Burnout's Way quality. It is always available on the Cyberware and Bioware tab on the grade dropdown to handle cases where an Adept had the Burnout's Way, got cyber/bio, and later dropped the Burnout's Way in favor of another Way.
- Fixed a bug preventing the Suprathyroid Gland from increasing your lifestyle costs.
- Fixed Skills and Skill Groups so that if Ignore Rules was selected they cap at 99.
- Fixed a bug that would cause a crash when selecting the Adept power for the Thunderbird Mentor Spirit.
- Fixed several bugs causing errors with the Urban Tribe Tomahawk.
- Fixed an artifact from 4th edition where Chummer was including Martial Arts when calculating the number of points spent on Positve Qualities.
- Fixed the missing Ingram Valiant.
- Fixed Unarmed Attack so that it is automatically added.
- Fixed the price of the SecureTech Vitals Kit.
- Fixed a bug preventing commlinks, rigger command consoles, and cyberdecks from showing on the character sheet. Unfortunately you will need to remove and re-add the item to have it show correctly.
- Updated the "Shadowrun 5" character sheets, cleaning up the skills section slightly to reflect numbers needed in 5th Edition.
- Updated the "Commlinks" character sheet to show Shadowrun 5 specific values. Also now shows Cyberdecks and Rigger Command Consoles.
- Updated the "Vehicle Block" character sheet to show Shadowrun 5 specific values. Also now shows Seats on vehicles added with 5.114 or later versions and Accuracy on vehicle mounted weapons.
- Updated the "Game Master Summary" character sheet to show skill limits, the full set of initiatives, weapon accuracy, and single armor ratings.
- Updated the "Text Only" character sheet to show skill limits, the full set of initiatives, weapon accuracy, and single armor ratings.
- Fixed a bug that was preventing usable ammunition (Grenades, Minigrenades, Missiles, and Rockets) from appearing on the Weapons list.
- Added the missing Minigrenade: Flash-Bang.
- Added the missing Biomonitor to the Urban Explorer Jumpsuit.


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« Reply #76 on: <07-07-14/2027:37> »
FYI Adam it looks like Commanding Voice isn't adding it's bonus to leadersghip and intimidate tests

I was just getting around to this item and went looking in the book to make sure I understood what it's supposed to do.  RAW, it improves any Intimidation or Leadership opposed test you initiate.  Given that it's conditional (you have to be the one to initiate the opposed test, and it has to be opposed which a Leadership test might not be), this is a bonus you'll have to add on your own rather than it being added automatically to the respective skills.


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« Reply #77 on: <07-07-14/2042:26> »
Good point Adam, makes sense to me.

You're doing some fine work here ;-)


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« Reply #78 on: <07-07-14/2124:39> »
Oh and nylanfs, thank you for the post on Dumpshock.  I'm still waiting on my account to be manually approved there (sent in the manual email and everything) and will post there as soon as I'm approved to do so.

NP, I knew the DS'ers that aren't on the forums here would like to know ASAP. :)


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« Reply #79 on: <07-07-14/2152:28> »
NP, I knew the DS'ers that aren't on the forums here would like to know ASAP. :)

I've been lurking here and there for over a year and hadn't had the urge to post until I was just about ready for the beta. I guess I waited too long to get registered.  :-[


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« Reply #80 on: <07-08-14/0028:15> »
fyi it looks like Cool Resolve is not adding its bonus to social skills.

also the Social limit modifiers for Voice Control, Tailored Pheromones and Sleeping Tiger are not being added.
« Last Edit: <07-08-14/0031:27> by adzling »


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« Reply #81 on: <07-08-14/1616:25> »
Another big update and Street Grimoire should now be completely added in. Next up on my plate are a couple larger issues that might take me a little while to resolve, namely translations, re-enabling what I can of the Options dialog, getting limit modifiers to remove themselves when the item granting the limit modifier goes away, and a couple other things.  That being the case, it may be a few days before I post another build unless something critical comes up.

Build 5.115 (beta)
- Added all of the remaining Street Grimoire content including Toxic Mentor Spirits, Blood Rituals, Insect Shaman tradition, Spirit Champion and Spirit Pariah Qualities, and Magical Items and Compounds.  If you find something that is missing, please let me know.
- Fixed Mentor Spirits with the Improved Ability adept power bonus which were causing a crash.
- Fixed a string bug that would cause a crash on Rituals using an Organic Link descriptor.
- Fixed the Ares Alpha by making its Smartgun System Internal rather than External.
- Fixed the various Cyber Implanted Guns by making their Smartgun System Internal rather than External.
- Fixed an error in the Select an Armor Mod dialog where some items allowed selecting a zero rating.
- Fixed an error in the Select an Armor Mod dialog where some items would cause a crash because they could be given a zero rating.
- Fixed Handheld Housing, Wall-Mounted Housing, Grenade-Cam, and Periscope Cam so that they can be purchased. Once purchased, you should be able to add a single sensor or sensor array (if you have enough capacity) and then populate the single sensor or sensor array with sensor functions. As best as I understand pages 445 and 446, this looks like how this is intended to function.
- Fixed an issue with vehicle sensors. Again, going by pages 445 and 446 and specifically the line "Most vehicles and drones come factory-equipped with a sensor array (at a rating listed with their stats)." I've set the rating of the Sensor Arrays for each vehicle equal to their sensor rating (or 2 if the vehicle/drone has a sensor rating of 1). If I got this wrong, please explain where I went wrong so I can correct it.
- Fixed the calculation for Unarmed Combat damage. Existing characters should delete and re-add their Unarmed Attack on the weapons list.
- Updated the license dialog to suggest more useful options. If you prefer the old method, you can turn it back on in the Options dialog on the Miscellaneous tab.  Either way, you can enter your own values by typing into the dropdown box.  For the XML inclined, you can add your own entries in licenses.xml. If you have suggestions for licenses to be included in the dropdown, send them to me.
- Updated Cool Resolve to provide its bonus to each of the Social skills.
- Fixed several bugs with the Enhanced Accuracy (skill) Adept Power. It was adding to the dice pool in error and not adding to the accuracy of weapons tied to that skill. Both of these issues have been resolved.
- Fixed a bug which would cause a weapon to not benefit from the correct skill.
- Cleaned up the tooltip for Initiative on the Other Information tab.
- Fixed the Matrix Initiative (Cold) calculated value.
- Fixed Limited spells so that they calculate the Drain Value correctly.
- Added 5th Edition Initiative values to the Other Info tab when in Career Mode.
- Removing the One Trick Pony quality will also remove the Martial Art. Removing the One Trick Pony Martial Art will also remove the Quality.

