[IC] Underworld 93 - December 2072

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« Reply #135 on: <03-02-11/1928:55> »
>>>>>[Kage, do you have any specifics on this stuff? We have multiple reports of them causing weird sh!t, but none of the samples that were brought in confirmed anything. I ran some simulations, and it seems that according to the reports we have, every 13-th bar is 'active'. We have a whopping 10k for every sealed container of this stuff, and even more for any info on the manufacturer. Oh, and I've heard that there's a way to purge the effects with some kind of advanced 'cleaning' magics.]<<<<<
  --NiSayer (20:13:55/ 03-01-73)
Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."


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« Reply #136 on: <03-02-11/2124:19> »
>>>>>[I ate just one, as I was resting and had nothing else at the time. Hazards of the job, so I am told. The Brotherhood? Ah, yes, magic's answer for insects. Nasty creatures. I am surprised Nature does not an a counter for them. Hmm, perhaps shadowrunners are Nature's counter. Nature does abhor a vaccum. And how did you post a day before I did, NisSayer? I am not well versed in hacker skills, but that is one I may need to learn]<<<<<
  --BW 302 (21:22:23/ 03-02-73)


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« Reply #137 on: <03-02-11/2213:55> »
>>>>>[Urgh. I thought my brother was just kidding when he said one of these things looked like it had an astral signature. You guys don't think a dragon could be working with the insect spirits, could it?]<<<<<
  --LeFay (19:09:59/ 03-02-73)


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« Reply #138 on: <03-02-11/2251:12> »
>>>>>[From what I've gathered (which isn't much, unfortunately), the bars aren't being produced by any Dragons that I know of. The talislegger I mentioned remembers the soup kitchen food and the "royal jelly" the bugs used to feed their queens. This reminded me of a story an old runner told me about the simsense start Euphoria. He claimed that she was possessed of a Ant Queen after eating some of that Amber Gel crap they sold years ago (before that Mikey kid died when he ate some and drank Caff-Pow at the same time).]<<<<<
  -- KageZero(22:38:09/03-02-73)


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« Reply #139 on: <03-03-11/0422:06> »
 >>>>>[Bugs and dragons? Now there is a scary thought, but I don't think we have to wrorry. With a few rare exceptions, bugs don't play well with non-bugs. And I doubt dragons are stupid enough to deal with them; the chance for things going catastrophically wrong is too great, even for them. Still, this "magic candy bar" may warrant looking into and I have a couple good chums of mine who've been bored lately. I'll pass this on.]<<<<<
        -- Bravo Six (04:19:21/03-03-73)
Why in the frag did they put ME in charge?

"Just because it's easy for you doesn't mean it can't be hard on your clients"-Rule 38, The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries, Schlock Mercenary.


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« Reply #140 on: <03-03-11/0529:20> »
>>>>>[That's because I can bend space and time. But seriously, I was working around a nasty worm that somehow wiggled in through our system, and had to play with time settings. A trick as old as computers are. Not malicious, just irritating. I guess someone just loves pranks. I hope he'll like mine.
And as for the whole candy bar stuff, I was wrong. It was more like every 20-something-ish bar. And they do contain some kind of tainted magic. Stay clear of the stuff. And Dragons don't have anything to do with it. Bravo, tell your chums if they want, S-K looks for freelancers to deliver the person responsible for manufacturing these bars. Alive and relatively unharmed...]<<<<<
  --NiSayer (09:32:05/ 03-03-73)
Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."


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« Reply #141 on: <03-03-11/0817:15> »
>>>>>[Huh. Maybe all that explains the nasty taste. Still working out this magic stuff, it ain't nothing like I thought it would be.]<<<<<
Life is short, the night is long, and we still have ammo.


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« Reply #142 on: <03-03-11/0906:22> »
 >>>>>[S-K, hun? Well, I guess Damian wouldn't object to working for them, as long as the payoff is good. But then, I think Sunni can keep him under control...hopefully.]<<<<<
        -- Bravo Six (09:05:11/03-03-73)
Why in the frag did they put ME in charge?

"Just because it's easy for you doesn't mean it can't be hard on your clients"-Rule 38, The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries, Schlock Mercenary.


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« Reply #143 on: <03-03-11/1102:59> »
>>>>>[If there is nuyen involved, I can find anything you need. Drop me a line if anyone's going in on this and wants the maker tracked faster and better than your other options.]<<<<<
        -- Stillwaters (10:03:48/03-03-73)


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« Reply #144 on: <03-04-11/2104:22> »
>>>>>[Is funny NiSayer say worm.  There some worm out there regenerate from nothing to whole.  Many awakened worm about as well.  Rasta keep them presently in he sleeping place to block ju-ju while he rest.  Maybe a man find way to cheap-wise replace Immortal Flower.  Don't know why to sell it fi cheap though.  That is mighty suspicious.  Honest know, good is expensive, always.]<<<<<
     -- Shaper (8:03:28/03-04-73)


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« Reply #145 on: <03-05-11/0553:31> »
>>>>>[I've said 'worm' like in 'virus', but yeah, one of the more tricky ones. Somebody doesn't like us, apparently. And we're such a nice bunch. Besides that, I've managed to purge the system. If anyone has problems with 'NtK+WW-00' worm, give me a call, I'll handle it.]<<<<<
     -- NiSayer (11:44:00/03-04-73)
Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."


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« Reply #146 on: <03-07-11/1533:19> »
>>>>>[That's chip-truth there, Shaper.  Good doesn't come cheap.  Now if only someone would tell that to the Johnsons around here who keep thinking they can get me out of bed for less than a good bottle of whiskey's cost.  Here's a tip for any of you looking to work the dark side of the biz : Don't go offering your 'talent' a payday less than the dinner you're having cost, if you want them to take you seriously.]<<<<<
  -- Murphy (12:25:04/03-07-73)


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« Reply #147 on: <03-10-11/1906:13> »
>>>>>[ I understand that one of the top shooter has a saying; 'Never do a job for free.' He is, or was, called Kid Something. Even his closes friends had to pay, if such a cold machine heart person could have friends.]<<<<<
  --Silver Ferret (19:05:45/ 03-10-73)


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« Reply #148 on: <03-12-11/2111:42> »
>>>>>[ I have heard of some odd characters running the shadows of Seattle. I have heard of 2 gorillas, running in different circles. In another group, a Bigfoot, a pixie, and a blue dwarf calling himself Papa Smurf. Have any of you run with these guys? Are they worth having on a team?.]<<<<<
  --Silver Ferret (20:56:23/ 03-12-73)

>>>>>[ Knuckles is a good asset to have on the team. Papa Smurf is a lumberjack and a medic. He carries a chainsaw in a medkit. The pixie is a good martial artist. I not would speak ill of them if I was a small animal.]<<<<<
  --BW 302 (21:11:11/ 03-12-73)


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« Reply #149 on: <03-13-11/0626:12> »
>>>>>[That is... that is one weird group. Speaking as a drake with too many limbs and drek.]<<<<<
Life is short, the night is long, and we still have ammo.

