Valiant RPG by catalyst

  • 1 Replies


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« on: <06-21-14/1146:42> »
There is no forum I can find for this game. (If someone has one a link would be great.)

I have one major question about this game that nothing, including today's free rpg book, has answered. How will character creation work? I don't expect all the rules but do want a general idea. If anyone at catalyst could let me know if there are "hard rules" or if it's more like marvel cinematic where you just create the character you imagine and there are no hard rules to form limits.



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  • Ace Runner
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« Reply #1 on: <06-23-14/1026:55> »
I haven't had the time to flip through the book, but it's built on the same engine as Cosmic Patrol. Very storyteller in style.
Power corrupts.
Absolute power is kinda neat.

"Peter Smith has the deadest of deadpans and a very sly smile, making talking to him a fun game of keeping up and slinging the next subtle zinger." - Jason M. Hardy, 3 August 2015