Snake Eyes

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« Reply #82 on: <07-08-14/2119:51> »
Not sure if this was caught yet, but cyberware/bioware isn't being calculated right, for example lvl-2 wired reflexes shows as 12 availability which is right for standard grade, but alphaware grade adds a +2 to the availability, betaware adds a +4, deltaware adds a +8 (see core book pg 451)
Knowledge is power, guard it well.


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« Reply #83 on: <07-09-14/1146:16> »
Keep up the great work Adam~!

I have a bug to report.

1). I am unable to modify a previously purchased piece of gear (weapons specifically).
For example if I try to add a modification to an internal smartgun system or an external accessory I get an error.
I am also unable to add modifications to smartgun systems any other way.
You should be able to add some imaging mods to smartgun systems for example.
You should also be able to add modifications to weapons after you purchase them.


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« Reply #84 on: <07-09-14/1157:59> »
First, this is amazing!  It is by far the most impressive builder i have seen!
OMG.  I cannot believe how good this looks when printed!

Now, to make it perfect :)
I attached sample character for reference. (Using 5.115)

1) It used to tell me that I had -10 karma left.  After I clicked the "Mark as created" button on the "Character info" tab, the number changed to -3.  In reality, I believe this character should have +2 karma left at the end.
2) Some items on the gears have no cost when added as armor accessory (ex. Geiger counter).
3) Adept power "Increase Accuracy" did not add to the accuracy of monofilament Whip. (I added and deleted whip to make sure)
4) I am afb, but I thought that "Argentum Coat" added a bonus to the pool (in addition to limit) to all chr skills.

1) In the character record sheet (printed) on top left it lists "Nuyen".  This is the starting money, and is not useful.  It should be replaced by "Current Nuyen"
2) Please add a box that lists the dodge value (Int + Rea+combat sense) next to the armor.  For bonus (if there is room) add full-defense, and parry with highest ranked weapon.
3) Would be great to have a place to overwrite values, such as current karma (for when you get experience, but cannot use it yet).
« Last Edit: <07-09-14/1344:09> by TimTurry »


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« Reply #85 on: <07-09-14/1253:37> »
Really great work Adam, thank you so much for doing this!

Regarding the donations: clearly there are people willing to throw some money your way. If you don't want it, why don't you donate it?

I also found a bug: the Karma cost for binding a focus is not correct. It seems that only the force of the focus ist used as cost, the factor is not taken into account. At least for the German version the factor lies somewhere between x2 and x6.

Other than that I love it!


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« Reply #86 on: <07-09-14/1402:10> »
Again, thank you all for the bug reports... I'm working on them and will be putting out another build with more bug fixes as quickly as I can.  It may be a few days because I'm trying to tackle several large items that may break existing characters and I'd rather do that in one hit than build after build.  For example, I'm currently re-working how Limit Modifiers are handled internally so that they're properly tied to the quality, power, item, or whatever that grants the modifier and will be automatically removed when their source is removed.

As for donations... I really appreciate it. There's a few reasons why I've been resistant. First, it's not my code.  Nebular (Keith) wrote and maintained this code for years. I've got two months and change in it and all I've done is take his work and build a little on it.  Second, Nebular may decide to return to work on Chummer again.  If he does, then what should I do with donations?  Bottom line, Nebular made my group's game infinitely better and easier by writing Chummer... consider this my small gift to give back something for all he did.

Snake Eyes

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« Reply #87 on: <07-09-14/1526:26> »
 ;D Great work you are doing
Knowledge is power, guard it well.


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« Reply #88 on: <07-09-14/1738:40> »
Awesome work!

A couple of requests:

please make it so Qi Foci will ask what adept powers will be added by it - so the math under adept powers will add up. The same for Weapon Foci and the type of weapon.

Also add negative numbers to the skill and attribute points on the right column so we can know when we go over the allotted points.
SpeechThought Matrix/E-mail/Texting


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« Reply #89 on: <07-09-14/1830:21> »
This. Is. Awesome.
Character creation tools like this take a huge burden off players. Perhaps Catalyst should give their developers free .pdf's if they include rule changes. I can't imagine it would hurt sales if a fleshed out character creator was available, and it might be a way to make one available without making Catalyst legally responsible.

But anyway!

I'm not sure if it has been mentioned already, but I think you are missing the qualites, equipment, etc, contained in the 'Sail Away, Sweet Sister' publication. I can not post them here but they include:

2 qualities.
2 weapons.
1 weapon modification.
1 drug.
3 combat spells.
1 mentor spirit.

Good luck, it works extremely well so far. Except trying to finalise a character causes it to crash for some reason.

EDIT: Errr... since I actually have access to that pdf should I add the changes and upload them?
« Last Edit: <07-09-14/1835:06> by Cynewulf »

