[4E IC] Wild Cards

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« Reply #60 on: <08-12-14/1709:11> »
Slicer's shot cores the tango, which bursts apart.

"Nice shot, kid. You may be a fighter jockey after all," the third alliance pilot calls over the comm.

The detonation distorts as a projectile coming from the direction of the simulated frigate streaks through the explosion at Reese's fighter, still beeping its 'target lock' warning.

Reese jukes out of the way of one gunpod shot, then evades the missile so narrowly its thrust leaves scorched flecks in his Velociraptor's viewport. The anti-fighter weapon vectors its thrust and begins swinging around for another pass.

The third pilot leaves his fighterbots against the remaining gunpods, even the damaged bot managing to score a solid hit and taking out two more tangos. Letting his computer catch his drift, the eagle fighter lines up with the swerving missile. Its angle snaps back onto Reese just as the pilot makes his firing solution and fires with his particle cannon, catching the high-maneuver projectile and causing a premature detonation that scatters its energy across open space.

The star field and texturing flattens and a pop-up window announces the end of the simulated exercise.


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« Reply #61 on: <08-12-14/1727:51> »
Slicer sees the pop-up window. Hot dame we made it through the digital assassins and didn't lose a wingman. The Matrix assassins I deal with are alot more real and dangerous. Slicer decides to comm over to the rest of the group. Good work team seems we made it out of that fight with out digital death taking us. Best to get out and see how the CO feels about our flying. Slicer turns off his Sim and unplugs the optic cord from his Data Jack and steps out of his simulator to see how bad the team is going to get chewed out. You always know that there is something you did that will get you chewed out, well most of the time anyway.

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« Reply #62 on: <08-13-14/1253:27> »
Reese let's out a long breath that he didn't realize he'd been holding as 'space' around him becomes the simulator pod again.  He sits quietly in the cockpit for a few moments, eyes closed, muttering a thanks to the warrior spirit for allowing them to prevail, even in if the battle was not real. 

A moment later he steps outside the pod, and joins the other pilots. He nods his thanks to the spacer who nailed the fish trying to bite his ass.  He comes to attention and awaits the flight debrief.


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« Reply #63 on: <08-21-14/2014:11> »
The only sound in the hangar for the next several seconds is the soft whir of the air circulating and the occasional tap of a technician running a diagnostic on the Velociraptor opened for maintenance.

Then a clack of boots echoes out over the glassmetal floor. An even, purposeful stride that remains unbroken even after the pilots turn to see Lieutenant de Gaulle exit the hangar control booth and come to a stop at the makeshift simulator station. Her white-ceramic-plated RCC gleams briefly in the light pouring from the hangar booth. She looks over the pilots and crosses her arms. "Blue group, I shouldn't have to tell you that situational awareness is critical for a pilot. A lone spacer is a dead spacer and you each broke off to fight those gunpods without ever looking at your comrades' until the flanking had already chewed through four fighterbots."

"Ma'am," one of the pilots in an Alliance jumpsuit says as he stands, wincing as if moving a fresh injury, and salutes. "Against fourteen gunpods we were bound to be flanked. Those scale-heads may be superstitious, but they're not stupid and they don't think two-dimensionally."

"Neither do I, as you have just learned first hand. The purpose of this exercise was to remind you of where you are and that you cannot have complete faith in what's behind or in front of you. Every time a new kingdom appears, it's always in the midst of new tactics."

The Alliance spacer who flew with Slicer and Reese stands and salutes, "Lieutenant, some combinations just won't appear. Only the Trintans make regular use of the super-high-maneuverability missiles like red team saw, and the number of gunpods we had could only have been a carrier-type. The anti-fighter types never have that many pods."

De Gaulle nods. "While your memory serves you correctly, remember that their queens have even more flexibility in the equipment their flights use than our generals. Interrogation reports indicate that some Alufi even personally customize their ships in preparation for specific tactics."

She refocuses on Slicer. "An eye out at all times will protect you even more than our armor or CIWS. Our 'bots are expensive, but here to be used directly. I'm impressed that you started working on your filter as soon as you saw it wasn't the same configuration as the general-purpose fighters you're probably used to, but interceptors are designed to attack and return. I want you in the sims on familiarization runs until we come out of warp."

