Shadowrun Play > Rules and such
Vulnerability Weakness
Many critters and racial sub-types/variants list a weakness of "Vulnerability (material)" but I can't find the rules for this weakness listed anywhere. I assume it a DV modifier of some sort but any details would be appreciated
It's the same as the Allergy negative quality (SR4 20th, p94):
MildSymptoms are discomfiting and distracting. Apply a –2 dice pool modifier to all tests made while a character experiences the symptoms.ModerateContact with the allergen produces intense pain. Apply a –4 dice pool modifier to all tests made while a character experiences the symptoms.
Increase the Damage Value of weapons made from this substance by +2 when used against the character.SevereContact with the allergen results in actual physical damage. The character receives 1 box of damage for every minute he touches or remains exposed to the allergen. Apply a –4 dice pool modifier to all tests made while a character experiences the symptoms.
Increase the Damage Value of weapons made from this substance by +4 when used against the character.
Even the mild allergy can be bothersome. Try an allergy to soy.
I don't think that's correct FastJack.
1: If it's the same as an allergy why not just call it an allergy?
2: Listings that specify a Vulnerability quality do not specify a degree (eg Mild)
3: One of the optional Vampire types actually specifies a Vulnerability instead of a Allergy:
"Amalanhig: A Filipino/Malaysian vampire with Vulnerability (Wood) instead of Allergy (Wood, Severe)."
according to Running Wild p219 Vulnerability adds 2 the DV of an attack that use the material and that attack by passes Immunitys and regeneration and magic cannot heal the wound
stack that with an allergy and the critter is having a real bad day
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