[IC] Underworld 93 - December 2072

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« Reply #75 on: <01-21-11/2138:19> »
>>>>>[To be in the shadow of the legend. Mercurial has only improved with age. I am blessed to have shared the stage with her. For those of you who missed the concert, ......your loss chummer. ]<<<<<
   --BW 302 (21:37:23/ 01-21-73)


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« Reply #76 on: <01-21-11/2209:13> »
>>>>>[ Hey Macallister! Man, you gotta get back to me soon! I’ve got some hounds on my tail, and they mean me serious brain death. Leave me contact details >here< if you got some out of town work for a hacker that needs to lay low for a while.]<<<<<
     -- Realtime (10:02:47/01-13-73


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« Reply #77 on: <01-21-11/2321:34> »
>>>>>[This talk of attending a concert got me thinking. How's changelings being treated over in Seattle these days? Drek, is there anyplace I can stick my snout without having to worry overmuch about it getting shot off?]<<<<<
Life is short, the night is long, and we still have ammo.


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« Reply #78 on: <01-22-11/1947:46> »
>>>>>[You can find acceptance in parts of Seattle. There is even a changeling Fixer.]<<<<<
     --BW 302  (19:47:12/ 1-22-73)


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« Reply #79 on: <01-22-11/2049:26> »
>>>>>[Any of you is welcome >Here<(Link visible to those who helped with planning for the noobs, Tekdrake and MacCalister, anyone who clicks/checks the address PM me).]<<<<<
     -- Chrona  (19:48:47/ 1-22-73)


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« Reply #80 on: <01-22-11/2104:22> »
>>>>>[I'm getting tempted, BW. Guess I got lazy a little staying in one place for too long, too.]<<<<<
--Tekdrake (21:03:50 / 1-22-73)
Life is short, the night is long, and we still have ammo.


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« Reply #81 on: <01-24-11/1644:40> »
>>>>>[more the merrier.]<<<<<
   --BW 302 (16:44:12/ 1-24-73)


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« Reply #82 on: <01-25-11/0356:53> »
>>>>>[Hrm. Interesting code. Like going through a door to a decade ago. Good Morning, or whatever time it is for you. How are we doing?]<<<<<
     -- LeFay (24:47:08/01-25-2073)


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« Reply #83 on: <01-25-11/0428:13> »
>>>>>[Badly in need of a beer and a maintenance job.  Some idiot corp-kids playing at being 'runners decided to enjoy a sharp little firefight with some go-gangers in the lot a couple hours back.  I don't mind repair bills when I'm working, but getting shot up walking out of the bar is just annoying.  Ah, well. Arm was due for a new bit of synthskin anyway, and watching some kid's Westwind burn merrily was almost worth it.]<<<<<
     --Murphy (04:16:32/01-25-2073)


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« Reply #84 on: <01-25-11/1100:02> »
>>>>>[Finally over that cold snap. Wound up having to wear scales about four days straight just to keep from totally freezing. Ghost but I missed VR. Murphy, had some punks try that kind of drek on me shortly after I moved in here. Ran 'em off with a few scratches to remember. They never did figure out which roof I put their bikes on. Point of advice--never mug a drake with knives shorter than its claws.]<<<<<
   --Tekdrake (10:59:50/01-25-73)
Life is short, the night is long, and we still have ammo.


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« Reply #85 on: <01-26-11/0843:07> »
>>>>>[Point taken, but could you take it easy on them if you can help it? Some of us have to stitch these dumb kids back together because they don't want their parents finding out what they're up to.]<<<<<
     -- LeFay (05:15:29/01-26-2073)


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« Reply #86 on: <01-26-11/1012:33> »
>>>>>[Tell the truth, if I'd realized then what I do now, I'd have tried to do something a bit more subtle.]<<<<<
Life is short, the night is long, and we still have ammo.


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« Reply #87 on: <01-26-11/1218:24> »
>>>>>[Ah yes, "dumb kid syndrome", a condition present sense the dawn of time. If I had a yen for every one I've ran into, I'd never need to work again. And as for going "easy" on them; hey, if you're big enough to pull the trigger, you reap what you sew. Get your thrills some other way. To many good people have already died because some, no, no I WONT go on that rant again... Oh who am I kidding. Dumb is not just the domain of the young. And if I see one more smug, arrogant, wannabe runner/merc egomaniac who thinks they are hot drek just because they have a big gun, some cyber, a fancy ride, nuyen, "SOTA" gear, or heaven forbid a magic trick; I'm going to puke...and then shoot them. I've just spent the past two months in-country dealing with a few so-called "professionals". Watching military trid shows and slotting skill softs do not make you an expert in unit tactics. Also, operational security INCLUDES not shooting your pie-hole off at the local cantina! And heaven forbid if you have to fight without your precious battlecom...This may be the pain meds talking, but my tolerance is near critical mass with some of these jack-wagons. Bad enough the're getting their own people needlessly killed, but I take exception when stupidity and or ego threatens my people and causes unnecessary civilian casualties. If you want to learn something, fine; I'll be the first to teach if you're serious. But if you want to stay critically stupid, get out of my damn way. Situation is bad enough down here as is. If this job wasn't so important, I would have been gone long ago...]<<<<<
        -- Bravo Six (12:26:38/01-26-73)
« Last Edit: <01-28-11/0856:22> by Mystic »
Why in the frag did they put ME in charge?

"Just because it's easy for you doesn't mean it can't be hard on your clients"-Rule 38, The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries, Schlock Mercenary.


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« Reply #88 on: <01-26-11/1450:42> »
>>>>>[No drek, Bravo Six. I've had the misfortune of working with a couple guys who were guaranteed to say or do the exact wrong thing at any moment. One is gone to a HRT he woke up with a rocket launcher, the other was apprehended by KE after 'someone' sent them an 'anonymous tip.' Oh, and ask me sometime about the sammies who decided to get rude in a decker bar.]<<<<<
  --Tekdrake (14:50:41/1-26-73)
Life is short, the night is long, and we still have ammo.


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« Reply #89 on: <01-26-11/2216:37> »
>>>>>[Those drekhead noobs showed up, assencing me seemed to put the fear of god into them, heh. They weren't too happy with my advice, but i got them on the trail of a small search and retrieve job to get them started, some old data disc. Training commences once they're done.]<<<<<
  --Chrona (03:16:41/1-27-73)