The clack of her boots as she snaps to Reese seems to echo even more than her earlier footsteps. "Since you were the first pilot to actually scan the gunpods, I expected you to be the first to engage in - and hold - evasive maneuvers when you saw the lock-on warning. The kingdoms aren't famous for their missiles, but neither are our flights and we still kill thousands of fighterbots every year. You can't rely on your wingmen getting extremely lucky every time." She straightens and turns slightly away from the pilots assigned to red group. "Aside from that, I think you know how to shoot and how to fly. Work on staying alive and we'll make it through this mission just like all the rest. I'll upload the investigation sim and I expect all of you to be space forensics experts by the time we drop out of warp. Ahn?"

"Uhn!" the Alliance spacer pilots, repeating the syllables historically representing infinity and traditionally representing completion in the areas of the Alliance influenced by either Japan or China.


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« Reply #64 on: <08-21-14/2103:07> »
Reese stands at attention during the debrief and tries to soak in the data, every flight is different and there's always more to learn. He listens attentively as she chews out the others, and waits patiently for his turn.

She turns to red team, the engagement replaying in his mind as she talks.  He visualizes the moment and see's the wisdom behind her words.

Reese stamps a foot and calls out "Yes Ma'am, sorry Ma'am!" after she's finished with him, and follows the the "uhn" of the Alliance spacers maybe a little out of sync, not knowing what to expect.


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« Reply #65 on: <08-22-14/1842:31> »
Slicer gives the commander a bow after the comments that where directed his way. When he heard that he had more sim work on the craft to do he was a bit saddened by the order, but he can't really hope to do much else then drink and surf the local matrix until out of hyper space it would be ok to check out the new fighter.

When the rap up is complete Slicer will head back to the sims for more training on the new fighter as ordered.

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« Reply #66 on: <08-25-14/1530:07> »
(Assuming nobody has anything else)
The soft thrumming of the ship at warp continues for the rest of the day as the 12-hour night shift watches the ship journey through space to the first planned stop point of the StelCorp survey ship. The lighting remains at optimum visibility levels throughout the day, leaving less sign of the transition of shifts from night to day besides the trickle of people reporting to the Matsukaze's mess hall for breakfast. Arsenault sees captain Walther at breakfast as the shifts change, the doctor taking the day shift and Arsenault night with most of the PMCs.

Just after the marines' morning exercises, the call to secure stations comes and the Matsukaze drops out of warp with a sharp shudder. Initial scans indicate no artificial heat signatures, the hangar opens and both interceptors and scouts are launched as sensor sweeps begin.


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« Reply #67 on: <08-26-14/2022:23> »
After Slicer finished a few rounds on the Simulator he decided that around the time the ship was going to drop out of warp he would be near the hanger bay, just encase the call came in that the ship was under attack.

Slicer braces himself as the ships drop out of warp, then waits. Slicer does his best to keep alert waiting for the call to battle stations. Lets see if this day turns to hell quickly or if we have to wait for a bit.

Magic uses higher laws to over come lower laws.


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« Reply #68 on: <08-27-14/1828:15> »
Arsenault quickly heads back to his bunk,luckily nearby, him not being on shift at the moment meant that unless he got an e-call he'd be best helping by keeping his ass out of the way of those who were.


Reese curses and puts out a hand on the bulkhead to brace himself while he finishes his business in the head. He zips, washes up and is about to run somewhere when he realizes he's got no idea where he's supposed to be right now. He brings up his comm to try and have it tell him where he needed to be.


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« Reply #69 on: <09-02-14/1535:15> »
Reese's section header directed him to maintenance and training exercises with the spacer marines in the ship's CQC center, currently rotating through hand-to-hand and AR marksmanship exercises.


With no call to combat stations, the hangar receives orders from CIC to deploy scouts, and all personnel trained in sensor operation are forwarded orders to sweep the area. Infrared telemetry detects no unnatural anomalies, so the crew proceeds to radar and short-range energy sweeps. The peregrines and harriers hum through the pre-flight checklists, and the control booth's adjoining command center prepares for pilots to pilot remotely. Three spacer fighter-jockies have already arrived and are playing rock-paper-scissors for position.


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« Reply #70 on: <09-05-14/1233:20> »
Reese grabbed his combat kit, and made his way towards his the CQC centre. Looking forward to getting a little 'hands on' time. Seeing an open space on the AR Range he steps into it and starts bringing his gear online. 

After activating his Ingram a long yawn is heard. "Finally... bout time we got some work to do."

