[IC] Underworld 93 - December 2072

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« Reply #150 on: <03-13-11/1158:24> »
>>>>>[They're rated 'pirate' in our database. As in 'R' for 'Reliable'. I know, bad pun. Not mine.]<<<<<
Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."


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« Reply #151 on: <03-13-11/1225:45> »
>>>>>[so.... Tekdrake, you are a drake with..uh..shiva arms, and you are able to surf the matrix? Is that like a distant cousin to the big lizards? the Dragons I mean? I was taught that cyber interferred with magic, and the rumor is drakes are because of the rise of mana. Kinda related to changelings, but not. This is very interesting. You could say a minor of mine is magic theory.]<<<<<
  --Silver Ferret (12:24:10/03-13-73)


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« Reply #152 on: <03-13-11/1350:54> »
>>>>>[so.... Tekdrake, you are a drake with..uh..shiva arms, and you are able to surf the matrix? Is that like a distant cousin to the big lizards? the Dragons I mean? I was taught that cyber interferred with magic, and the rumor is drakes are because of the rise of mana. Kinda related to changelings, but not. This is very interesting. You could say a minor of mine is magic theory.]<<<<<
  --Silver Ferret (12:24:10/03-13-73)

>>>>>[Yeah, 'shiva arms' and a few other things. Was latent, basically, and thank the Ghost for 'trodes, so I can hack without messing up my aura. Can't use the 'trodes in dracoform, though. For the heck of it, I kludged up an ancient deck, looks kinda like something some old ork hacker might use, and wired up an honest-to-Ghost oversized keyboard just so I could use the Matrix when I'm in scales. Not sure how it is for other changeling-drakes, either. The extra arms and drek carry over to the scales for me, and I'm not entirely sure if there are any other changeling-drakes around. Also, someone who's Awakened far enough can still sling spells with a bit of 'ware inside, but... well, you know how there's a hole in the aura where cyber is? That hole's in their mojo, too. I'm hardly a good one to ask about magic beyond that, though. It's hard to walk in three worlds, none of the skills get as sharp.]<<<<<
Life is short, the night is long, and we still have ammo.


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« Reply #153 on: <03-13-11/1424:52> »
>>>>>[Wow, an eight limb creature, that is unheard of. Centuars have 6 limbs, as do most dragons. But 8, whew. Trodes do help those who cannot enhance their own bodies with tech. Keyboards. hehehe. Would you believe that many corps and governments use the keyboard first to test a person's ability to interact withe Matrix.]<<<<<
  --Silver Ferret (14:24:35/ 03-13-73)


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« Reply #154 on: <03-13-11/1436:07> »
>>>>>['Creature'. Gee, thanks, Ferret. And to think people wonder why changelings, drakes, and the rest don't volunteer much info 'bout themselves.]<<<<<
Life is short, the night is long, and we still have ammo.


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« Reply #155 on: <03-13-11/1843:44> »
>>>>>[oh, sorry.  I didn't mean.. well  i said so maybe i did. But to many this is the second Goblinzation. Short background, growing up I had to listen to how 'pure humans' were the best , etc, etc. Doesn't mean I took it all in, but it does mean that it affected how I see the world. For a time period and I got wiser since then. You are right, though. Due to people's limited knowledge, and the corp loving to tell us what is best for us, that saying anything that doesn't fit the bottom line is bad, and people believing it. Corps & govts don't know how to deal with drake, changelings, technomancers, and so on. Odd, runners seem to deal better with it. Maybe runners can teach the military something. I have learned to judge the person, not what they look like. Anyway, 4 arms should it easier for you to hack around me.]<<<<<


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« Reply #156 on: <03-14-11/0527:21> »
>>>>>[DNI doesn't care about how many hands you have, or not. A hacker out there, handle of Snake or something, hacks like you wouldn't believe. He was born without arms, says his Manservant drones are his hands.]<<<<<
  --TekDrake(5:26:39/ 03-14-73)
Life is short, the night is long, and we still have ammo.


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« Reply #157 on: <03-14-11/1231:31> »
>>>>>[Techno, or naga.  Or just very skilled. With a handle like Snake. Must have a mind that can multi-task like a Corp mainframe. ]<<<<<
  --Silver Ferret (12:30:11/ 03-14-73)


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« Reply #158 on: <03-16-11/0120:14> »
>>>>>[Or enough hardware up there to make up for it.  Used to date a girl out East who was carrying around more processing power between her ears than most of the systems she was decking.  She made a mint counting cards.]<<<<<


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« Reply #159 on: <03-16-11/0628:51> »
>>>>>[Well, I've just changed my hardware a while ago, and man... This is like being born blind, and then geting a pair of SotA Cybereyes. I was playing with a plain Hermes Ikon, mildly customized and loaded to the roof. Now? I'm wondering where the hell am I going to get enough programs, agents and IC to fill this monster. No wonder people sell out for a fix of this chrome. Good thing I didn't have to. :)]<<<<<
Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."


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« Reply #160 on: <03-17-11/1917:27> »
>>>>>[I learned to be careful who I played cards with with all the SOTA out there. Low light marks, RFID chips, and ultrasound tricks are just a few things I have seen. Sell out or proved their worth? Each to their own.  Just make sure you got the right programs ready to run. Seen people get stroked on having the biggest commlink and then get pissed when it crashes down around their virtual head because they had the wrong programs loaded.]<<<<<
 --Silver Ferret (19:17:06/ 03-17-73)


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« Reply #161 on: <03-20-11/1051:26> »
>>>>>[Hey, sorry to break up the hootinanny goin' on here, but has anyone heard from a sorry-excuse of a mercenary calling himself Bravo Six? Said he had a bit of an errand for me to look into, sent me some trasnscripts from here for some background info but after that, nada. I know he's on some kind of big, important "mission", but I can't even get a reply from his...secretary and none of his other known contacts have had heard from him. I know it's a long shot, but anyone know anything or can point me in the right direction? I'm starting to get worried.]<<<<<
 --Sunni Daze (10:51:46/ 03-20-73)
Why in the frag did they put ME in charge?

"Just because it's easy for you doesn't mean it can't be hard on your clients"-Rule 38, The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries, Schlock Mercenary.