Chummer for 5th Edition

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Stainless Steel Devil Rat

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« Reply #1200 on: <02-22-19/1538:45> »
Core Rulebook, page 445: Most vehicles and drones come factory-equipped with a sensor array (at a rating listed with their stats).

Good catch.

I suppose since there's no price for sensor functions that's the rationale for getting up to 8 functions all at the rating of the array (sensor stat) itself.
RPG mechanics exist to give structure and consistency to the game world, true, but at the end of the day, you’re fighting dragons with algebra and random number generators.

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #1201 on: <02-22-19/1717:13> »
Core Rulebook, page 445: Most vehicles and drones come factory-equipped with a sensor array (at a rating listed with their stats).

Good catch.

I suppose since there's no price for sensor functions that's the rationale for getting up to 8 functions all at the rating of the array (sensor stat) itself.
Aye. Though of course the factory-equip comes with restricted options, so the GM can block crazy combinations.
How am I not part of the forum?? O_O I am both active and angry!


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« Reply #1202 on: <02-23-19/0440:10> »
I'm Sorry but can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong with chummer 5 to obtain this

thank you

Chummer 5 is Alive

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« Reply #1203 on: <02-23-19/0513:04> »
@Crucol: There's an annoying bug that crept in for some users in which all the customdata rules get enabled when Chummer's first started; some of them interact in weird ways. Haven't been able to replicate it on my end so I can't really determine a fix for it as yet. You should be able to fix it by opening Options and deselecting all of the rules; if that doesn't work, open up your registry, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USERS\Software\Chummer5 and delete the customdatadirectory folder.
Longshot23: Can't replicate it. More details please?


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« Reply #1204 on: <02-23-19/0637:54> »
I'm not really fussed TBH - I'm okay with rebuilding from scratch if necessary. Others might be less forgiving.

Last few crash reports I've had are blank anyway.

Stainless Steel Devil Rat

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« Reply #1205 on: <03-02-19/0926:44> »
Is there a way to purchase uninstalled cyberware?

There's actually a perfectly valid reason you'd have cyber that you don't want installed: if you have modular limbs and multiple limbs/attachments...
RPG mechanics exist to give structure and consistency to the game world, true, but at the end of the day, you’re fighting dragons with algebra and random number generators.

Chummer 5 is Alive

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« Reply #1206 on: <03-09-19/0753:04> »
Modular cyberware should automatically come uninstalled; is it not behaving that way for you?

Anyway, the latest milestone build of Chummer is now available! Major features at present are the implementation of content from No Future and general quality of life improvements to various UI elements. I will never understand how it took me five years to realise that the Mark as Created checkbox is horribly discoverable.

I've also had to implement an annoying shim as a temporary workaround. Due to the way I coded certain improvements, improvements will occasionally be orphaned when they should be removed. This is most notable when taking a Qi Focus for Improved Ability, but some other things can trigger it. I'm still looking into fixing these more properly, but as an interim, when your character is loaded, if an improvement is detected that doesn't have a parent object, you'll be prompted whether you want to allow these improvements to be removed. If not, the file will close. I strongly recommend that you make a copy of the file and reload it, accepting the change. If something weird crops up with the file, send it to me and I'll investigate.

Archon Megalon has also been putting a lot of great work into implementing our replacement for the Omae character sharing service. While it's heavily in alpha at the moment, we'd highly appreciate it if you could take the time to test out uploading your characters to the service (Go to Options, select Enable Plugins, restart Chummer and enable the SINners plugin in the Options\Plugins tab) and provide feedback on the experience.

As always, I need to thank everyone who's donated their time and effort to making Chummer better; this product wouldn't exist without the assistance of people providing pull requests for new code, fixes and translations, or taking the time to report issues that we can resolve. One thing that people have asked me about for a long time now is what they can do to support Chummer; not everyone's a developer, after all. Historically I've had some issues with the idea of taking donations due in large part to feeling like I'm standing on the shoulders of giants already and haven't had a concrete idea for what I would use the money for anyway.