"Shut it" Reese replies. "I tell you, one of these days I'm gonna get in to your program and rip your throat out." He activates the weapon mount on his shoulder and mounts the Ingram to it.  "AR firing mode, full recoil simulation."

"On it boss. Good to go." The Ingram states in response, apparently not wanting to, or programmed not to respond to the threat of reprogramming.

Reese grabs his shotgun and makes the same settings changes to it. Thankfully it didn't have a fraggin' personality chip in it, but, then again it didn't need to act on it's own sometimes.

He sets to 'work' on the range proper. Shotgun for short range engagements, the LMG for medium to long range engagements.


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« Reply #71 on: <09-05-14/1817:11> »
Slicer decides to get to the hanger and grab a remote scout fighter, not wanting to be out in space right now with his meat body in the line of fire until he knows the inner workings of all the fighters a bit better.

Slicer sits down in the control rig for the remote scout. Then lunches it when give then order to do so. Slicer hopes he can use this scouts sensors to locate anything that might lead the star ship to the reason for all the missing ships.

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« Reply #72 on: <09-15-14/1607:24> »
Four marines are going through the paces in hand-to-hand, one pair unarmed and the other switching off disarm maneuvers in the heavier, plated exoarmor worn during ship defense. The matte gray panels are darker than the walls but otherwise resemble the combat kit worn by planetside infantry. Plexiglass along one wall separates the 'dojo' from the armor, the four heavy exosuits standing out even in their dark alcoves and missing their typical meter-and-a-half railguns usually locked to one arm mount or another. Across the entry door is a heavy, rotating armor-plate door leading to the Matsukaze's armory, while a lightweight door separates the dojo from the simulation firing range, two of the four spaces already occupied by marines bearing eagle emblems of the alliance, their training weapons hissing with compressed air to simulate the recoil of real live fire. Only one takes notice of Reese's entry, and is about to turn back to his virtual lane (or cubicle depending on perspective) before Reese starts talking to his weapon. The grunt chuckles and resets his training sim.


Slicer takes one of the open seats in the remote control stations as the technicians finish fueling the fighters. With a brief siren on speakers and AR transmission as well as rotating lights, the hangar proper evacuates. A few minutes pass as the atmosphere is stored before the armor door shuffles up and slides forwards. "CIC to all scouts, you are clear to proceed. Still nothing artificial on infrared scopes, no returns on radar or energy wave. Looks like we're stuck with an old fashioned visual search. No signs of combat, so shunt spare cycles to the visual processors. The Rache should have dropped a navigation records pod if it stopped by and moved on, so keep an eye out for ugly yellow boxes."

The clock ticks by as the fighters deploy, sensors rotating through their vectors before starting over again. After several hours, one of the Peregrines comes to a stop two thousand kilometers from the Matsukaze and sends a broad transmission to the Wild Card group, "Microdebris detected, looks like splatter melted off the hull from a high-energy weapon. Still no sign of the black - er, yellow - box, but somethin' was here and got shot at. Might be from one of ours, collecting a sample now."

"Roger. Return to the 'kaze," the CIC replies. "Courier two, come in for docking. As soon as analysis is done, return to the Alliance with the sample and results. Let's give another hour or two to see if we get lucky with the flight recorder. Fighters, keep your eyes peeled. Message if you find anything before moving in, hopefully the only time limit we'll have on this mission is your air scrubbers. You know when to return."


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« Reply #73 on: <09-17-14/2044:08> »
Slicer is glad to see the scout fighters have found a lead that will hopefully give some intel to the mission. Slicer a bit happier does his best to search the area for anything else that will lead his ship to the missing ship he has been sent to find. Slicer does his best to fly with his wing in a search pattern of the space.


Magic uses higher laws to over come lower laws.


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« Reply #74 on: <09-20-14/1645:11> »
After a full fighter-assisted sweep of the area, it's clear that this is no pirate attack. No pirates would cart off an entire crippled hull, and no military faction would be fanatic enough to box up an entire survey ship. Days after the projected stop at this waypoint, the chances that the survey ship is late is negligible and the presence of Terran alloys means something was here. As the fighters return from their long comb through the outer system, CIC has only one conclusion.

The explorer was here, and after a firefight vanished without a trace.

The captain gives orders to discharge the warp drive and prepare for warp by the next day. Ship facilities remain open until the jump to superlight.

