Decompiling an Agent and stopping a bomb through the matrix

  • 1 Replies


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« on: <06-22-14/1849:23> »
My runners encountered a RCC being run by an Agent program with some pretty advanced orders (through a small local host emulation - yes, I know rcc can't run hosts programs).
Now once the "host" is accessed the agent will request a password if it isn't given a 60 second countdown beings.

My questions are:
What steps are needed to gain ownership of the agent and decompile to gain access to its memory?

How do you stop a bomb from the matrix? Nuke the countdown program?
If Tom Brady’s a Spike Baby, what does that make Brees and Rodgers?


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« Reply #1 on: <06-23-14/0502:40> »
You're pretty much into GM fiat territory here mate.
As soon as you're running a host on an RCC you're way off the rulebook.

-I'd say cybercombatting the Agent would be fine, or a TM could decompile it at a stretch

-realistically why would a bomb be on the matrix? by RAW, you could just brick the bomb with data spike. destroy the electronics and you stop the ignition process. say on a crit glitch the attack code sets the bomb off? :-)
« Last Edit: <06-23-14/0613:26> by Csjarrat »