I've since decided to change that stance in order to accommodate some things I want to do in the future, such as using a code-signing certificate to increase Chummer's trustworthiness to anti-virus endpoints, and generally build a war-chest with which to fund further development shenanigans in the future. So with that in mind, I've created a Ko-Fi page at Ordinarily I'd go with a Patreon for something like this, but I can't think of any reward tiers that are appropriate without unfairly prejudicing my development process or murdering the free time I have. I need to make clear that Chummer is free, and will always remain so. Any funds raised will be used purely for development and support of the application.

I anticipate that the next major milestone will be the completion of the Heisenberg branch, which should fully implement the ability to purchase and consume different grades of drugs, generating improvements that can be toggled on and off at will. No more shall you suffer under the lash of custom improvements!

Anyway the milestone build is available from or through the application's updater, per normal. For the socials, you can join our Discord chat at Changelog's a PITA to link here, but it's listed on the release page.


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« Reply #1207 on: <03-10-19/1214:44> »
Awesome update...thanks for the continued support!!

kyoto kid

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« Reply #1208 on: <03-10-19/1842:38> »
I anticipate that the next major milestone will be the completion of the Heisenberg branch, which should fully implement the ability to purchase and consume different grades of drugs, generating improvements that can be toggled on and off at will. No more shall you suffer under the lash of custom improvements!
...thankyouverymuch.  Looking forward to that.
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« Reply #1209 on: <03-12-19/1607:14> »
Always and forever thank you for all the work and creativity that goes into making Chummer sing -- it is such a fantastic resource!

I do have a question.  I'm running build 205.0, and for the first time played with the custom drug creation tab.  It works great!  But I can't figure out how to actually buy any of that drug?  (the drug creation tab doesn't seem to have a purchase option, the main gear tab doesn't seem to have picked up the drug).

Is that in place somewhere that I'm missing, or is that in the coming 'how to handle drugs' branch?


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« Reply #1210 on: <03-12-19/1726:36> »
I echo the sentiments of others. Chummer is pretty much indispensable to me now.

I am having a problem with it that has been present for a number of updates now.
Chummer appears not to be able to "hold" selections for Tradition or Spirit Types on the "Spells and Spirits" tab.
Nothing is foolproof. Fools are so ingenious.


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« Reply #1211 on: <03-18-19/1506:46> »
I was messing around trying to make a cyberadept from Kill Code. Either I misunderstand how their Daemon ability works or Chummer appears to do it wrong. If I take 1pt of essence loss from cyberware, then submerge, it gives me back the 1 point of lost resonance (assuming 6 resonance before taking cyberware, and only cyberware - no bioware). Anything beyond that however does not regainany further lost resonance (i.e. lost 2 pts of resonance and then submerge 3-4 times)...
Actually, in most Shadowrun games, they typically have a Lifestyle so they're either Murder Hobos (Street/Squatter Level) or Murder Renters (Low+ level)

kyoto kid

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« Reply #1212 on: <03-25-19/1720:19> »
...Chummer 5.204.  Having trouble adding sensor/vision mods to a Full Body Armour Helmet.  I keep getting the "you must select a piece of armour" message.  Unfortunately the only way to add the Helmet is as an Armour Mod, so when I try to install sensor/vision mods & such they are deducted off the capacity for the base suit, not the Helmet (which itself has a capacity allowance of 6).
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The Dread Polack

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« Reply #1213 on: <03-29-19/0207:16> »
I'm using v 5.205.0.

I'm creating a human ghoul. It's augmenting Charisma and logic 1 point lower. I don't see any rules that say ghouls lose any mental attribute points at character creation, unless I'm missing something.


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« Reply #1214 on: <03-29-19/1512:12> »
Is there a way to make a custom gear list to import to a character? Like make a standard set of gear to import to a created character (gear/armor/weapons). Rather then have to meticulously gear up each NPC/PC.
Actually, in most Shadowrun games, they typically have a Lifestyle so they're either Murder Hobos (Street/Squatter Level) or Murder Renters (Low+ level)